The city of Lancaster in Lancaster County boasts a thriving downtown, a vibrant arts scene and walkable neighborhoods.

But Lancaster's economic development success has not resulted in the additional revenue needed to fund its robust but necessary public services that serve the entire region as the county seat and regional hub.

The population of the city, one of eight case studies in PEL's new report, It's Not 1965 Anymore, has been flat for decades while the surrounding communities with higher wealth measurements are booming.

The city has maxed out its tax options other than property, which exhibits little natural growth. The city's only alternative is to continue to raise property taxes, even through the current rate is 11.7 mills compared to surrounding rates of 1 to 2 mills.

It's Not 1965 Anymore was funded with the generous support of the Pennsylvania Municipal League
Do you have local government expertise? PEL is seeking consultants.

We are looking for consultants to work with us in the area of local government operations including public safety and public works.

If you are interested, please send your resume to CEO LeeAnne Rogers at