Our search for our next diocesan bishop has moved into a new phase. The diocesan profile has been posted and is available for all to see. To read it click on this link.
This is the time in which nominations for Diocesan Bishop are open. Your help is needed. Do you know, or know of someone, whom you see as our next bishop? Do you have contacts or networks to share our profile with? If you know someone, please reach out to them directly. Candidate application deadline is November 15.
The following are the minimum criteria for nominees for Bishop:
- Nominees’ names may be submitted either by self-nomination or with a recommendation for nomination supported by two clergy of the Diocese of Olympia and two lay persons in good standing in the Diocese of Olympia.
- If the nominee is recovering from a substance use disorder or other addictive behavior, that nominee shall have had a minimum of five years of continuous sobriety and shall actively be working a program of recovery. Ten or more years of recovery is preferred.
- All nominees for Bishop should be able to answer heartily, truthfully, and faithfully The Examination in the ordination service for bishops found in the Book of Common Prayer (pages 517-518).
- Nominees shall have been ordained a priest at least seven years at the time the nominations are announced.
- Nominees shall give evidence of active ministry with more than one focus (e.g., parish ministry, diocesan administration, participation in wider church initiatives).
- Nominees shall be priests or bishops in good standing in the Episcopal Church.
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Also, the Joint Board is forming a Transition Committee of clergy and lay members who are team players, well-organized, and able to make a significant time commitment. In addition to monthly Zoom team meetings and Zoom subcommittee meetings as needed, the Transition Committee will plan the meet-and-greets with bishop nominees, plan the electing convention, assist in planning the consecration weekend including the liturgy, receptions, and other activities, and support the candidates and eventual bishop-elect as we walk through this process together. Following the election, the Transition Committee will assist the bishop-elect and their family as they transition from their current ministry to the Diocese.
Essential skill for serving on the committee include:
· Leadership
· Oral and written communications
· Proficiency with technology used in virtual meetings and for document sharing.
· Hospitality and spiritual care
· Liturgy planning
· Event planning
To be considered for appointment to this committee, please complete the form at this link. A Reference Form must also be completed for you by another member of the diocese in order for your application to be considered. Questions can be sent to the Joint Board at The Transition Committee will be announced December 1st.
Versión en español.
As always, please keep this process and the people leading it, in your prayers.
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In love and service,
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Update: Fr. Jerry's funeral will be at 1:00 pm on Saturday, 11/18, at Saint Mark's Cathedral. You can read his obituary and sign the guestbook here.
Ways to support:
Multicultural Feast: We all know how much Jerry loved good food!
- One way to assist the family is to bring 2 dozen+ cookies, desserts, or food from your culture to go alongside sushi that will be provided.
- Stay tuned for a sign-up as we will need as many folks to contribute as possible to feed 300+ guests.
Please sign up for food day-of help here.
Support the BIPOC Ministry Fund as one way to honor Jerry's legacy among us.
By card: visit the Diocesan Giving site, select “BIPOC Ministry Fund” under Giving Options, select “In Memory of” under Gift Type, and then include Jerry Shigaki’s name.
Checks can be addressed to the Diocese of Olympia with “Jerry Shigaki BMF” in the memo line. Mail checks to 1551 10th Ave E. Seattle, WA 98102.
- Work is underway to rename the fund in Jerry’s honor!
Additional ways to give and support the family will be announced.
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Save the Date!
Circles Retreat: Save the date for February 23-25, 2024 in North Bend, WA! Get in touch if you'd like to help plan the retreat.
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Jerry Shigaki and family
As we all continue to mourn the passing of our dear brother, please join us in prayer for Jerry, his family, and all of his loved ones: including this community. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We will continue offering communal and individual spaces to process and grieve.
Ruth Anne Garcia and husband Jeremy
Our community lifts prayer for Jeremy as he has been gravely ill and in the ICU for a few weeks now. We pray for healing, wisdom for his medical team, and strength to continue fighting. We pray also for Ruth Anne+: that she would find comfort, rest, provision, and health along this difficult journey. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Emily Palmer and family
Our community lifts prayer for one of Adrienne's friends who has also been in the ICU for a few weeks facing a number of serious conditions. We praise God for continued miracles of healing, and pray for strength for Emily and her family on the long road ahead. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
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Fred and Kris Jessett
Our community lifts prayers for Fred and his family following a severe fall. Let us continue to pray for Fred, Kris, the rest of their family, and all who care for him. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. If you'd like to send a card, the Jessetts' address is 5309 South Myrtle Ln. Spokane, WA 99223.
Agnes+ Kuria and The Rev. Adult Care LLC
Our community lifts prayers and thanksgiving as Agnes+ has admitted a resident to care for them holistically with her experience in the nursing field and as a priest. We thank God for providing and for continued strength for Agnes+, her family, and all future care providers and residents.
Vinh Do and family
Our community lifts prayer for Vinh's mother and the rest of their family. We pray for grace and provision as they continue easing back into everyday activities. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Edie Weller and family
Our community continues to lift prayer for the Rev. Edie Weller and her family as they settle into this next chapter following John's memorial. We continue to pray for provision and their community's embrace alongside grief. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Carlos and Julianna Caguiat
Our community lifts prayer for Carlos and Julianna as they continue to deal with various health concerns. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
If you have additional prayer requests, please send them to Adrienne.
