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This has been a busy week in City Council. Last Wednesday, the city council voted on the speed camera ordinance, also known as the Children's Safety Zone Ordinance. The ordinance would require speed cameras to be put into every safety zone area in the city of Chicago. Almost all of the 46th Ward falls into that category (except for the cemeteries). According to the research provided by CDOT, the most dangerous traffic area is Lake Shore Drive, where the cameras will not be placed. Based on input from ward residents I voted against the legislation. However, the ordinance did pass in City Council. I will work to ensure that any cameras installed in the 46th Ward will increase child safety.


Today I voted in favor of the proposed Chicago Infrastructure Trust. I cast this vote because this a unique opportunity for our city to rebuild and keep moving forward. We are facing one of the biggest financial crises ever and we can barely maintain our costs today. We must find a way to fund and repair our decaying infrastructure while lowering our risk for tax increases. And with the looming budget cuts in 2014, this is a solid investment into easing the pain we will experience with the cuts we'll need to make.


The state legislature is currently discussing serious cuts to their budget and the federal government has cut back on their assistance. The only other option would be to raise your taxes to pay for our infrastructure. This ordinance creates not the only tool or the default tool, but a tool to use for specific projects that make sense. I had some major concerns when this was first introduced. How will taxpayers be protected? How can we ensure oversight? As the legislative process continued from the introduction of this ordinance, these questions were answered. The Trust is considered a City agency and will have to abide by the City's Ethic's Ordinance. Any Trust-financed projects that involve the City will be subject to jurisdiction of the Inspector General. The provisions and requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Open Meetings Act will apply to the Trust and its activities. Any project that is funded by the Trust will be vetted by an independent financial adviser, something that the "parking meter deal" never had.  Additionally, any City-related project must be voted on by the City Council. I am convinced that the current measures create enough oversight to protect tax payers in Chicago. We need to come up with innovative solutions to help stop our infrastructure from crumbling without raising taxes as we move toward 2014 and face even more difficult decisions on cutting costs.



Please see below for more news on:

46th Ward Town Hall Meeting: Tomorrow Night



signature Nov 2011 




Ald. James Cappleman 


46th Ward News 

townhall46th Ward Town Hall on Safety
Tomorrow night at 7:00PM, please join Alderman Cappleman, 20th Police District Commander Moy, and 19th Police District Commander Kenny to discuss public safety issues in the 46th Ward. Town Hall will be held at Stockton Elementary, 4420 North Beacon. 

SpringHealthSpring Health Fair
The Asian Human Service's Spring Health Fair will take place tomorrow on April 25, 2012 (Wednesday), from 10AM-1PM, in Bridgeview Bank 2nd floor Bank Level. They will have many free screenings and services available.  This year they also have State ID/Driver's License renewal service. For more information please call Amy at 773-293-8482 or go to 
problembuildingsProblem Building Updates
920 W Cullom:  This long- vacant building is currently in housing court and a potential buyer has been identified.  The interested party had an attorney present at the last court hearing and a sale could be completed by the next court hearing, which is June 14th.  Plans for the building would be to return it to a six- or seven- unit rental.


4639 N Broadway: This mixed-use building was already in housing court for code violations and criminal conduct when it became the site of a high-profile standoff with police last December.  More recently, the lending bank obtained full ownership rights to the property through foreclosure.  The tenant involved in the standoff was evicted and Cedar Realty, acting as property manager and broker, is marketing the property for sale.  Interested parties should contact Cedar Realty at 312-929-1840.  The building will next be in housing court on August 2nd for case management and update on the sale of the property.

1001 N Leland: This troubled mixed-use property, previously owned by Sam Alexander, was recently foreclosed on by United Central Bank.  The bank is currently cleaning up the property, while securing and maintaining the vacant spaces, with plans to market the building for sale in the near future.

3927 N Clarendon:  The owners of this building recently obtained a permit to convert the property from an SRO building into a 6-unit rental.  Approval for this project was obtained by the former Alderman, but work is just beginning now. Improvements to the adjacent properties may come in the future.


Lawrence House and 4526 N Sheridan:  Both properties are named in a federal foreclosure lawsuit that was filed at the end of January.  The foreclosure case will be in federal court later this month for a hearing on the appointment of a receiver. The Lawrence House was also recently in Housing Court where the owners stated that an offer had been made on both building and a sale was possible.  The next hearing for Lawrence House will be June 7th for case management and an update on the foreclosure and potential sale.  4526 N Sheridan will again be in housing court on July 26th.
More information can be found here on Alderman Cappleman's website.


