Ethnic Ministries
Circles of Color
Diocese of Olympia
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June 17, 2023
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Do you remember where you were one year ago on June 13? I remember where I was. I was standing on the floor of Saint Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle witnessing history.
On that evening Bishop Greg Rickel ordained six people to the priesthood and five of them were people of color. That had never happened before in the history of the Diocese of Olympia. That evening the Rev. Allen Hicks, the Rev. James Ayuen, the Rev. Mary Bol, the Rev. Daren Chidester, and the Rev. Baudelina Paz were ordained as priests of the church.
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I stood barefoot on the cathedral floor, tears streaming down my face, rejoicing to join in the laying on of hands. It was one of the most astonishing things I’ve witnessed in my life. And I knew it was just the start.
Bishop Rickel pushed to have these remarkable children of God ordained. And for that I am thankful. In ordaining these five he gave us a great gift and left us with a great challenge.
The great gift is obvious. Each of these five have talents and skills in areas of ministry where we as a church are lacking. Their knowledge, experience, and love of the cultures that formed them open new doors to ministry for our church.
There is, however, a great challenge. All five of them not only serve in congregations, but they also work jobs outside the church to support themselves and their families. In this second year of their ministries Bishop Skelton, Canon Davison and I are working to create opportunities for them to work more in the church with compensation. It has been a long time in coming but we are making progress in our efforts to rise to the challenge and to tangibly support these amazing priests in their ministries.
Happy anniversary of ordination, Baudelina, Mary, Daren, James, and Allen. God grant you many years of service in the church.
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In love and service,
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Agnes+ Kuria and The Rev. Adult Care LLC
Our community lifts prayers for Rev. Agnes and the true labor of love that is shaping up under her care and ministry. Agnes+ will soon be opening a 8 bedroom facility to care for adults holistically with her experience in the nursing field and as a priest. She envisions a home where Episcopal folks can be tended to and cared for spiritually as well as physically, and where recent immigrants can find opportunities to continue their careers in healthcare. We will have more updates soon. For now, we pray that all continues smoothly with licensing and inspections, and that every need is provided for. We also pray for Agnes+, her family, and the team of care providers (and residents) who will be soon be admitted.
Fred and Kris Jessett
Our community lifts prayers for Fred and his family as he recently fell. We heard recently from Kris who shares: "Fred has now moved into an adult family home for some period of time where he will receive more therapy in preparation for coming home. His reading is improving but mainly on material he is familiar with such as Evening Prayer and much of Holy Communion service and prayers he has memorized. Walking more on walker but feels safer in wheelchair. Appetite is great. Quite bored as only one other resident -- maybe two -- carry on conversations. Please continue with your prayers!"
Let us continue to pray for Fred, Kris, the rest of their family, and all who care for him. We pray for comfort, healing, and wisdom for the Jessetts and Fred's medical team, as well as smooth navigation of insurance and all other logistics. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
If you'd like to send a card, the Jessetts' address is 5309 South Myrtle Ln. Spokane, WA 99223.
Vinh Do and family
Our community lifts prayer for Vinh's mother and the rest of their family. Vinh shares, "Mom is doing better, thank God. We are each day slowing building up to what 'normal' looks like now. I'm so grateful for God and all the support and thoughts from all."
We pray for Vinh's mother's health and the rest of the family as they all continue easing back into everyday activities. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
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Edie Weller and family
Our community continues to lift prayer for the Rev. Edie Weller and her family as they settle into this next chapter following John's memorial. Edie shares her gratitude and love for Circles' support. We are grateful that it was a time of fullness and love, and pray for their community's continued embrace. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Carlos and Julianna Caguiat
Our community lifts prayer for Carlos and Julianna as they continue to deal with various health concerns. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
If you have additional prayer requests, please send them to Adrienne.
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If you would like to highlight resources, books, events, liturgies, or anything else, please send them to Adrienne. |
Celebrating Pride Month
Happy Pride to all of our LGBTQIA+ siblings! We would not be who we are without you and the immense gifts, intersectional witness, and love you embody!
Time for Pride: LGBTQIA+ Episcopalians, Friends, Family Members & Allies, Let's Share the Welcome!
June 24-25 | all over!
Join the Diocese of Olympia for 2023 Pride events scheduled around western Washington including marching in the Seattle Pride Parade behind the Episcopal banner or making connections at the Episcopal booth at two days of PrideFest. Carla+ will be at the parade and welcomes Circles to join her!
