
Dear School Directors, Superintendents, and Educational Partners,

It has recently come to my attention that several emails, letters, and social media posts are being sent out to educational leaders advocating for or against various positions that may come before our members for vote at the WSSDA General Assembly in the Fall. 

Those messages are not official communications issued by WSSDA as an organization or by the WSSDA Board of Directors. However, many people mistakenly think those messages are “from WSSDA.” Put simply, they are not.

WSSDA, as an organization, encourages networking, coalition building, and advocating with and among school boards because those are important components of participating in WSSDA’s annual cycle of platform review, revision, and implementation. While those activities may be ongoing among WSSDA members, I want to clarify that any messages advocating for or against positions or proposals related to General Assembly are not from or associated with WSSDA. 

To be clear, WSSDA as an organization does not send out messages advocating for or against any of the ideas submitted for consideration at General Assembly. The advocacy, discussion, deliberation, and ultimately voting on positions rest solely with the seated school board members of Washington. WSSDA’s advocacy takes place in strict accordance with positions that have been approved by the membership via vote at the WSSDA General Assembly.


Tim Garchow

Executive Director

Washington State School Directors' Association