Ethnic Ministries
Circles of Color
Diocese of Olympia
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March 18, 2023
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It was a week jammed with meetings: The Racial Justice Audit Task Force, The Combined BIPOC Funds Working Group, The Executive Team, The New Clergy Calls Gathering, Budget and Finance, Anti-Racism meeting with the Bishop, The Allies Circle Planning Team, The Board of Directors and The Black African American Circle. Also this week I had several significant one on one discussions.
Why do I spend so much time in these meetings?
In the musical Hamilton, the character Aaron Burr discovers that he missed out on the famous Compromise of 1790 in which Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison make a deal that affected the future of America. After that he is asked, “What do you want, Burr?” His answer is, “I wanna be in the room where it happens.”
One of the most important reasons the position of Canon for Multicultural Ministries and Community Transformation was created was to make sure BIPOC voices and issues are “in the room where it happens.” The meetings of this past week are good examples of “the room where it happens.”
Some of this week’s meetings were with Circles. Those are rooms where it happens because those are places where I hear and discuss the concerns of BIPOC like me and allies, who care about how our church and how this diocese live out what it means to follow Jesus. These are the rooms where I’m listening to other BIPOC, to allies, to God and to my own heart. These are the rooms where I’m seeking understanding and wisdom, support and advice.
Some of this week’s meetings were with Governing Bodies or their committees and other groups. Those are rooms where it happens because they are places and times in which significant issues are discussed and plans are laid which affect our diocese. In these rooms I bring the voices and concerns and ideas from other rooms where it happens. I also listen and engage with the others in the room. In this way relationships are forged. I deeply believe that healthy relationships are foundational to trust, and trust is foundational to effective collaborative ministry.
Now at this time in our diocese you have a chance to be in an emerging room where it happens. That room being the Search Committee for our next bishop. I encourage you to prayerfully consider applying for the Search Committee. If you would like to talk to me about it, I’m happy to do so. Please read the materials at the Transition website and may God bless you in your discernment.
In love and service,
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Edie Weller and family
Our community lifts prayer for the Rev. Edie Weller, whose husband John passed in January. We pray for John, the Weller family, and all gathering for John's memorial this weekend. May it be a time of fullness, love, and communal embrace as John's life is celebrated and remembered. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Edie shares her gratitude and love for Circles' support. John's service was held at 2 pm today, March 18th, at Saint Mark's Cathedral.
Fred and Kris Jessett
Our community continues to lift prayer for the Jessetts, their daughter Victoria who passed in December, and her children. We pray for comfort and God's presence to be apparent to them as they journey with grief. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
If you'd like to send a card of sympathy, the Jessetts' address is 5309 South Myrtle Ln. Spokane, WA 99223.
Vinh Do and family
Our community lifts prayer for Vinh's mother who is recovering from pneumonia. Vinh shares: "I have deep appreciation for this community of prayers. Our hopes is that we can transition Mom home this weekend. And that my family and my sisters and I can provide good quality continuing care for mom. Thank you for this community." We pray for Vinh's mother and the rest of the family as they navigate insurance and future care needs during this difficult time. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
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Timi Vann and family
Thank you for your continued prayers for Timi and her family. Timi shares: "I continue to mend well and, although I still tire very easily, I am feeling stronger every day. The Vann Family is grateful for the love and support of our brothers and sisters in this faith family. I'm now free of all of the wound drains (yay!) and have started physical therapy. I am scheduled to begin a gradual return to work later this month. I will continue to put out an occasional update via the Meal Train site as I continue to mend and my "next steps" for full recovery are revealed."
If you'd like to send a card, the Vanns' address is 5056 36th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105. You can find more updates and ways to support the Vanns via their Meal Train.
Carlos and Julianna Caguiat
Our community lifts prayer for Carlos and Julianna as they continue to deal with various health concerns. We pray especially for Julianna and those who care for her, that answers would become clear as to why she has had trouble walking and that she would experience ease in walking again. We pray also for Carlos and his medical team as they continue treating his condition. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
If you have additional prayer requests, please send them to Adrienne.
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Check this space as we highlight Clergy of Color, Circles members, and other offerings from the community!
If you would like to spotlight yourself or others, or would like to highlight resources, books, events, liturgies, or anything else, please send them to Adrienne.
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What We're Listening To
This week, we commend a few podcasts to your listening. Share with us what you think and what you're listening to!
