Church News
**Please turn in your log for the
Ecumenical Walking Challenge ASAP**
ATTN: We will be sending a care package to Josh King who is currently serving in Okinawa. 
Please include the following:
Zebra Cakes, Jerky
Dots Pretzels or other various Dakota Pride items
**The package will be shipped on Tuesday, December 5th to ensure delivery by Christmas. Please feel free to also include Josh a personal note.
Have you invited anyone to the Men's Waffle Supper?
**pick up an invite at church**
From the Desk of Pastor Q...

Hello AUMC Church Family!
It is hard to believe that we are in the last month of 2017 and Advent season is upon us!

We again have a very busy and EXCITING month ahead of us...but please keep in mind the Reason for the Season!

As we began FY 18, we have NEW goals and NEW opportunities to fulfill the Great Commission. So be ready to "Set Your Sights" on the wonderful things God has in store for AUMC!

God's Blessings,
Rev. Quaya



3 Baptism Hannah Skunes

10 Baptism Jordy Olson

10 Men's Waffle Supper 6-730

17 Christmas Program
**Practice at 9!

17 Caroling 6 pm

20 Youth Christmas Party

24 Christmas Eve service 930
**Fellowship served by Youth

31 Baptisms
Madelyn & Kade
COMING SOON...there will be a weekly sermon synopsis posted on the church website! This will be a way to stay connected to the church family.
Calendar of events, news and MORE!