Dear Friends,

Happy Easter! It’s a bit strange to be starting April having already celebrated Easter. It’s also strange to have a rainy Easter! A friend of mine who moved here a few years ago, from Alaska, texted me the other day and said that I had assured her that “if it rains here, it rains in January and February. Not March!” Oops. I am thankful that we have one more year without the drought that had been so bad.

I appreciate the beauty that rain brings to our hills and I am looking forward to the profusion of flowers that will be blooming soon. All of this beauty reminds us that God’s creation is always renewing itself. The seasons present us with the cycle of life and remind us that we, too, go through our own seasons. Seasons with endings that also coincide with beginnings.

Our season serving together is coming to an end. I have very mixed emotions as I enter this month. Sadness because I will miss you all very much. Anticipation for what God will bring to your future as well as mine. Excitement that I am entering a new phase of life and personal ministry…including the welcoming of my first grandchild in September. Yes! Matt and his partner, Natalie, are expecting.

My last two worship services at Our Redeemer will be our Saturday Dinner Church on April 13 and Sunday the next week, April 21. Scott and Megan will lead worship on that last Sunday. I hope to be able to see you at these services!

Our Redeemer is a special place and I look forward to seeing (from a distance) how God will be leading you into the future. Remember that you are salt and light…not because you want to be but because Jesus said you are. The painting is one I made last year while meditating on the text which occurs in Matthew 5. I gave this painting away, so will have to make a new one for myself… something I will have a bit more time to do while partially retired. I will miss you all!

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Nancy

Please join us for our upcoming fundraiser at Toppers Pizza

Attention Book lovers:

Pastor Nancy has several books that she is putting out for free, devotional books, and some from previous book studies, come by and take a look.

Deadline April 15th before we donate all the books left.

Preschool and Kindergarten News

Spring is here and it will soon be Easter! It’s hard to believe we are in the final months of the school year. Even though Mother Nature has yet to give us many spring days, the school is bursting with Easter bunnies, colorful eggs, baby chicks, and of course the very special story of Easter. In chapel this month Pastor Nancy used colorful Easter eggs to retell the story of the first Easter. Each egg was filled with a symbol from the story, with the most special one being empty to remind us that Jesus is Alive!


In the spirit of the Lenten season let us not forget to take time to reflect and be grateful for all the wonderful blessings we are given every day. May you and your family enjoy a very blessed Easter together!


Happy Easter!

Peggy Schreiber

Preschool Director

To access our April Preschool & Kindergarten Newsletter, click on the button below.

April Newsletter
Church Council

The April council meeting will be held on

Monday, April 8th 2024

at 3:00 pm

A flower calendar is available in the narthex bulletin board. You may sign up for the Sunday of your choice.
There is an information sheet available with flower suggestions and ordering information as well.
If you have been thinking about signing up to provide a floral arrangement for the altar, but need some direction, here are some guidelines:
First, choose an available week on the Flower Chart located in the narthex and sign your name and phone number.
Then, you have two options:

*You can do the foot-work yourself by contracting your favorite florist, or you can bring a potted plant or a flower arrangement from your own garden, or...
*You can have Bernardo's Flowers deliver an arrangement to the church for that Sunday. Simply call the church office at 983-0612 and let the Secretary know if you would like the office make the arrangements. Make the check out to "LCOOR" and put it in an envelope marked "FLOWERS." Bernardo's Flowers will deliver the arrangement to the church office on Friday.

For questions, call Jackie at 805-983-0612 or ask
any Altar Guild team member.
April Birthdays

If you would like to be added to our birthday list, please let us know so that we can add you. You can let us know by replying to this e-mail or calling the church office at (805) 983-0612.