Ethnic Ministries

Circles of Color


Diocese of Olympia


January 21, 2023

A Word from the Canon

On Sunday January 15th, I marked the Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by preaching at Saint Mark's Cathedral.

I'm thankful to Dean Thomasen for the invitation. It was a delight to be back at the Cathedral, which I will always look upon as my home. In addition to preaching at the 9am and 11am liturgies, I participated in the on-going series "Conversations with Friends" in which Rev. Steve and I got to talk about the work of the Circles and a bit about my own spiritual path. I even got to answer the question of why I am barefoot at the cathedral.

Among the usual flurry of meetings, was my first time being with the Creation Care Advisory Committee. This is a new group carrying the momentum and energy from the 2022 Diocesan Convention

This committee will help guide and organize the diocese's efforts around Creation Care and climate justice. Our own Adrienne Elliott is convening this group.

Why are we, as Circles of Color interested in this topic? Three simple but powerful reasons:

1) The first thing God asked of human kind was to care for the earth.

2) We only have one Earth to live on. If we kill the Earth we kill us, all of us.

3) Issues around creation care and climate justice disproportionately impact people of color, all around the world and here in the USA.

In love and service,


P.S I will be out of town from Monday, January 23rd, through Friday, January 27th, at the planning meetings for the Leading Women Conference. I will not be checking email consistently during that time. If you have an urgent need please contact Adrienne Elliott at


Edie Weller and family

Our community lifts prayer for the Rev. Edie Weller, whose husband John Weller passed away a few weeks ago. We mourn with the Weller family, hold them in our prayers, and stand with them in their grief. We pray especially for Edie, Bryan, and Liz, the rest of their family, as well as all who knew and loved John. More details coming about ways to support the Wellers. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Fred and Kris Jessett

Our community lifts prayer for the Jessetts as they mourn the death of their eldest daughter, Victoria Miller. This was very unexpected for Fred and Kris and they request our prayers for themselves and especially for their daughter's children. We pray for comfort and God's presence to be apparent to them as they journey with grief. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

If you'd like to send a card of sympathy, the Jessetts' address is 5309 South Myrtle Ln. Spokane, WA 99223.

The family of Evelyn Anderson

Our community lifts prayer for the family of Evelyn Anderson who passed away a few weeks ago. She was a good friend to Sharalyne King's family, a member of St. Philip Episcopal Church in Columbus, Ohio, and a Daughter of the King there. We pray for great love, care, and support for the family and all of Evelyn's loved ones. We also pray for Sharalyne and her family. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Timi Vann and family

Our community lifts prayer for Timi Vann who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She will be undergoing surgery on February 1st. We pray for healing for Timi and that she, her girls, and husband Brian would be held in love by their community and the care of Timi's medical team. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

If you'd like to send a card of sympathy, the Vanns' address is 5056 36th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105. Additionally, their Meal Train is up and running! You will find updates as well as opportunities to send meals donations, gift cards, and other forms of support to Timi and the family.

Carlos and Julianna Caguiat

Our community lifts prayer for Carlos and Julianna as they continue to deal with various health concerns. We pray especially for Julianna and those who care for her, that answers would become clear as to why she has had trouble walking and that she would experience ease in walking again. We pray also for Carlos and his medical team as they continue treating his condition. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

If you have additional prayer requests, please send them to Adrienne.


Circles Spotlight: Stay Tuned!

At our last Full Circles meeting, the Black/African American Circle elevated a desire to share more from around our Circles in the weekly newsletter. Check this space as we highlight Clergy of Color, Circles members, and other offerings from the community!

If you would like to spotlight yourself or others, or would like to highlight resources, books, events, liturgies, or anything else, please send them to Adrienne.

Creation Care Advisory Committee Seeks Members

Carrying the exciting momentum and energy from Convention, we have gathered a group to guide and organize the diocese's efforts around Creation Care.

The committee is currently formulating and discerning how to best serve, connect, and mobilize the diocese for climate justice. We hope to connect the dots between parishes to collaborate and share Creation Care resources, events, actions, and liturgies.

