We're taking a pause this week to enjoy summer (and shorten your newsletter read!).
Let us know how you like this format and any suggestions you have!
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Circles Holy Conversation w/Bishop Search Committee: likely August 29th or 30th, 5-7 pm. Share your availability!
It's All About Love reflections, worship and plenary recordings are up on our website
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In love and service,
Carla+ and Adrienne
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Fred and Kris Jessett
Our community lifts prayers for Fred and his family following a severe fall. Fred recently emailed us saying, "I'm happy that I have getting much better. I can walk now and I can talk pretty well most of the time. I think getting my talking will be the longest and the hardest. I know when I want to say something but it just won't come out the way I want to say it. I have a therapy teacher and she is a very good help. I am very thankful of your prayers and I continue your prayers to God to fill all of us with healing so his will will be done. God bless you all, Fred."
Let us continue to pray for Fred, Kris, the rest of their family, and all who care for him. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. If you'd like to send a card, the Jessetts' address is 5309 South Myrtle Ln. Spokane, WA 99223.
Agnes+ Kuria and The Rev. Adult Care LLC
Our community lifts prayers and thanksgiving as the facility just finished its licensing and Agnes+ will soon be admitting clients to care for them holistically with her experience in the nursing field and as a priest. We thank God for providing along this long road, and for continued strength for Agnes+, her family, and all future care providers and residents. We'll be uploading a video next week with more info!
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Vinh Do and family
Our community lifts prayer for Vinh's mother and the rest of their family. Vinh shares, "Mom is doing better, thank God. We are each day slowing building up to what 'normal' looks like now. I'm so grateful for God and all the support and thoughts from all."
We pray for Vinh's mother's health and the rest of the family as they all continue easing back into everyday activities. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Edie Weller and family
Our community continues to lift prayer for the Rev. Edie Weller and her family as they settle into this next chapter following John's memorial. We continue to pray for provision and their community's embrace alongside grief. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Carlos and Julianna Caguiat
Our community lifts prayer for Carlos and Julianna as they continue to deal with various health concerns. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
If you have additional prayer requests, please send them to Adrienne.
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If you would like to highlight resources, books, events, liturgies, or anything else, please send them to Adrienne. |
Circles & the Bishop Search Process
We've got an important few months ahead! Share your availability for the August Circles Holy Conversation below. So far, it's looking like 8/30 or 8/29 from 5-7 pm.
If you are unable to attend, please share your input here.
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Holy Conversations and Holy Cow Survey |
During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated "Holy Conversation" and/or to take the Holy Cow Survey. Share your feedback for the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions.
Holy Conversation dates and times are live! Please attend both the Circles and your regional conversation.
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The Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing seeks Executive Director | Read more about this wonderful opportunity in the Diocese of Atlanta and share widely! Priority application consideration is August 20th. | | | |
Holy Family of Jesus Cambodian Episcopal Church, Tacoma | Assisting Bishop Brian Prior recently visited Holy Family of Jesus Cambodian Episcopal Church in Tacoma and, during his visitation, experienced some of the vibrancy of this community! | | | |
Asiamerica Ministries Visit
The Rev. Pamela Tang, a deacon and Interim Asiamerica Missioner, visited Holy Apostles, Torres Hui, Fr. Carlos, & co a few weeks ago!
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2008 BIPOC Discerners Potluck
On Monday, Carla, Jerry, Irene, Polly, Alfredo, and Andrew (plus Adrienne) gathered for a reunion. This group spent time in discernment for holy orders together, along with a few others 15 years ago. Beyond good food and catching up, a major point of discussion was around supporting and gathering a new group of BIPOC discerners in the diocese.
Please email Adrienne if you'd like to take part, or to be a BIPOC clergy mentor. And, mark your calendars for 9/16 for our diocesan Vocations Day (see below)!!
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Inclusive Language Eucharistic Prayers | Bishop Skelton discussed inclusive, non-gendered language forms of the Eucharistic prayers at this year's clergy conference. Bishop Skelton, along with The Rev. William Seth Adams, have created inclusive language forms for Eucharistic Prayer A, B, C, and D. These have been formatted to be inserted into the Book of Common Prayer and are available on the Diocesan resources website at the link below. | | | |
Deborah at the Everett Farmers Market
Sundays through the beginning of October @ 10:30 am - 3:00 pm | Downtown Everett
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Support our resident Circles baker at the Everett Farmers Market now through the first week of October! Check out her site at Forever Moore Sweets or her Facebook page to see a sample of her offerings. Stop by, say hi, and enjoy some sweets! | |
Sign the petition to record 500,000 signatures! | We, the global community of Mauna Kea supporters are demanding that there be no construction of the TMT, 30 Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea, Island of Hawaiʻi. The TMT will cause harm to the mountain and destroy a sacred place for Kanaka Maoli's spiritual and cultural practices. | | | |
Circles Community Clergy Transitions
St. Peter’s Transition Updates
On June 7, Father Edmund Harris announced that he will be concluding his time as Rector at St. Peter’s at the end of July after almost eight and a half years. You can read his letter to the congregation, as well as a message from the Senior Warden and Deacon Polly Shigaki here. Please keep Father Edmund and his family, Polly+, as well as the whole St. Peter’s community in your prayers during this time of transition.
Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz Accepts Call in New York
On June 5, Saint Mark's announced that our dear friend Eliacín has accepted the call to serve as Priest-in-Charge at Holy Cross/Santa Cruz in Kingston, New York. He will be pastoring and leading a multicultural community with the vision to be a unified congregation that worships in two languages but otherwise strives to be one in all other aspects of their common life. You can read the full announcement here. We will miss him and his family greatly and are so excited for the good work before him. His last Sunday at Saint Mark's was 7/16. There is still time to sign his card!
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A Call for Candidates from the Diocesan Nominations Committee | To prepare for elections at Diocesan Convention (October 28, 2023), the Nominations Committee is now calling for candidates to represent our Diocese in two areas: Diocesan Council and the Standing Committee. We encourage Circles members to discern if you might be called! | | | |
Christ Church, Anacortes
St. Peter's, Seattle
St. Paul's, Port Townsend
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Want to share events from your parish or community?
Email details to Adrienne by Friday.
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WALK IN LOVE: A Marriage Prep Workshop for Busy People
August 5 and September 9 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm | Zoom, $350 per couple
This group pre-marital workshop utilizes the Prepare-Enrich program led by an experienced facilitator which will give you the confidence to enter into your marriage with eyes wide open and hearts full of joy.
Areas covered:
* Strength and Growth Areas
* Family of Origin and Family Maps
* Communication
* Finances
* Conflict Resolution
* Sex and Affection
* Spirituality
* Stress
The time will be comprised of group learning, private couple discussion, and built-in breaks.
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Mother Danae Ashley also offers these services: | |
Hai! Japantown 2023
August 13-20 | Japantown, C-ID, Seattle | See map for more
| See the Wing Luke's calendar of events during Japantown’s annual summer festival. This historic district comes alive as shops, galleries, restaurants, and other creative space host community events, promotions, and performances! The whole family is invited for all-ages fun, food, shopping, and tours! | | | |
A Holy Waste of Time: Retreat for 20s & 30s
August 18-20 | Saint Andrew's House, Union | $95/person on or before July 31; $110/person after July 31; $50/person – tent camping
| Adults in their 20s & 30s from around the Diocese of Olympia are invited to our annual weekend of fun, friendship, faith, and blessed time-wasting at St. Andrew’s House, a comfortable, rustic lodge situated on the Hood Canal with the Olympic Mountains just beyond. | | | |
Music That Makes Community
August 19 @ 9:30 am - 3:00 pm | Roslyn, WA, $40 registration includes lunch
| Join the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, Roslyn for a renewing day of building community through congregational singing, learning, and fellowship. It will be led by Paul Vasile of Music That Makes Community, a non-profit organization working to empower and liberate communities through singing. | | | |
2023 Summer Teaching Faculty - Holden Village
June 11-September 1| Holden Village
Join Holden Village this summer to learn the basics of watercolor, practice creative writing, and engage body, mind, and spirit through discussing many of the most salient issues of our time.
The Week 9 (August 6-11) focus hosts Latine teachers covering immigration, liberation theology, climate justice, and other intersectional topics. Take a look, there are some really great speakers and topics featured every week!
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From Inside to Outside: We Must Do Better!
September 7 | Portland State University, free with registration
Tosha Big Eagle shares:
"My esteemed friend and mentor Dr. Carma Corcoran is hosting From the Inside to the Outside: We Must Do Better! This event surrounds the needs of Indigenous BIPOC individuals impacted by incarceration. We will be looking at re-entry issues, resources, economic mobility, and many other important topics. There will be panel discussions, keynote speakers, and a discussion on Gentle Action Theory. Lunch will be provided to everyone by WTF Frybread, a local Indigenous food truck.
The national non-profit WITNESS to Mass Incarceration will be giving away suitcases to newly released Indigenous individuals. These suitcases will include laptops and other essential items to help combat some of the barriers formerly incarcerated face upon release."
Please register by emailing Dr. Carma Corcoran below.
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The Diocese of Olympia Vocations Day
September 16 | Diocesan House, Seattle
Curious about whether you have a vocation to the diaconate or to the priesthood? Interested in speaking with others who're wondering the same? Want to hear from deacons and priests about what their vocations are really like day-to-day? Come to the Diocese of Olympia's Vocations Day!
We will also have breakout sessions for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ discerners!
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Convene 2023 - Save the Date!
September 30 | Everett Community College
Apply now to present a 50-minute workshop on something you or your congregation know well and can share with others. We are excited to gather in-person at Convene on September 30 and are looking for local experts on everything from outreach to finances to the flower guild! This is an opportunity for our congregations to resource each other, and we want you to apply to present! Follow the link below for a workshop application, and if you have any questions, please contact Canon Alissa Newton at anewton@ecww.org.
