City of Spokane
COVID-19 Community Update
September 1, 2020

Spokane County COVID-19 Data
Each day, information evolves about Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19). At the City, we want our citizens and visitors to know that we are working to reduce the spread of this disease in our community, continue to provide critical City services, and address impacts of closures of schools, business and events. For the most recent and local data on cases and outcomes, visit
WA State COVID-19 Data
Track information on this county risk assessment interactive dashboard for cases, hospitalizations and deaths for people who have had a positive molecular test for COVID -19.
Mayor's Update
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
City Council Recap
Monday, August 31, 2020
City Utility Bill Assistance Available
As the coronavirus pandemic continues, the City of Spokane wants to emphasize the options available to assist residential and business customers with their City utility bills. The options are part of the City’s continuing efforts to ease the strain on City utility customers during widespread closures of schools and small businesses because of COVID-19.
Options Include:
  • U-Help assistance for residents
  • Residential payment arrangements
  • Business account deferrals
CARES Act Funding Update
Spokane City Council voted and accepted CARES Act Funding to administer components of an economic support funding program to address COVID-19 impacts in Spokane. The Council voted unanimously to award 15 organizations funding totaling more than $1 million.

Small businesses can register to receive application information for grants available through LiveStories. Learn more on the CARES Act Funding section of the City's website.
Your City at Work

Wondering what day your garbage will be picked up next week or if you need to pay a parking meter Monday?
Does Your Helmet Fit?                                    
A properly-fitted helmet can reduce the risk of head injuries by at least 45 percent. However, less than half of children 14 and under usually wear a helmet (SAFEKids). As we roll into fall, check out some simple wheel sport safety tips. 
Lifetime Achievement Award
Recently retired City Water Director Dan Kegley was honored with a lifetime achievement award from the Washington State Department of Health. The award recognizes Dan’s lifelong work to provide safe and reliable drinking water to our community.
You're Invited to Volunteer
Spokane is a leader in volunteerism. Although normally held in April, due to COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings, we are keeping the spirit of giving alive in September. We invite you to be a part of the volunteerism movement that recognizes and encourages compassion, the impact it has on the quality of life, and the foundation it can build for our future. Get started today!
Census 2020 Ends Soon
Only one month left to get a complete count of Spokane by Sept. 30. You matter! Get counted and get a friend counted too!
DUI Emphasis Patrols Now through Labor Day Spokane Police Department participates in the statewide Drive Sober, Get Pulled Over campaign. The Washington Traffic Safety Commission reminds us that it will take everyone to drive that number to zero. Fortunately, most Washingtonians (81%) say when they are in a situation to intervene, they will take action to prevent someone from driving impaired.
Weighing in on Water Fluoridation
Spokane City Council hosted a virtual forum about water fluoridation with panelists offering educational information and the opportunity for citizens to provide public comment.
Submit Your City Flag Design
The City of Spokane’s Flag Commission is accepting submissions for a design for a new City flag. Designs can be turned in until midnight on Oct. 1. We've already received three ideas!
Spread Kindness, Not COVID
Getting ready to ride? Kindness Crews will be out in downtown Spokane. When you see them, try a favorite fist bump, ask for a squirt of sanitizer, or show off your homemade mask, there just might be a prize in it for you! By practicing social distancing, wearing a mask, and frequently washing your hands, you're helping ensure that our businesses can stay open and stay healthy.

STAY HEALTHY - Protecting yourself and others from COVID-19 is simple. Wash your hands often. Avoid close contact. Wear a face mask when around others.

STAY OPEN - Staying open depends on people staying healthy. If all of us do our part to create safe environments to eat, shop and play we’ll get through this together.

SPREAD THE WORD - Speak Kindness with our communication toolkit, share your story online and tag it #KindnessNotCovid or let us know how you’re keeping others safe.
Summer Fun: Share Your Aspirations
The global community art project, Before I Die, is at Riverfront Park. Share your dreams and get inspired!
On the Bright Side
We love #MuralMonday! This T. C. Quinn, Artist mural is at our Sewer Maintenance Facility.
Need Utility Assistance?
Through the generosity of over 500 donors, a community relief fund for utilities is available. Those who need utility assistance can contact SNAP at (509) 456-SNAP to request support.

While the matching funds have been exhausted, donations for this effort are always appreciated.
Need Access to Food or Other Supplies?
Contact SNAP at (509) 319-3050 or

Need Mental Health Help During this Crisis?
Contact 24/7: Frontier Crisis Line (509) 838-4428
Contact or Walk-In: Inland Northwest Behavioral Health (509) 992-1888

CHAS Health: (509) 444-8200

Excelsior Wellness Center: (509) 559-3100
Help for children, adults and families is available via telehealth.

Veterans Crisis Line: (800) 273-8255

Lutheran Community Services: (509) 747-8224
Intensive Behavioral Health, Victim Advocacy and Foster Care, are available.
#OrderUpSpokane with 10-minute parking zones near restaurants in the City core allows citizens and delivery drivers to efficiently pick up to-go orders. Check out these lists of restaurants you can support.
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We are here to help! Simply dial 311 or if outside City limits: 509.755.CITY(2489).