CitySticker46th Ward City Vehicle Sticker and Residential Parking Sales Day

On Wednesday, May 23  from 10a.m. - 4p.m., the 46th Ward Office will offer efficient services from the City Clerk's Office for Vehicle and Resiential Zone Parking Stickers. All stickers expire by June 30, so come to our office early to make sure you are in compliance. If you have any questions, please call our office at 773-878-4646 or visit our website here


vintagebazaarVintage Garage Chicago in Uptown

This summer antiques and vintage dealers have a convenient option for selling their wares with the launch of Vintage Garage Chicago. Located inside a parking garage in the Uptown neighborhood, the event includes space for a vehicle with the booth rent.The Vintage Garage Chicago will be held June thru October on the third Sunday of each month. The hours will be 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. and the event will be held at 5051 Broadway, in Chicago between Argyle and Foster. More information and a dealer application for Vintage Garage Chicago can be found at  


volunteeruptownVolunteer for the 2nd Annual Uptown Day of Service

Join your friends and neighbors for a day of volunteering with Uptown's wonderful nonprofit organizations. You'll serve a meal to our community's hungry, perform outreach to those in need, help local non-profits spruce up their buildings for summer and much more! Saturday June 9, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Afterwards, join Business Partners-The Chamber for Uptown for the First Annual Love Cruise: Pub Crawl from 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM - take 15% the ticket price as a thank you for volunteering!  For more information and to register, click here.


backyardChicago Sustainable Backyards Program is Back! 
Through this program, you can receive rebates of up to 50% on trees, native plants, rain barrels and compost bins purchased at local retailers.  You can also learn more about how to make your yard more sustainable by attending a workshop or reviewing the educational resources. See for downloadable rebate forms and a list of participating garden centers, along with educational workshops and other resources.  Questions?  Contact 312.743.9283 or 
Upcoming Events
You can also check out our community calendar by clicking here.


Representative Feigenholtz Satellite Office Hours 
When: Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Where: 4544 N. Broadway
We are partnering with Rep. Feigenholtz to provide you with more services. We will have satellite office hours in the 46th Ward office on Tuesday, May 1. They will be able to help with some services on-site, and will be able to provide assistance or information on Seniors Ride Free/Reduced Fare Cards assistance, Circuit Breaker applications, Unemployment benefits, Drivers' license and license plate issues, applying for home care services, Public aid and nutrition assistance,   Professional Licensing (medical licenses, real estate, etc.), help with new adoptee original birth certificate law, and help with any state agency.    


Healthy Food Chicago Meeting 

When: Saturday, May 5, 11:00AM - 1:00PM

Where: Truman College Cafeteria

The Departments of Housing and Economic Development ( HED), Public 

Health (DPH) and Family and Support Services (DFSS) working with the Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children (CLOCC) are leading an effort to develop a citywide plan - Healthy Food Chicago - that focuses on food's connection to health. We are beginning the public engagement phase of the plan and will be holding a series of public meetings beginning the end of April through mid-May. 


CAPSCAPS (Community Policing)
The CAPS Beat meetings are the best forum to answer any questions related to public safety. Community members, businesses and organizations are encouraged to attend or have a representative attend this meeting. Ald. Cappleman or a representative from his office will be available to answer further questions. Not sure what police beat you are in? **You can find your police beat here.
**As a result of the combination of the 19th and 23rd districts on March 4, all the current beats will be replaced with new boundaries and beat numbers. Find your new beat hereThe phone number to the Community Policing office is 312.744.0064.  


Beat 1913 CAPS Meeting  

When: Tuesday, May 1 2012  from 7pm to 8pm

Where: Truman College, 1145 W. Wilson


Beat 1923, 1924 & 1925 CAPS Meeting

When: Wednesday, May 2, 2012  from 7pm to 8pm

Where: 19th District Police Station, 850 W. Addison


Beat 2033 CAPS Meeting

When: Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Where: Bezazian Library, 1226 W Ainslie


Beat 1915 CAPS Meeting

When: Thursday, May 3, 2012  from 7pm to 8pm

Where: Uptown Branch Library- 929 W. Buena


Beat 1914 CAPS Meeting

When: Wednesday, May 11, 2012

Where: Clarendon Park Field House, 4501 N Clarendon  


James headshot

Office Address  

4544 N Broadway,

Chicago, IL 60640 













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