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News from the City of Carlsbad | June 13, 2024

Next week, the City of Carlsbad will kick off our popular TGIF Concerts in the Parks series, a summer tradition featuring classic rock, R&B, 1970s disco and more. In this week’s edition, I’ll set the stage for the season, plus:

  • Artist selected for Veterans Park public art
  • Patron makes remarkable donation to library program
  • Beyond books: 4 ways to take full advantage of our libraries
  • City Treasurer retires, next steps for position
  • Plan ahead with the city’s construction map
  • What’s on the agenda for your next City Council meeting

What to expect at this summer’s TGIF concerts 

Every year, the city’s TGIF Concerts in the Parks bring friends, family and neighbors together to enjoy live music at some of our city parks. That community connection and small-town summer vibe are what make the concerts so special. You can see the full band lineup on our website.

This year, we have new security measures in place to follow the latest best practices for large public events. Here are the changes you might notice:

  • A low, temporary fence will be put up around the event space, and signs will direct you to entrances and exits.
  • There will be multiple entrances to minimize wait times.
  • Professional event security guards will do bag checks and use a handheld wand to check for weapons and prohibited items. (Bottle openers, utensils and other picnic items are still allowed.)
  • Police officers will be at each entrance to handle any questions that might come up during security checks.

This video shows how the process will work: 

The security company handling the checks specializes in large events, so we do not anticipate long delays. However, you might want to arrive a little earlier than normal since this is a new process. We appreciate your patience in advance.

Next week, I’ll share more details about the first concert and give a few tips to help you plan your night.

Learn more

Artist selected for Veterans Memorial Park

This week, an advisory committee made up of Carlsbad veterans, family members of veterans, an arts professional and two members of the city’s Arts Commission selected Gordon Huether Studio to create the public art for the future Veterans Memorial Park.


Located near the intersection of Faraday Avenue and Cannon Road, Veterans Memorial Park will be Carlsbad’s largest park once it’s completed in 2026. The park will feature a dedicated place to recognize and honor veterans, along with public art that will be prominently displayed on the upper plateau. That’s also where visitors can enjoy scenic views of the lagoon, ocean and golf course.

Public art process

The City of Carlsbad started the public art process for Veterans Memorial Park in August when we issued a national Call for Artists Qualifications. The city sought proposals from artists with experience creating public art that reflects community values and honors the service of veterans. To find artists with the experience and capability to create artwork at the scale and scope required for the park site, the city promoted the opportunity nationally and to local artists.


The city received 35 qualified artist submissions in response, and the Public Art Advisory Subcommittee narrowed the field to four during its first meeting in April. None of the 35 submissions were from Carlsbad-based artists.


The finalists presented their qualifications at the subcommittee’s meeting Wednesday (you can watch the presentations online). After interviewing each, the committee selected Gordon Huether Studio, based in California.


Gordon Huether Studio impressed the subcommittee with their plan to work with the community to develop a vision for the artwork that honors those who have served our country while enhancing the natural beauty of the park. Their application emphasized collaboration with residents and stakeholders to create a piece that resonates with the community.

Next steps

  • City staff will develop a contract for the design with Gordon Huether Studio.
  • Once a design contract is executed, the artist will gather public input to shape the overall concept and design.
  • After the design is developed, it will be shared with the public and presented to the city’s Arts Commission, who will make a recommendation to the City Council.
  • The final design will be presented to the City Council for approval.
  • Once approved, contracts for fabrication and installation will follow.
  • The total budget for the public art project is $450,000.


Those interested in participating in the development of this public art project can sign up to be notified via email about upcoming opportunities.


About Veterans Memorial Park

Veterans Memorial Park has been designed based on community input, featuring places for quiet contemplation as well as active uses like the city’s first bike track and a nature-inspired playground. The public art on the upper plateau will serve as a truly special piece to honor those who have served our country, creating a meaningful and reflective space for visitors.

Patron makes remarkable donation to library program

Carlsbad community member Joyce Gammon’s love of books and reading inspired her fascinating life. In her 20s, she traveled to post-World War II Japan to teach English. More than a decade later, she returned to Japan to study as a Fulbright Scholar. Ms. Gammon passed away last year at age 94.

A longtime patron of the Georgina Cole Library, she signed up for book deliveries through the library’s Homebound Service program when health issues meant she could no longer get to the library in person. She often told library staff and volunteers how much the program meant to her and that she wanted to help support it for years to come.

That support turned out to be a remarkable $387,115 gift from her estate to be used for the homebound program.

  • Some of the money will pay for more large-print books and audiobooks, which Ms. Gammon had relied on after developing vision problems.
  • Homebound Service Director Susan Burke and longtime volunteer Lee Taylor will select the titles, with a nameplate added to each book to acknowledge Ms. Gammon’s generosity.
  • The rest of the donation will be put into a special fund to support homebound deliveries and possibly expand the program.

We’re grateful to Ms. Gammon for her generous gift and to our library staff and volunteers who touch so many lives through the homebound program. In addition to books and audiobooks, homebound program participants can also get movies and CDs delivered to their door.  