Visit this link for other Episcopal involvement in Pride events during June and July around the diocese, including: Kitsap Pride; Lewis County Pride; Snohomish Pride; Taking Pride in Capitol Hill; and a Pride Interfaith Service.
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Indigenous Boarding Schools & The Episcopal Church |
May-June 2023 | Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton from Facebook, with permission
Rachel+ provides important updates on churchwide efforts to bring to light the Episcopal Church's complicity in Indigenous Boarding Schools.
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Supreme Court Affirms ICWA |
Big news! The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of leaving the Indian Child Welfare Act intact. This is a major victory for Indigenous rights and sovereignty.
Here's a previous All My Relations podcast about ICWA as well as a press release from president of the Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska shared by Becky Clark.
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Code Switch - The implications of the case against ICWA | This is another great podcast about ICWA produced before this week's decision. Journalist Rebecca Nagle explains how this decision could reverse centuries of U.S. law protecting the rights of Indigenous nations. "Native kids have been the tip of the spear in attacks on tribal sovereignty for generations." | | | |
Circles Community Clergy Transitions
St. Peter’s Transition Updates
On June 7, Father Edmund Harris announced that he will be concluding his time as Rector at St. Peter’s at the end of July after almost eight and a half years. You can read his letter to the congregation, as well as a message from the Senior Warden and Deacon Polly Shigaki here. Please keep Father Edmund and his family, Polly+, as well as the whole St. Peter’s community in your prayers during this time of transition.
Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz Accepts Call in New York
On June 5, Saint Mark's announced that our dear friend Eliacín has accepted the call to serve as Priest-in-Charge at Holy Cross/Santa Cruz in Kingston, New York. He will be pastoring and leading a multicultural community with the vision to be a unified congregation that worships in two languages but otherwise strives to be one in all other aspects of their common life. You can read the full announcement here. We will miss him and his family greatly and are so excited for the good work before him. His last Sunday at Saint Mark's will be 7/16. More details to come about ways Circles can send him off!
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Icon Blessings
We were blown away by the beautiful icon that Hisako and Jo shared on Facebook this week.
Hisako says: "Beautiful icon written for me by my dear mentor and teacher The Rev. Josefina Beecher. My heart is dancing with Joy and gratitude..."
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She also says, "The Japanese letter on top left side of mother Mary’s halo says “God” the other side is “Mother”. The writing by Jesus’ halo reads top down “Jesus + Christ.“ I am particularly fascinated by Mother Mary’s beautiful layered KIMONO. I can’t wait to show it to you all in person...You HAVE to see this!!" | |
Welcome Sign Honoring Coast Salish People |
The church recently received a grant from the Multicultural Ministries & Community Transformation Office to work with a Swinomish artist to visibly provide welcome and show their respect for Coast Salish people, past and present.
Update: Skagit Valley College's First Nations Club recently honored Master Carver Kevin Paul at the May All My Relations powwow.
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Summer Camp Chaplain Needed
Camp Huston is looking for a chaplain for the week of July 30-August 5. Contact Katie Sue Eichner, the Program Director and Conference Coordinator.
Some glowing reviews:
"What a refreshing way to experience church! Sign up today! Huston is a magical and special place." - Malcolm+
"Your presence will be a gift to the kids, to the church and to yourself." - Jo+
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The U.S. Army renames a base in honor of Sgt. William Henry Johnson, a Black WWI hero | Edie shares this NPR article! Louisiana's Fort Polk became Fort Johnson, the latest Army base to replace its Confederate name. It now honors a soldier who earned a Medal of Honor a century after the night that made him a hero. | | | |
El Centro de la Raza Breaks Ground on Columbia City Housing Development | South Seattle Emerald | by Ronnie Estoque On Wednesday, June 14, El Centro de la Raza hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for The Four Amigos - Beloved Community, a mixed-use building development at 3818 S. Angeline St. that is projected to provide 87 affordable apartment units... | | | |
The Bishop Search Committee Has Begun Its Work! | The Bishop Search Committee has begun its work! We met for the first time during our retreat on May 12-13. The time together was spent in getting to know one another and to further clarify and define our role(s) in the search process. | | | |
A Call for Candidates from the Diocesan Nominations Committee | To prepare for elections at Diocesan Convention (October 28, 2023), the Nominations Committee is now calling for candidates to represent our Diocese in two areas: Diocesan Council and the Standing Committee. We ecourage Circles members to discern if you might be called! | | | |
Cross-Cultural Ministry in El Salvador
Stay tuned for additional updates as well as invitations to learn and support ongoing partnerships with the Episcopal Diocese of El Salvador and Cristosal!
