"Whether you are a young alumni like I will soon be, or you are about to retire, there is no time like the present to get this done,” says Bailey S. ’25M.
Hear more about our partnership with free will by watching this video.
Elisa’s background in Mathematics and Philosophy at Clarke paved the way for her work at one of the nation’s leading institutes for cancer care and research.
Clarke has a limited number of discounted tickets for the Dubuque Irish Hooley on Saturday, August 24. Order from us and you’ll also receive a custom Irish-themed Clarke pin and sticker. Click to purchase your tickets today!
With students back on campus, there are many exciting things happening at Clarke! While many alumni and friends will see this in action during Homecoming, we are working on a video update from Fletch for all to enjoy, even if they can’t attend. Let us know what questions you have or what you’d like to see included in his message by completing a simple form.