Circles will be presenting some workshops! Let us know what you'd like to see, offer, or support!
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2023 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Pacific Northwest
September 30 @ 9:30 am | Seattle Center
| Join or donate to our Circles team for the 2023 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Pacific Northwest and help raise awareness and funds for vital Alzheimer's care, support and research! | | | |
Convention 2023
October 28 | online
| Join us for a streamlined, online only Convention this year as we focus on the essential business of the Diocese. | | | |
Sister Joan Chittister Visits Seattle
November 5 @ 3:00 - 6:00 pm | Seattle, $10-$30 registration
| Sister Joan Chittister, OSB, one of the most influential religious and social leaders of our time and a passionate advocate for peace, human rights, women's issues, and church renewal, will speak at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Seattle on her newest book, "The Time is Now: A Call to Uncommon Courage." | | | |
Next Full Circle Meeting
{Budget & Finance transparency}
Wednesday, 8/2, 2023
3:00 pm
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Alzheimer's Support Group
If Alzheimer's has touched your life in some way, you're not alone. A group of Circles members meets Saturday mornings to share in community together.
Contact Jerry Shigaki for more info.
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Episcopal Church receives $1.25 million grant for faith formation work with children and families | The Episcopal Church has been awarded a $1.25 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to help establish the Camino Project—named for the Spanish word for road, path, and way—to provide Spanish and English resources, community cohorts, and pilgrimage experiences for congregations and families—especially nontraditional, non-dominant-culture families. | | | |
Pioneering Episcopal priest Pauli Murray's US quarter design unveiled | [Episcopal News Service] The United States Mint has unveiled the design for its quarter honoring the Rev. Pauli Murray, the first Black woman to be ordained a priest in The Episcopal Church... | | | |
After hiatus, intertribal canoe journey returns | Peninsula Daily News | For the first time since 2019, the intertribal canoe journey is returning to the Pacific Northwest and includes multiple stops along the North Olympic Peninsula as crews make their way to the Muckleshoot Indian Nation near Auburn. | | | |
The Gulf Coast LGBTQ+ Center celebrates its five year anniversary | PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WJHG/WECP) - Members of the center and allies in the community gathered at St. Andrew Episcopal Church to celebrate some of their greatest accomplishments. | | | |
Youth: 'You Belong in the Episcopal Church NOW' |
By Kirk Petersen
In religious circles, one often hears the platitude that children and youth are "the future of the church." That seems obvious enough, but hundreds of high school students at the 14th triennial Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) heard a very different message in early July.
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'It's All About Love' offers lessons in engaging in racial reconciliation work at community level | [Episcopal News Service - Baltimore, Maryland] - "Justice is the body of love," Dr. Kwok Pui Lan said, "and it's too late to wait until after dying and going to heaven to work toward reconciliation." | | | |
Storytelling underpins church's response to climate change, leaders say at the close of 'It's All About Love' | [Episcopal News Service - Baltimore, Maryland] - On the final day of the It's All About Love festival, House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris described the July 9-12 gathering as an opportuni... | | | |
With overturning of affirmative action, Asian Americans became political pawns. Again. | (RNS) - In the wake of the racial reckoning of 2020, Asian Americans are being used, once again, to undermine Black political demands for change. | | | |
Episcopal Urban Caucus issues statement about Supreme Court's decision on race in college admissions | The Episcopal Urban Caucus has issued a statement, "A Call to Quicken and Deepen the Work of Racial Justice & Equity" about the June 29, 2023 Supreme Court decision ending the use of race in co... | | | |
Heartbreak City by Shaun Scott | In Seattle, sports initiatives have powered meaningful reforms, such as popular stadium projects that promoted investments in public housing and mass transit. At the same time, conservative forces also used sports to consolidate their power and mobilize against the civic good. In Heartbreak City Shaun Scott takes the reader through 170 years of Seattle history, chronicling both well-known and long-forgotten events... | | | |
Michigan congregation donates $130,000 from sale of rectory to racial reparations effort | [Episcopal News Service] All Saints Episcopal Church in East Lansing, Michigan, has committed to donating at least $130,000 - half of the proceeds from the sale of its rectory - to help close the r... | | | |
Federal Funding for Energy Work at Houses of Worship | Interfaith Power and Light |
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that was signed into law in August 2022 included the greatest investment in climate care provisions in history.
With the passage of the IRA, nonprofits and houses of worship now have easier access to clean energy funds and tax credits.
Read more at the link below!
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"Love God, Love God's World" curriculum - The Episcopal Church |
"Love God, Love God's World" is a nine-session, film-based curriculum, ideal for Episcopalians anywhere on the journey with creation care and environmental ministry-from newcomers looking to take their first step to seasoned leaders seeking a transformative small-group experience.
Rev. Rachel Taber Hamilton and Adrienne Elliott are both session authors. Please email Adrienne if your church would like to pilot a few sessions!
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