On Being feat. Isabel Wilkerson
"We all know in our bones that things are harder than they have to be."
This recent episode of the On Being Project's podcast features Isabel Wilkerson, author of The Warmth of Other Suns (2011) and Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents (2020).
Isabel's most recent offering of fresh insight to our life together brings “caste” into the light — a recurrent, instinctive pattern of human societies across the centuries, though far more malignant in some times and places. Caste is a ranking of human value that works more like a pathogen than a belief system — more like the reflexive grammar of our sentences than our choices of words. In the American context, Isabel Wilkerson says race is the skin, but “caste is the bones.”
You may also enjoy this Race & Healing "care package" which is an assortment of podcasts, art, and other conversations with a variety of folks on this topic.
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Palm Sunday: Preaching Matthew 21:1-11, Matthew 26:14-27:66, and Psalm 31:9-16
Rev. Isaiah “Shaneequa” Brokenleg, The Episcopal Church’s staff officer for Racial Reconciliation hosts conversation with Episcopalians committed to the Beloved Community about the texts for Palm Sunday.
This episode features our very own Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton, Trinity Everett rector, Circles co-founder, and House of Deputies VP; and Rev. Fred Clarkson, the Spanish-language ministry coordinator for the Diocese of East Carolina and priest-in-charge at La Sagrada Familia Episcopal Church in Newton Grove, N.C.
Check out the podcast for additional Holy Week episodes with lectionary reflections.
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Space for Wellness on the Road to Success: An Intergenerational Conversation
This intergenerational conversation features two undergraduates from Clark University, the HBCU affiliated with the Center and offers challenging questions and fresh perspectives on how to be well on a purposeful path.
A Brave Space podcast supports the work of the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing in its mission of creating a brave space where the truth can be told. Other episodes focus on mixed race identity, courage, gender, wellness, and more!
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25 Women's History Month Facts to Read and Share This Month |
It's 2023, and while many strides have been made for women in the past few decades, there's still a long way to go. Inequality and sexism still exist in the United States (as well as the rest of the world).
It's a great time to read up on Women's History Month facts and historic women, as well as sharing inspiring quotes by and for women. Cheering on those still fighting for and representing women today is equally important, because there’s still plenty of work to be done.
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Now Hiring: Interim Edible Hope Kitchen Program Director | Read more for the Job Description! St. Luke's Episcopal Church Edible Hope Kitchen (EHK) serves a free morning meal every weekday from the basement of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. EHK's mission is to build community through a shared meal, love, and service. | | | |
Lift Every Voice and Sing: Claimed! | We're delighted that Rev. Ruth Anne Garcia has given these hymnals a new home at St. James in Kent! | | | |
Cross-Cultural Ministry in El Salvador
Rev. Paul Moore recently returned from a full and amazing week working with the Episcopal Diocese of El Salvador and Cristosal. He recently began a Lenten sermon series at St. Paul's/Resurrección, Mt. Vernon highlighting the trip. Stay tuned for additional updates as well as invitations to learn and support these partnerships!
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Diocesan Bishop Search Committee
As the diocese looks to call its next Bishop, applications are now open for the Bishop Search Committee. The deadline has been extended to March 31st, 2023.
- If you would like to apply to join the search committee, you can find the application form here.
- You can read the Charge to the Bishop Search Committee here.
- You can visit the transition website here.
We invite Circles members to prayerfully consider applying to represent and bring the perspective of people of color in our diocese to this important search. The Transition Committee who will begin work in the fall will also be an important committee for Circles members to be a part of.
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Rev. Carla is taking a Lenten break from her preaching schedule and will be back on the road for Easter season. | |
Want to share events from your parish or community?
Email details to Adrienne by Friday.
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Diocesan Youth Confirmation Program: 2023
Sundays, February 5 - April 16 @ 6:30 - 8:00 pm | Online
The Diocesan Youth Confirmation Program is back for a second year!
All youth, ages 13 to 18 (seniors in high school), are invited to come along on this Confirmation journey as we explore, learn, grapple, and discover what we believe and why. This is a 10-week series.
