Providing Transformational Ministry through Music
"Christmas on the Mesa" with Barry Ward

Don't Miss the Holiday Fun!
Saturday, December 16, 2017 at 6:00 PM

Artist: Barry shares his love of this country through his music, in his albums, and his original songs. His patriotic farmland spirit is so filled with the love of God that you can feel it when you listen to his music. The inspirations for Barry’s songs come from his experience growing up as a fourth generation rancher and farmer in the heart of rural America. His singing and songwriting are a tribute to Western traditions and lifestyles that he shares from his heart and the will of God. He has accomplished many highlights in his career, including performing from the stage at Carnegie Hall in New York City

Cost:  Invitees are asked to donate what they can afford, but we do not want you to miss the event due to your budget. There are significant costs involved in making these types of events available to the community, and the average cost for an event like this is $10 per person. For anything you give above that amount, the Villa Jubilee Foundation can provide you with a tax-deductible receipt at your request. Proceeds benefit both Barry Ward (this is how he earns his living!) and Villa Jubilee Foundation.

Food:  Please bring about a dozen helpings of your favorite hors d’oeuvres and your favorite beverages. Thanks!

R.S.V.P.:  Space is limited, so you and your friends are included in this invitation, but please R.S.V.P. by clicking on the R.S.V.P. button as soon as possible.

Address:  3001 County Rd. 330, Walsenburg, CO 80238. Go south on County Rd. 330 (also known as Ideal Road, on the west edge of St. Mary's Cemetery) from Hwy. 160, on the south edge of Walsenburg. Drive three miles, go under railroad trestle, turn right at first mailbox—you'll see 3001 on the mailbox. Take the driveway up to the house, unload under canopy, then park. 

Note: The Huerfano Community Bible Church will be holding its Christmas Dinner at Villa Jubilee immediately preceding the concert.

Special Overnight Package : We have worked with Flying W Productions and Cowboy Christian Connections to create a special package that includes attendance at the concert, an overnight at Villa Jubilee, plus breakfast and a gift package. For details, please click on the link below.
The Villa Jubilee Foundation is a Christian organization that exists for the purpose of conducting spiritual renewal retreats and seminar programs. It is the goal of VJF to create an atmosphere of peace and restoration by utilizing facilities that provide the right ambiance for renewal, and to, at times, also provide the teaching programs as appropriate for specific groups, issues, or needs.
In addition, Villa Jubilee Foundation acts as a convener and network hub to connect groups, retreat leaders, and facilities to create the best event, program, or venue for the need. VJF is non-denominational and welcomes the involvement of any who seek to promote or receive the gift of a closer, healing relationship with God.
Millions of people around the world will testify to the saving, redeeming, and transforming power of retreat ministry. You can join in supporting this ministry by becoming a supporter, either through your one-time donation or by becoming a regular supporter.
 Creative content by Sharon Cairns Mann (