Learn more about the program, including who is eligible, how to register and how to volunteer on our website. 

Beyond books: 4 ways to take full advantage of our libraries

Carlsbad City Library is the place to go for books, information and entertainment, but that’s only the start. Here are four things you can do through the Carlsbad City Library that might surprise you.

Learn new skills at the Exploration Hub

Visit the Exploration HUB on the second floor of the Dove Library to learn how to code, convert old VHS tapes to digital files, print your own stickers or create projects with a 3D printer. This makerspace offers hands-on activities and technology support, with classes to help you dive deeper into your interests. No library card necessary.

Get seeds for your garden

Got a green thumb? Pick up new seeds for your garden at the Seed Library at Cole, Dove or the Library Learning Center. The Seed Library offers seasonal seeds throughout the year, donated by residents and community partners. In addition, the library’s Grow Your Garden series lets you swap produce, seeds and succulents with other residents and learn from master gardeners. No library card or residency is required.

Find puzzles to try at home

Pick up a jigsaw puzzle from any of our three library locations for a stimulating way to exercise your brain. There’s no check-out period and you don’t need a library card—just grab a puzzle and return it when you’re done.

Help kids learn with STEAM to-go kits

Kids can learn through play with creative STEAM to-go kits that can be checked out at any library branch. Choose from over 20 different kits with hands-on activities and easy-to-follow guides on topics like kitchen chemistry, physics, robotics and kinetics. Designed for children ages 3 and older. Search the catalog for available kits.

City Treasurer retires, next steps for position

You may have seen the recent news that City Treasurer Craig Lindholm has announced his retirement. Friday is his last day with the city.

A 40-year resident of Carlsbad, he served as City Treasurer for the past 11 years. On behalf of the City Council, I want to thank him for his dedicated years of public service and wish him the best in his retirement.

The City Treasurer is an elected position with a term of four years, most recently filled in 2022. The role ensures the city’s taxpayer dollars are invested wisely and investment activities are accurately reported.


Next steps for the position

The City Council will consider an item at its June 18 meeting to declare the position vacant and decide whether to hold a special election to elect a City Treasurer for a term ending in 2026.

  • It’s called a special election because it’s not the normal year the seat would be on the ballot, however the vote could still be held as part of the general election on Nov. 5.
  • The city’s Finance Director can serve as the Deputy City Treasurer in the interim.
  •  More details about next steps will be available after the City Council discussion on June 18.
  • In the meantime, those interested in running for a city elected office can contact the City Clerk’s office at 442-339-2808. View the eligibility requirements

Plan ahead with the city construction map

Before you head out this week, don’t forget to check our weekly construction map to see where city projects are happening that may impact traffic. Checking the map allows you to plan ahead and take an alternate route, saving you time and helping to keep traffic flowing safely through construction zones. Remember, the map only shows city projects, not work being done by utilities or private companies. 

What’s on the agenda for your next City Council meeting

The next City Council meeting will take place Tuesday, June 18, starting at 5 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Topics include:

  • Declaring a City Treasurer vacancy and calling the Nov. 5, 2024, general municipal election
  • The annual report confirming the Fire Department has completed all of its state-mandated annual fire inspections for fiscal year 2023-24
  • Renewing the city’s property and excess liability insurance coverage
  • A workers’ compensation settlement  
  • Buying two housing units originally sold by developers as affordable housing. That will allow the units to remain designated as affordable housing and then be resold to eligible lower-income buyers as part of the city’s efforts to increase affordable housing in Carlsbad.
  • The construction contract for a project to install a type of speed bump along sections of Park Drive, Black Rail Road, Plum Tree Road and Carrillo Way in response to community concerns about speeding.
  • Continuing the local storm-related emergency proclamation to repair a slope between El Camino Real and Trieste Drive. This proclamation must be renewed at each regular City Council meeting until the emergency is declared over.
  • Appointing one member to the city’s Parks & Recreation Commission
  • City transportation projects that will receive funding from the countywide transportation sales tax
  • The final city budget for fiscal year 2024-25
  • Placing a measure on the Nov. 5, 2024, general municipal election ballot to update the Proposition H spending cap to 2024 dollars and exempt public safety facilities. Proposition H, which Carlsbad voters approved in 1982, requires voter approval for certain real property purchases and improvements if the cost exceeds $1 million.


See the agenda and staff reports.


The City Council encourages your participation. You can get agendas and staff reports emailed to you directly, and if you want to provide input, you can email before the meeting or come in person and fill out a request to speak.


If you want to watch from home, we have three options:

  1. Watch the meeting live on the website
  2. Watch a recording of the meeting afterward
  3. Watch live or a replay throughout the week on the city’s cable TV channel, Spectrum channel 24 and AT&T U-verse channel 99

Board and commission meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website and available to watch afterward. You can see the meeting schedule on our city calendar.


Before I sign off, I also want to wish a very Happy Father’s Day on Sunday to all the dads, grandpas and father figures who live, work and play in Carlsbad. Thank you for all you do!


Scott Chadwick

City Manager

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