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"Is Christianity Worth Saving?" A One-Day Interactive Event with Brian McLaren
March 17 @ 9:30 am - 4:00 pm | Saint Mark's Cathedral, $39
| Join renowned leader Brian McLaren for a dynamic interactive event exploring the future of Christian faith in the 21st century. Brian will engage in a series of civil and substantive exchanges with special guests - subject matter experts, practitioners, advocates, critics, and folks in the audience. Is Christianity Worth Saving? | | | |
Discerning Missional Leadership Online Retreat
March 20 @ 9:00 am - 1:30 pm | $350
| Are you discerning a call or seeking seed grant funding to start a new Episcopal community? The Episcopal Church's Office of Church Planting is offering an online retreat for those desiring reflection and feedback on whether their gifts align with the unique call to start a new Episcopal community. | | | |
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
March 25 @ 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | St. Margaret's, Bellevue
| Where can I get information to help me make good decisions about residential options as I (we) age? Or, as a younger adult how can I assist my parent(s) in making these decisions? Join St. Margaret's, Bellevue where you will be Exploring Residential Opportunities, Legal Considerations, Financial Considerations and Difficult Conversations! | | | |
Transgender Day of Visibility
March 31 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm | Zoom (registration required) & in-person at Saint Mark's Bloedel Hall
Join The Reverend Canon Carla Robinson, the Saint Mark's Cathedral Queer in Christ ministry, and others from across the diocese in observance of Transgender Day of Visibility.
Learn about why this observance is important, and hear from transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming individuals and allies from our diocese about what the church can do to increase awareness and support of the transgender community as well as what the church can learn from trans people and their experiences. All are welcome!
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Cathedral Day 2023: Living Water
April 22 @ 10:30 am (liturgy), 12:00 - 2:00 pm (lunch and activities) | Saint Mark's Cathedral
Cathedral Day is a celebration of the community of the Diocese of Olympia--a "family reunion" for Episcopalians from across western Washington, when confirmations, receptions, and reaffirmations are celebrated, followed by a festive food truck lunch and afternoon activities for all ages.
This year, Cathedral Day is also Earth Day. Share you what kind of Creation Care activities or food trucks you would like to see this year in this short survey.
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Western Region UBE/Province VIII Black African Ministries Conference
Envisioning a Spiritual Mosaic: The African Diaspora Ablaze in our Beloved Community
April 20 - April 22 | Church of the Epiphany, Tempe, AZ
| Please join the AZ Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) and Province VIII Black African Ministries for the Western Regional Conference, April 20-22, 2023, in Tempe, AZ. There will be special guests and featured speakers, and the opportunity to connect and fellowship. More information is below, register ASAP! | | | |
AAPI Leaders Retreat
April 26-29 | Austin, TX
The retreat has reached its capacity and registration is now closed.
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Conference goal is to provide opportunity to discern ordained or lay leadership for young adults of color (Ages 18-30). | | | |
Next Full Circle Meeting
with Commission on Ministry (COM) Co-chairs
Diana Bender and Roberta Newell
April 5, 2023
3:00 pm
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Alzheimer's Support Group
If Alzheimer's has touched your life in some way, you're not alone. A group of Circles members meets Saturday mornings to share in community together.
Contact Jerry Shigaki for more info.
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New Spanish, French prayer book translations now available |
New, certified Spanish and French translations of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer are available online. Created using dynamic equivalence, with an eye toward inclusive language throughout, the translations support the liturgical and pastoral needs of Spanish- and French-speaking Episcopalians.
There are three editions: a pew edition for church use and a personal edition, that are currently available. A bilingual edition featuring selections from the Book of Common Prayer in English and Spanish, will be available in May.
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Volunteer Search Committee for Episcopal Church LGBTQI+ and Women's Ministries Staff Officer
The Episcopal Church, the Department of Reconciliation, Justice, and Creation Care
| The Episcopal Church Office of Reconciliation, Justice, and Creation Care invites volunteers for the search committee for a new staff officer for LGBTQI+ and Women's Ministries, as mandated by the 80th General Convention. If interested, learn more about the process and how to apply below. | | | |
For the competitive Circle members amongst us (let's leave baseball out of this!), check out this fun Lenten practice! It is included as a resource offered by The Episcopal Church for Lent through Forward Movement.
This year's bracket features a few BIPOC saints, including Chief Seattle! Get your scorecard in order, vote for your favorite saints, and learn more about these faithful ones. Lots of info on the site!
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Episcopal bishops describe 'powerful, challenging' racial justice pilgrimage to Montgomery, Alabama | The House of Bishops took a break from its weeklong retreat at the Diocese of Alabama's Camp McDowell on March 9 and made a pilgrimage to racial justice sites in the city of Montgomery, the state's capital and a key battleground in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. | | | | | | |