August 15, 2019
New to City Beat? Welcome!
We are excited to have lots of new readers with us. Remember, City Beat is for YOU, so if have questions or suggestions, email us!
Welcome written in multiple colored panels
Hey Neighbors, Let's Talk!
Conversations Happening at East End's Bluff View Park
Stylized image of police officers interacting with citizens above the words Summer Conversations You Are Invited!
August 21, 28 & Sept. 12 at 7 p.m.
Bluff View Park, East Fifth Street
(next to Colvill Family Center)
East End residents, the Red Wing Police Department wants to hear from you. Chief Pohlman and his officers invite you to come out to the park and share your ideas--after all, it's your neighborhood and you know it best. Meet up at the newly renovated Bluff View Park on East Fifth Street next to Colvill Family Center. This series of four meetings started August 14 and continues for the next few weeks. See all the dates and more on the City's calendar.
Keep Talking--We're Listening
Your Thoughts on the Proposed Bike-Pedestrian Bridge
Due to high demand, we are keeping this survey open: What are your opinions about the proposed bike-pedestrian bridge that would connect Bay Point Park with Old West Main Street? ANSWER HERE.
Read project background here. Answers are ANONYMOUS.

NEW! This fall we will have an easily accessible way for you to see ALL the survey results in a graphic format, along with the many comments and ideas you provide to us. More to come soon.
RESULTS : Last month we asked, "What types of information are you most interested in getting from the City of RW?" People could choose up to two answers. Of the 74 respondents, 77% said they wanted details about city projects, 59% said city events, and 38% said how to give feedback into city decisions. Only 8% wanted to find out how to get more involved. We also asked, "What is the main way you get news about the City of Red Wing?" The 60 respondents answered this way: 32% newspaper, 23% Twitter, 20% City Beat, 12% other people's social media, 8% city website, and 5% Channel 6.
A Dog-Gone Great Project
Red Wing's Dog Park Getting a Makeover
Didn't know we had a dog park?
Check it out and visit!
Red Wing's off-leash dog park will get a much-needed update thanks to soon-to-be Eagle Scout, Joey Carrick. As part of his Eagle-Scout project, Carrick will be making a few simple improvements to the dog park, including clearing brush and installing a low-cost agility course. The project happens next week so pooches will be able to try out the agility course before the end of the summer. We thank Joey and all the Eagle Scouts over the years who have undertaken park and trail projects to help keep Red Wing a beautiful place.
Japan Comes to Red Wing
This month the Red Wing Sister Cities Commission welcomed six exchange students from Ikata, Japan (our Sister City). Students marched in the River City Days Parade, visited Prairie Island’s buffalo herd and medicinal garden, and swam at Camp Pepin, among other activities.

The annual exchange is part of the Commission's mission to promote cultural exchange between cities of different nations to foster a greater understanding of world issues. This summer, four local students visited Ikata and were welcomed by the community there. If Red Wing's international outreach is important to you, apply for the Sister Cities Commission here! For an opportunity to chaperone or send your child on 2020’s exchange trip s tay tuned here.
Introducing Your New Recycling Cart!
Are you tired of carrying recycling bins to the curb every week? Done with trying to sort and keep track of multiple types of recycling? Introducing, Red Wing's new single-sort recycling cart! With its sleek design, dual wheels, and 96-gallon capacity, this cart will make recycling a breeze, with pick-up every other week (not weekly). Watch video here. Questions, comments, or concerns? Call the city's Waste Campus at
651-385-3658 or visit our website.
Program starts September 16.
You'll receive your cart in late August through early September.
Walk a New Way--For Now
If you love walking the gorgeous Riverfront Trail between Vogel Harbor and Levee Park, you're probably ready for the detour to be done. Red Wing has been reconstructing multiple walls there this summer, and now due to issues from the flood, Red Wing Grain's wall is also being rebuilt. Although the area will be open this fall, now might be a good time to explore other great walking paths!
These Trails Were Made for Biking
Here's an open call for all those who have been itching to bike the bluffs. Join the Red Wing Park Naturalists Tuesday, August 20 at 5:30 p.m. for an informative and educational program covering all the basics of mountain biking. After the lesson, apply your new skills and confidence as you bike Memorial Park's beginner trail, maintained by the Red Wing Area Mountain Bike Organization (RAMBO). Meet at the park's mountain bike lot (drive toward the Lower Quarry; parking lot is on your left). For more details, click here. Find the Park Naturalists' full August calendar here!
Can You Find it?
If you know the whereabouts of this collection, click here to answer and you may win one of our summer prizes. These items are just a few of the gifts given to Red Wing by the residents of our two sister cities, Quzhou, China and Ikata, Japan. Quzhou and Red Wing bonded years ago when a Minnesota-led group went to China to uncover the remains of fallen pilots in World War II's Doolittle Raid. There they met the civilians who rescued the downed airmen years ago. Ikata and Red Wing’s relationship grew with shared interests in both cities' nuclear power plant constructions. This display is somewhere in Red Wing--go find it!
Congratulations to Craig Barghusen who won a prize for contacting us with the correct answer to our last mystery. Craig knew this carved poem lies in a stone wall near Oakwood Cemetery's entrance. The Blodgett Memorial Gateway was built in honor of Elijah H. Blodgett’s late wife, Sarah, and was recently renovated. Elijah was a mover and shaker in town working with T.B. Sheldon, Red Wing Stoneware Co., and even becoming Mayor. Oakwood Cemetery today offers one of the most scenic and peaceful walking routes in the region. Click here for a walking map
Clean Water at the Touch of a Tap
Providing safe access to clean and healthy water is a regular, busy day for Red Wing’s Utilities Division. This group handles all things H2O, from the water you drink to the toilet you flush. Their services are invaluable, so let’s raise a glass of (freshly filtered) water to the Utilities Team! Learn more about their work in this video.
All in a Day's Work
Meet Building and Zoning Inspector Travis Dunn. Travis ensures safety standards from Red Wing's oldest historic homes to brand new commercial buildings. Travis says the fast-paced job combines his knowledge of engineering, carpentry, and contracting all under one roof. Thanks for keeping us all up to code, Travis!
Watch the Meeting You Missed
Now you can view any City of Red Wing meeting at your convenience on our website. From this page , just select "Archive of City Meetings" and scroll down to find the specific meeting you're looking for, and you can watch it on any device. Or, select the "Channel 6 live stream," and you can watch our government access channel whenever and wherever you wish.
We'll Save You a Seat
Sheldon Theatre Board Meeting
City Hall Council Chambers
Tuesday, August 20 at 5:15 p.m.
Summer Conversations with the Red Wing Police Department
Bluff View Park on East Fifth Street
Wednesday, August 21 at 7 p.m.
Human Rights Commission Workshop
Mississippi River Room, City Hall
Thursday, August 22 at 6 p.m.
City Council Meeting
City Hall Council Chambers
Monday, August 26 at 6 p.m.
Sustainability Commission Workshop
Ignite Conference Room
Community Development Building
Tuesday, August 27 at 5:30 p.m.
Sister Cities Commission Workshop
Ignite Conference Room
Community Development Building
Wednesday, August 28 at 5 p.m.
City Council Budget Workshop
City Hall Council Chambers
Wednesday, August 28 at 5:30 p.m.
Summer Conversations with the Red Wing Police Department
Bluff View Park on East Fifth Street
Wednesday, August 28 at 7 p.m.
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