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If you would like to highlight resources, books, events, liturgies, or anything else, please send them to Adrienne. |
Diocesan Profile Launched! | The Bishop Search Committee is pleased to announce the launch of the diocesan profile. This milestone takes us into the next phase of our search process...attracting candidates. The profile is comprised of a broad range of information gathered from clergy, parishioners, diocesan staff, and so much more. Please share widely and invite folks to apply by November 15th. | | | |
Apply to Join the Diocese of Olympia's Transition Committee | The Joint Board is forming a Transition Committee of both clergy and lay, who are team players, well-organized, and able to make a significant time commitment. We encourage all Circles Members to discernment and are available to talk more about it. Apply by November 17th! | | | |
Bring Christmas to a Seafarer! | Every year, the Seattle Seafarers Center (Mission to Seafarers) provides over 1,000 "ditty bag" gifts stuffed with basic personal necessities to merchant | | | |
Visit from Bishop Ernie Moral of the Episcopal Diocese of the Southern Philippines | The Diocese of Olympia was honored to welcome Bishop Ernie Moral, his wife Mrs. Shirmen Moral, and Mr. Gideon Bustamante, the Regional Development Officer at Episcopal CARE Foundation Inc. a few weeks ago. Stay tuned for more reflections from our time together coming soon! | | | |
Circles Media
Do you have any books, podcasts, shows, or movies that you want to share? Let us know!
Kwok Publishes New Book, Earns Award for Contributions to Postcolonial Theology | Candler School of Theology | The latest book by Candler School of Theology Dean's Professor of Systematic Theology Kwok Pui Lan is out October 17 from Church Publishing Incorporated. In The Anglican Tradition from a Postcolonial Perspective, Kwok focuses [...] | | |
Celebrating Día de los Muertos in a Mostly White Community | [Sojourners] "What I have learned is we Latinos can help people heal their wounds through our traditions." | | |
Special Forum: It's Complicated-War (and Peace) in the Holy Land - Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral
October 30 @ 7:00-8:00 pm., online via Zoom only
| Dean Thomason will offer a brief historical perspective on the war unfolding now. How did we get here? Its roots can be traced across decades, even centuries. How do we find a way out? | | | The Episcopal Church shared this list of prayers and resources calling for an end to the violence impacting Israelis and Palestinians. You can find more from the Office of Gov't Relations here. |
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St. John the Baptist, West Seattle
St. Andrew's, Greenlake
St. Luke's, Renton
Holy Apostles, Bellevue
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Want to share events from your parish or community?
Email details to Adrienne by Friday.
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Sister Joan Chittister Visits Seattle
November 5 @ 3:00 - 6:00 pm | Seattle, $10-$30 registration
| Sister Joan Chittister, OSB, one of the most influential religious and social leaders of our time and a passionate advocate for peace, human rights, women's issues, and church renewal, will speak at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Seattle on her newest book, "The Time is Now: A Call to Uncommon Courage." | | | |
2023 Meaningful Movies Awards Ceremony | Meaningful Movies Project
November 5 @ 5:00 pm | Online
| The 2023 Meaningful Movies Project Awards Celebration and is just around the corner, and we hope to see you there! We are also celebrating our 20th Anniversary! | | | |
Civil Rights Pilgrimage Zoom Info Session
November 8 @ 7:00 pm | Zoom register here
| All are welcome to join The Rev. Canon Carla Robinson, The Rev. Canon Britt Olson, and The Rev. Bryon Hansen in October 2024 for a transformative 10-day civil rights pilgrimage from Atlanta to Memphis! | | | |
The Philadelphia Eleven
November 15 @ 6:45 pm| Saint Mark's Cathedral
| The compelling new documentary, The Philadelphia Eleven, which tells the story of the first women ordained priests in The Episcopal Church, will be screened at Saint Mark's Cathedral on Wednesday evening, November 15. | | | |
Next Full Circle Meeting
{updates, celebrating Jerry}
Wednesday, 11/1, 2023
3:00 pm
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Alzheimer's Support Group
If Alzheimer's has touched your life in some way, you're not alone. A group of Circles members meets Saturday mornings to share in community together.
Contact info to come.
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Applications open for Episcopal Church gender justice staff officer | Applications are open for a new Episcopal Church gender justice staff officer dedicated to LGBTQ+ and women's ministries, a position called for by General Convention. The job description and application can be found online. | | | |
United Thank Offering invites 2024 annual grant applicants | The United Thank Offering Board is pleased to announce the availability of its 2024 UTO Annual Grants, with a focus on projects that welcome and include "the stranger." Application deadlines are Dec. 1 for Anglican Communion partners and Jan. 19 for dioceses of The Episcopal Church. | | | |
Standing commission seeks churchwide input on clergy disciplinary process | The Episcopal Church's Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution, and Canons welcomes churchwide input as it continues to review and revise Title IV disciplinary canons related to clergy. Feedback and recommendations can be submitted via this online form by Nov. 15. | | | |
Committee completes initial review of possible presiding bishop nominees, renews call for prayers by all Episcopalians | The Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop has reviewed applications from the bishops who have entered the discernment process for the 2024 election of the 28th presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church. | | | |
Applications open for General Convention Official Youth Presence 2024 | Episcopal teens ages 16 to 19 are invited to apply to become part of the 81st General Convention's Official Youth Presence, a group whose members have seat and voice in the House of Deputies and can testify at hearings before and during the summer 2024 convention. The deadline to apply is Nov. 17. | | | |
"Love God, Love God's World" curriculum - The Episcopal Church |
"Love God, Love God's World" is a nine-session, film-based curriculum, ideal for Episcopalians anywhere on the journey with creation care and environmental ministry-from newcomers looking to take their first step to seasoned leaders seeking a transformative small-group experience.
Rev. Rachel Taber Hamilton and Adrienne Elliott are both session authors. Please email Adrienne if your church would like to pilot a few sessions!
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