To faithfully represent the diverse networks, perspectives, and unique climate impacts experienced throughout our diocese, we are seeking additional committee members. Youth/young adults, Circles of Color members, and folks beyond the 1-5 Corridor/Seattle Metro area are encouraged to get in touch with Adrienne if interested or if you have any questions.

Circle Members' Creation Care Workshops

Activating Faith Communities for Climate Action | Adrienne Elliott

Watch the video below to learn more about what our diocesan effort may look like through the experience of the Diocese of San Diego. Reflections, findings, and recommendations are shared related to the diocesan Creation Care Task Force's support of initiatives with 40% of their congregations and its contribution to a climate action network within the community. This Capstone presentation was duplicated at the Diocese of Olympia's Convention but not recorded.

A Conversation between Science and Indigenous Worldview towards Repairing Christianity’s Relationship with Creation | Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton

This Convention workshop considers the worldview and theological constructs of Western/Christian history that continue to have a devastating impact on dominant culture’s relationship to the environment, additionally contributing to challenges in a fully developed Christian theology of Creation Care and actually inhibit a fully developed spiritual relationship with Creation. The proposed solution is found in the emerging science of physical cosmology as further illuminated (or spiritually informed) by Indigenous cultural cosmology. Not only does this dialogical approach contribute to a healed/holistic Christian creation theology but also moves towards a much-needed reconciliation with Indigenous peoples by a certain deconstruction of the colonial Christian worldview.

Community Request: Support South Sudanese Orphans Displaced by Climate Change-Induced Floods

Join the Rev. Mary Bol and the Circles of Color in providing life-saving food and mosquito nets to orphans displaced by severe flooding in South Sudan. Learn more and find out how to donate by following the link below.

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Rev. Pauli Murray (July 1 feast day) from the Pauli Murray Center

Black Saints Resource for Black History Month

We are delighted to share that there is an effort underway by Sherina James, Rev. Samuel Torvend, and Christ Church, Tacoma to put together a booklet highlighting Black saints in the liturgical calendar! We will pass it on when it is available.

As the Circles have voiced a need for a BIPOC saints calendar, we will be working to expand this offering started by Christ Church to include other saints of color as well. Please send us any relevant materials as we begin gathering biographies, photos/art, and liturgies to celebrate these faithful ancestors!

I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter

January 13 - February 4 | Seattle Rep, $20-$72

Katya Nemec is attending this play and offers it as an event that the Circles may be interested in!

As she grieves the death of her older sister, Júlia Reyes faces pressure to put her own dreams of becoming a writer on hold. She finds herself caught between her family's expectations and the less than perfect life she grapples with every day as a 15 -year-old growing up in Chicago.

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January 22

Christ Church, Puyallup

January 29

Christ Church, Puyallup (yes, again)

February 5

Christ Church, Blaine

February 12

St. Anthony's, Silverdale

February 19

St. James, Kent

February 26

Holy Cross, Redmond


Want to share events from your parish or community?

Email details to Adrienne by Friday.

Livestream Registration

January 21-23 | Zoom, in-person and interactive Zoom by invitation

As The Episcopal Church reckons more deeply with its past involvement in Indigenous boarding schools, the Office of Indigenous Ministries invites all Episcopalians to register to watch Winter Talk 2023, an annual conference that highlights Indigenous and Native American traditions and contributions within the church.

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Manzanar, Diverted Screening and Director Q&A

January 27 @ 4:00 - 6:00 pm | Henry Art Gallery Auditorium, UW Seattle

"Manzanar, Diverted" is a powerful documentary film on the linked histories of Indigenous dispossession, Japanese American incarceration, and struggles over water in the desertified Owens Valley of California, lands known as Payahüünadü—the place where the water always flows.

Join for an in-person screening of the film and discussion with director Ann Kaneko in conversation with Dana Arviso, Sage Romero, and Alex Miranda. Sponsored by UW and Densho.

You can learn more about Land and Water Back efforts through the Owens Valley Indian Water Commission here.