Jo+ also uplifts the work of the SHARE Foundation which strengthens solidarity with and among the Salvadoran people in El Salvador and the United States in the grassroots struggle for economic sustainability, justice, and human and civil rights. Here is a recent SHARE update:
Dear friends of human rights in El Salvador,
We share with you a report recently published by the Episcopal supported CRISTOSAL about the recurring violation of human rights in El Salvador due to the so-called "State of Exception", which has been going on for more than a year. The State of Exception has detained over 68,000 people, depriving citizens of their constitutional liberties and creating pain and mourning for the poorest families in El Salvador. The report documents the use of torture and the death of 153 people.
We thank you for your solidarity.
Jose Artiga
Executive Director
| | EFE/Editado for Ramón Jara A., Emol |
Report: At least 153 people arrested under special powers have died in Salvadoran prisons
by By Associated Press
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — At least 153 people jailed since El Salvador instituted emergency powers in March 2022 to confront the country’s powerful street gangs have died in state custody, according to a report released Monday by the human rights group Cristosal.
None of those who died had been convicted of a crime they were accused of at the time of their arrest. There were four women among the victims and the rest were men.
The deaths were the result of torture, and systematic and serious injuries, the report said. Nearly half of the victims suffered violent deaths. Some of the deaths showed signs they resulted from deliberate denial of medical assistance, medicine and food, including some deaths resulting from malnutrition.
The deaths revealed punitive policies carried out by guards and prison officials. The report stated that such actions would have required authorization and backing by the highest level security officials.
The government has not provided an official count of deaths among the incarcerated.
The special powers approved by El Salvador’s Legislative Assembly in March 2022 following a surge in gang violence suspend some fundamental rights, such informing someone of their rights at the time of arrest and the reason for their, as well as having access to a lawyer.
Cristosal said it compiled the information through field work, including at common graves, and collecting documents from medical examiners. Investigators also interviewed victims’ families and neighbors, as well as others who were jailed and later released.
The organization called on the administration of President Nayib Bukele to answer about the conditions people are held under, respect due process, free the innocent, answer for those who have died, provide all available information to victims’ families and end the measures implemented under the special powers.
Officially, the government has arrested more than 68,000 people under the special powers since March 2022. More than 5,000 people have been freed because they could not convince a judge they were tied to criminal structures, according to authorities.
Other human rights groups and foreign governments have condemned the government’s actions and called for a lifting of what were supposed to be temporary measures.
More information:
HR video
Executive Summary Report
If you need a complete report please let me know at You can support SHARE's work here.
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All Saints, Pasadena
Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle
Taize Liturgy honoring Pauli Murray
St. Bede's, Port Orchard
Holy Apostles, Bellevue
Bishop's Visit
Christ Church, Anacortes
St. Paul's, Port Townsend
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Want to share events from your parish or community?
Email details to Adrienne by Friday.
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All Saints' Goshen Birthday Celebration
June 18 @ 12 pm | All Saints', Tacoma | 205 96th St. E. Tacoma, WA
All are invited to attend this joyous celebration for the birthday of one of our Kenyan churches in Tacoma. Fr. Paul Karume invites folks from every corner of our diocese to join in the festivities!
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Juneteenth Liturgy & Potluck BBQ
June 17 @ 12:00 pm | Saint Mark's Cathedral
| Important updates can be found at the link below including the livestream link. Thanks to all for your help and contributions! | | | |
STG Presents - Juneteenth 'Songs of Black Folk 2023' Music of Resistance & Hope
June 18 @ 7:00 pm | Paramount Theater, Seattle | $30
| Renowned performers and presenters will share a music tradition that began on the African continent, was transported to the Americas via slave ships, and took root in the daily sufferings of an enslaved Black people who chose to survive and fought to be free. | | | |
Bilingual Grant Writing Basics and Budgeting - Nonprofit Association of Washington
June 22 @ 5:00 - 8:00 pm | 5601 6th Ave. S Seattle, WA 98108 | free
Aprenda cómo llevar sus habilidades de redacción de solicitudes de fondos a un nuevo nivel presupuestario; haciendo un presupuesto donde al mismo tiempo aprenderá los conceptos básicos para la redacción básica de solicitudes de fondos.
Learn how to take your grant writing skills to a new budgeting level as we build out a grant budget while learning about grant writing basics in this bilingual English/Spanish training.
