13th Annual JME Memorial Run/Walk
Please join us for a morning of exercise, fellowship and remembrance - Our Annual JME Memorial Run/Walk will be held Saturday, September 7th, 2024. Students, ages 10 and under, can participate in the ¼ mile run at 9:00 AM and will receive a medal for participation. The 1 mile and 2 mile run/walk will begin at 9:15 AM. All races will begin on Ziegler Rd (just next to the Church).
Registration forms are available at the back of the church, in the school office and on the St. Paul Website, or printing the pdf below:
JME Registration - pdf
Online registration available using the link provided below:
JME Registration
Registration deadline is Wednesday, August 28th, to guarantee a race t-shirt. T-shirts are also available for purchase for $15.00 even if you are not running or walking. Please fill out a form to purchase a shirt. We would love to have you attend for a great morning of fellowship. Thank you for your continued support of this event. We hope to see you on Sept. 7th!
JOY Group
The “JOY” group has decided to meet during the summer months. Our June meeting will be June 20 and we will meet this month at the Ministry Center at 12 noon. We are asking you to bring a dish of your favorite recipe. It can be a casserole, salad, or dessert, etc. Any questions, call Virginia or Bonnie. See you June 20th!
Blood Drive
The next blood drive is June 27 in the School Auditorium. If you are interested, contact Darlene or Julia. Or click here to sign up.
Thank You - Lydia Schultz
"Dear St Paul Family,
Thank you so much for the support and prayers you have shown me over the last several years while I was at college. It is always a blessing to come home and be back in my home congregation. I have accepted a position in Spirit Lake, Iowa where I will be working at Camp Okoboji (an LCMS camp) as a Discipleship coordinator from June to end of August. Then I will be working at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Spirit Lake as the Youth Director. I am excited for the new opportunities ahead of me! Thank you again for all of the support. St Paul has helped make me who I am and I am very thankful for that. -Lydia Schultz"
Thank You - Lisa Stanley
"Dear St. Paul Family,
Thank you for inviting me into your families for the past 24 years. I love you very much and wish you nothing but the best. Thank you for all the support, love, and help. There are so many people who have made desserts, helped at the Poland dinners, or even given treats or money, I truly appreciate every thing and so do the people in Poland. You all will hold a special place in my heart. Thank you! May God bless you all. Love Lisa Stanley."
Thank You - Family of Ricky Schmidt
"The family of Ricky Schmidt wishes to thank St. Paul for all the prayers and kindness shown to them during Ricky's illness. God bless you all."
Benkert Family Update
Click here to read an update on the Benkert Family.
Thank You - Drydock Donors
The St. Paul PTO would like to thank all of the following businesses that have generously donated to the upcoming Drydock Fundraiser:
Bourdow Contracting
Garber Chevrolet Midland
Hechlik Group (Berkshire Hathaway Bay City)
Hoffman’s Power Equipment
GFL (Green For Life)
Serenity Bay Health
Shaw Contracting
State Farm (Nick Fletcher)
Registration Info for VBS
St. Paul VBS this year will be Monday, June 24 - Friday, June 28 in the Ministry Center, from 9:00-11:30 a.m. Students going into Preschool through 6th grade are invited to join the "Scuba" crew. Click here to register a participant! If you have questions, please contact Tiffany 989-225-8516, Emily 989-415-4969 or Natalie 989-450-9583.
VBS Donations
VBS prep is well underway and we are looking for donations for the event. You can find a donation board in the church and ministry center, or you can click here to view our amazon wish list. If you have any question please contact Tiffany 989-225-8516, Emily 989-415-4969 or Natalie 989-450-9583.
VBS Volunteers
VBS is looking for volunteers to fill positions during the week of June 24-28. We will need crew leaders and one or more Bible Story leaders. Crew Leaders will be responsible for leading a small group of children (usually about 10) from station to station. The Bible story leader will use the materials provided to help tell the daily Bible story to a couple small groups at a time. If you are interested in filling any of these rolls please use the link (Scuba VBS 2024) to register.
Stewardship - An Act of Faith
Mark 4:34 – “He did not speak to them without a parable, but privately to his own disciples he explained everything.” How blessed we are to be His disciples! The Lord has indeed explained everything to us. He has told us all things plainly. Why then are we ever so foolish as to disobey His clear Word? Our fight against sin in the power of the Holy Spirit is truly a struggle. Therefore, let us receive the Lord’s help in His Word and Sacraments — and let us fight the good fight of faith and grow up into His image.