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Celebrate Lunar New Year

Now through early February | Statewide

For millions of people around the world, Lunar New Year is all about new beginnings. It's a time for family parties, vacations and reunions, as well as cultural gatherings that connect the greater community. For anyone wishing to celebrate Lunar New Year in Washington State, there are many events to choose from, including activities for kids and families.

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Wing Luke Museum Lunar New Year Fair 2023

January 28 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm | Seattle's Chinatown-International District

Celebrate the Year of the Rabbit at Wing Luke Museum’s annual Lunar New Year Fair! Learn about Lunar New Year celebrations and join a variety of family-friendly activities. Lion Dance is free to the public, other activities and tours require museum entry tickets.

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Artist & Curator Conversation: Alison Moritsugu, Erin Shigaki, and Sarah Freeman

February 2 @ 7:00 pm | Zoom and Facebook Live

Artist Alison Moritsugu, Densho community activist and artist Erin Shigaki, and curator Sarah Freeman discuss Moons and Internment Stones, an exhibit of paintings of the moon and of stones collected by Moritsugu's grandfather in the Santa Fe Internment Camp during World War II.

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WALK IN LOVE: A Marriage Prep Workshop for Busy People

February 4 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm | Zoom

The Rev. Danae Ashley is offering a premarital counseling workshop using the Prepare-Enrich Assessment materials and her skills as a licensed marriage and family therapist. The time will consist of group learning, private couple discussion, and built-in breaks around the following topics:

  • Strength and Growth Areas
  • Family of Origin and Family Maps
  • Communication
  • Finances
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Sex and Affection
  • Spirituality
  • Stress 

This opportunity will be great for couples who have never been married before or for couples who have been divorced once. Registration and payment details below. Email Mother Danae with any questions.

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Diocesan Youth Confirmation Program: 2023

Sundays, February 5 - April 16 @ 6:30 - 8:00 pm | Online

The Diocesan Youth Confirmation Program is back for a second year!

All youth, ages 13 to 18 (seniors in high school), are invited to come along on this Confirmation journey as we explore, learn, grapple, and discover what we believe and why. This is a 10-week series, covering topics such as: The Book of Common Prayer, The Lord’s Prayer, The Nicene Creed, The Sacraments, Heretics, World Religions, and more!

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Next Full Circle Meeting


February 1, 2023

3:00 pm

Circles Contacts

Full Circle

Contact Carla Robinson

Clergy Circle

Contact Carla Robinson

Black/African American Circle

Contact Deborah Moore

AAPI Circle

Contact Adrienne Elliott

Latino/Hispanic Circulo

Contact Rev. Jesús Reyes

Indigenous Circle

Contact Rachel Taber-Hamilton

Allies Circle

Contact TBD

Resources within the Episcopal Church

Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing

African Descent Ministries

Asiamerica Ministries

Diocese of Olympia

Episcopal News Service

Indigenous Ministries

Latino/Hispanic Ministries

Racial Reconciliation

Social Justice & Advocacy Engagement

Union of Black Episcopalians: UBE

2023 Calendario Liturgico

If you would like to request free 2023 liturgical calendars from TEC's Latino Ministries published by CPG [Church Pension Group], please complete this form and indicate how many calendars you need.

Sign Up

Presiding bishop leads King Day 'Power of Love' celebration, call for housing justice in LA

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, along with Bishop John Harvey Taylor and Mayor Karen Bass, issued a rousing call for housing and socioeconomic justice at the Jan. 15 annual King Day celebration.

The article includes a recording of Bishop Curry's address and highlights the legacy of Dr. King, as well as the Black church and UBE in the Diocese of Los Angeles. The diocese also committed 25% of church campuses to affordable housing.

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Lent Madness

For the competitive Circle members amongst us (let's leave baseball out of this!), check out this fun Lenten practice! It is included as a resource offered by The Episcopal Church for Lent through Forward Movement.

This year's bracket features a few BIPOC saints, including Chief Seattle! Get your scorecard in order, vote for your favorite saints, and learn more about these faithful ones. Lots of info on the site!

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Other Resources

Community Resources from Church Council of Greater Seattle

English/Spanish resources for King County and beyond


The Rev. Carla Robinson

Canon for Multicultural Ministries

and Community Transformation



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