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Dinner with the Bishop for Young Adults
June 22 @ 6:00 pm | Diocesan House
| On one of the longest days of the year, join The Most Rev. Melissa Skelton for a fabulous dinner, music, and tours of the beautiful Leary mansion, home to Diocesan staff in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle. | | | |
June 24-26 | Montgomery, AL
| UBE is headed to Montgomery, Alabama! Our theme is So Flows Our River: NIA – Purpose, IMANI – Faith and UMOJA – Unity. We will visit the National Lynching Museum and the Legacy Museum, as well as offer an optional trip to Selma for crossing the Edmund Pettis Bridge. | | | |
It's All About Love: A Festival for the Jesus Movement - The Episcopal Church
July 9 - 12 |Baltimore Convention Center
Are you attending? Let us know!
Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton and Rev. Carla will both be presenting workshops and speaking on panels regarding Healing Relationships with Indigenous People and Co-Powering People of Color in Diocesan Life, respectively. Adrienne and Rachel+ will also be involved in Creation Care panels and plenaries.
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Special Guests Will Visit from the Holy Land
July 16 @ 9:00 am - 12:30 pm | Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle
| The rector of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Ramallah, Palestine, and his family will speak at St. Mark's Cathedral, Seattle, on July 16. | | | |
2023 Summer Teaching Faculty - Holden Village
June 11-September 1| Holden Village
Join Holden Village this summer to learn the basics of watercolor, practice creative writing, and engage body, mind, and spirit through discussing many of the most salient issues of our time.
The Week 9 (August 6-11) focus hosts Latine teachers covering immigration, liberation theology, climate justice, and other intersectional topics. Take a look, there are some really great speakers and topics featured every week!
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Convene 2023 - Save the Date!
September 30 | Everett Community College
Reconnect with Episcopalians from across the Diocese, and join us for this exciting new event open to everyone! Gain new resources and support, and spend time learning from and networking with churches from every corner of Western Washington!
Circles will be presenting some workshops! Let us know what you'd like to see, offer, or support!
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Next Full Circle Meeting
{bishop search, Rev. Rachel's wider church work}
Wednesday, 7/5, 2023
3:00 pm
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Special Full Circle Meeting
{bishop characteristics we'd like to see}
TBD…stay tuned!
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Alzheimer's Support Group
If Alzheimer's has touched your life in some way, you're not alone. A group of Circles members meets Saturday mornings to share in community together.
Contact Jerry Shigaki for more info.
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The Healing Gardens at St. Ambrose |
We recently heard about the great work Rev. Jemonde Taylor is up to with the Healing Gardens at St. Ambrose, Raleigh, NC. Check out the meaningful offerings for Minorty Mental Health Month in July and beyond!
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Presiding Bishop Michael Curry offers World Refugee Day sermon |
In recognition of World Refugee Day and Episcopal Migration Ministries' Rainbow Initiative to support LGBTQ+ forced migrants, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry shared the following message.
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2027 General Convention to meet in Phoenix; $2 million approved for Indigenous boarding school research |
Episcopal News Service - Providence, Rhode Island] The 82nd General Convention in 2027 will be held in Phoenix, Arizona, based on a plan endorsed June 15 by Executive Council. The church governing...
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Nominating committee presents profile for 28th presiding bishop, calls for names |
The Episcopal Church Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop on May 15 issued the following letter to the church announcing the availability of the "Profile for the Election of the 28th Presiding Bishop" and inviting Episcopalians to submit the names of bishops for the committee to consider as nominees.
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Episcopalians invited to participate in environmental justice survey |
As The Episcopal Church Creation Care Office plans its programming for the next year, it invites all Episcopalians to participate in a 5-minute confidential survey from ecoAmerica.
The survey seeks to better understand church members’ attitudes toward and awareness of climate issues and our corresponding role as people of faith.
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"Love God, Love God's World" curriculum - The Episcopal Church |
"Love God, Love God's World" is a nine-session, film-based curriculum, ideal for Episcopalians anywhere on the journey with creation care and environmental ministry-from newcomers looking to take their first step to seasoned leaders seeking a transformative small-group experience.
Rev. Rachel Taber Hamilton and Adrienne Elliott are both session authors. Please email Adrienne if your church would like to pilot a few sessions!
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Honor LGBTQ+ forced migrants in June through Episcopal Migration Ministries' Rainbow Initiative |
Episcopal congregations seeking ways to observe Pride Month and World Refugee Day in June have a special opportunity to focus on LGBTQ+ and refugee communities through Episcopal Migration Ministries’ new Rainbow Initiative.
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