September 8, 2023

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City Project Violates City Code, Concerns Over Mayor’s Listening Tour, Following California’s Example, and More!

Here are some of the stories we are following this week. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for up-to-the-minute news.

  • The planned renovation of the City Auditorium is on hold. Donors decided not to pitch in to support this project until more taxpayer money was allotted. The $2.75 million in taxpayer funds allocated to this project was not enough to inspire donors to contribute. So, if this project is scuttled, do we get our $2.75 million back?

  • Colorado Springs city councilman Dave Donelson has raised concerns about Mayor Mobolade’s listening tour format. Citizens are limited to certain subjects chosen by the Mayor, and the format for discussion is strictly controlled. Councilman Donelson is also critical of the limited time citizens are given to present their concerns.

  • In his never-ending quest to make Colorado into California, Governor Polis is pushing for a vote on the Front Range Rail project in 2024. This vote would, of course, ask for massive amounts of taxpayer funding for this project. And, like the California bullet train boondoggle the governor appears to be emulating, this is likely to end up being a taxpayer funded nightmare, that will cost hundreds of billions of dollars, and benefit only the political class and their cronies.

  • Last year, the Colorado legislature created a fun new way to foist more costs onto you, the taxpayer. Colorado will follow the example set by California, and also Connecticut, in reducing how much incarcerated prisoners pay for phone calls. Eventually, prisoners will pay nothing for phone calls, and taxpayers will foot the entire bill for them. Do you get the sense the leftists in Colorado, and elsewhere, favor vagrants and criminals over taxpayers?

  • Also this week in coddling criminals, the Boulder Police Department will begin using a “holistic” approach to dealing with crime, with an aim toward arresting fewer criminals. You read that correctly: arresting fewer criminals is the goal. Are criminals and vagrants becoming untouchable super-citizens now, because their activities serve the needs of the political class?

  • Recently we reported about Colorado Springs Utilities failing to properly communicate details of a water tower being built in the Mountain Shadows neighborhood. The City of Colorado Springs has ordered CSU to stop working on the project. Apparently, this project, ordered by the city, violates city code. Interesting. Perhaps the city will fine itself, and then pay the bill, completing the circle of ridiculousness.

  • A 2021 law passed in the Colorado Legislature is resulting in increased auto registration costs for drivers, including a special fee for registering an electric vehicle, as well as new late fees. Because they see you as their ATM, and they can never get enough of your money.

  • There have been some developments from a Complete Colorado reporter's transparency case. The reported filed a CORA request, to determine if some outside activists participated in created several healthcare industry-related bills last year. The Colorado Department of Healthcare Policy and Finance refused to turn over around 300 emails. We bet we know why. A judge has ordered the agency to turn over these emails.

  • The Colorado Springs Airport will receive a $6 million concourse remodel, courtesy of taxpayers.

  • More on-ramp traffic control signals are being installed on I-25. According to CDOT traffic engineers, they really don’t know if these on-ramp traffic control signals are having a positive impact on traffic flow or safety, but they are installing them anyway.

  • Student loan payments, which were on hold until President Biden’s illegal scheme to forgive these loans was stopped, will resume next month.

  • If you would like to help support us in our mission as government watchdogs by becoming a Newsletter Sponsor, we are offering two sponsorships for each weekly newsletter, at the nominal cost of $100 each. Funds raised from these sponsorship opportunities will help us to keep looking out for taxpayers.

Here are some upcoming meetings in the area. We hope you can attend one or more!

If there are other public meetings you’d like to see announced here, please drop us a line. We are happy to include them in an upcoming newsletter. These might be government-related, candidate, or elected official meetings. Thanks!


Colorado Springs City Council Meetings


Monday, September 11, 1:00 p.m.

Colorado Springs City Council Work Session

107 N. Nevada, 3rd floor

Live stream link here


Tuesday, September 12, 10:00 a.m.

Colorado Springs City Council

107 N. Nevada, 3rd floor

Live stream link here



El Paso County Board of County Commissioner Meetings

Tuesday, September 12, 9:00 a.m.

El Paso County Board of County Commissioners

Centennial Hall

200 S. Cascade

Live stream link here

Agenda not yet posted

Tuesday, September 26, 9:00 a.m.

El Paso County Board of County Commissioners

Centennial Hall

200 S. Cascade

Live stream link here

Agenda not yet posted

Colorado Springs Utilities Board of Directors

Wednesday, September 27, 1:00 p.m.

Utilities Board of Directors

Blue River Board Room

Plaza of the Rockies, South Tower, 5th Floor

Live stream link here

Agenda not yet posted

Miscellaneous Meetings of Interest


Monday, September 18, 6:00 p.m.

Law Enforcement Transparency and Advisory Committee

City Hall

107 S. Nevada Avenue, Suite 200

Also, online via Microsoft Teams

Information and Agenda


View the full Colorado Springs City Council meeting schedule here to see upcoming meetings.


View the full Board of El Paso County Commissioners meeting schedule here to see upcoming meetings.


View the full Colorado Springs Utilities Board meeting schedule here to see upcoming meetings. Please also follow CSU on social media at their Facebook Page and on Twitter.

Don't forget to subscribe to our You Tube Channel. Since most of the City and County board and commission meetings are not televised or recorded, we are trying to remedy that. We now have a camera and tri-pod for volunteers to check out for future meetings.

If you have a tip about a story in the Pikes Peak region that you aren’t seeing reported, let us know. We will see what we can find out.

How to Contact City and County Officials:

City Hall

107 N. Nevada Avenue

Colorado Springs CO 80903

(719) 385-5986

Contact City Council


Mayor's Office

30 S Nevada Avenue, Suite 601

Colorado Springs, CO 80901

(719) 385-5900

Contact Mayors Office

County Commissioners

200 South Cascade Avenue, Suite 100 

Colorado Springs, CO 80903-2202

Phone: (719) 520-7276

Thank you!


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