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OET News
November 2016

November OET News is here! This month I talk about how chronic pain doesn't have to scare you and how to tell the difference between a trick- or treat-ment. I also discuss how research has concluded that exercise is a miracle drug because of its powerful positive affects. Lastly, I explain the difference between exercise and physical activity and how being physically active is the key to living a healthy and pain free life. 

Don't forget to tell your friends and family I offer FREE posture evaluations and consultations to help introduce them to the pain free family!
Chronic Pain Doesn't Have To Scare You
The difference between a trick- or treat-ment.
Chronic pain can be scary. Just the names alone are frightening - degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, fibromyalgia, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, thoracic outlet syndrome, and spondylolisthesis among many others. The prognosis can be even more scary - most chronic pain diagnoses are considered "progressive", meaning they will only get worse over time - it's like a never ending horror film! 

Pharmaceutical drugs can offer temporary relief from symptoms, but do nothing about fixing the problem and the side effects of long-term use are frightening. Many chronic pain symptoms are eventually treated with surgery, but outcomes are spooky with many showing little long-term pain relief and most treating symptoms that often reappear over time requiring repeated surgeries. 

Exercise: The Miracle Drug
Studies have shown that lack of physical activity is as deadly as smoking and obesity. Research has also proven that exercise reduces mortality, improves mental health and mood, and reduces cancer and cardiovascular disease. 

Exercise really is the miracle drug, but many Americans still don't exercise or get much physical activity. There are simple things you can do to increase your physical activity and improve your health that I talk about in this article. 

When Exercise Is Not Enough
Exercising is not the same as being physically active.   Many people exercise, but very few people are physically active and that's one of the reasons for high rates of obesity, joint problems, balance issues, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease, and chronic pain. 

Exercise is planned, structured, and repetitive, and done for the purpose of improving physical fitness. Physical activity includes exercise, but is much more than that. 

Your free 30-minute appointment includes discussion of your  symptoms  and goals, posture evaluation, functional testing, and gait analysis. We will then discuss the different Posture Therapy options that are available to help you reach your goals. 

Visit  or call  971-279-2189 to schedule your FREE posture evaluation today. 
I know what it is like to suffer with chronic pain and recurrent injuries. I know what it feels like to be in pain and not be able to do what you love to do. I also know what it is like to overcome those injuries and become pain free. I used Postural Alignment Therapy to correct my posture, eliminate my pain, and return to living an active life without limitations. For the last 15 years I've been helping people just like you do the same.  If you or anyone you know is suffering from chronic pain or injuries, encourage them to call me today - I'd be happy to help them. 


Matt Whitehead
(971) 279 2189

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