City of Ventura News Release

For Immediate Release

August 6, 2024

Media Contact: Heather Sumagaysay, Public Information Officer   

City Council election update:

Notice of incumbents not seeking re-election

Ventura, Calif. – The City of Ventura announces that the following incumbents have not filed nomination papers to seek re-election for their respective offices: Mayor Joe Schroeder (District 7) and Councilmember Mike Johnson (District 3). 

This notification is provided three days before the close of the nomination period, as required by California Elections Code 10224. The deadline for candidates to file nomination papers is Friday, August 9, 2024. 

If the eligible incumbents do not file by the deadline, the nomination period will be extended to Wednesday, August 14, at 5:00 p.m. The extended nomination period applies only to the specific districts where the incumbents are not seeking re-election, providing additional time for other interested candidates to file their nomination papers. 

Elected City Councilmembers will represent their respective districts. Candidates must reside in and be registered voters of the district to be represented when nomination papers are received, as specified in Elections Code 10227. 

Nomination papers are available at the City Clerk’s Office during normal business hours. City Hall is closed on alternate Fridays, including August 9. The City Clerk’s Office will be available by appointment only on this day, and all appointments must be scheduled by the close of business on Thursday, August 8.

The City of Ventura is committed to transparent and fair electoral practices, ensuring all eligible candidates have the opportunity to participate in the democratic process. Community members passionate about public service and leadership are encouraged to consider running for office. To learn more, contact the City Clerk’s Office at or call (805) 654-7800.

For more information about the City of Ventura’s election process, visit 

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