Christmas: Opportunity and Challenge

Dear Ministry Partner,

Christmas is an event celebrated by Christians all around the world to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. When I was very young, Christmas was celebrated secretly, because we were not allowed to gather many people in one place. However, today, Christmas has been becoming increasingly popular on the national scale and among the most favorable festivals yearly. For many workers in big cities, they like Christmas the most, more than Tet Holiday (Chinese New Year). Because on the Tet Holiday everything spikes in price. It is very difficult for the working class and low income to return to their hometown to visit their family. So they enjoy Christmas. On this occasion, people usually decide to go to church for watching. We, Christians, take this opportunity to share good news to them. Unbelievers usually accept our invitation to go to church on Christmas.

The biggest challenge of churches today is that everyone holds a Christmas event, even more professional than Christian churches. The non-christian Christmas has popular singers, professional musicians, good games, sound systems, and a lot of good things. Secular Christmas offers a lot of good things to their audiences. Christian churches have a lot of limitations, especially house churches in Vietnam. That is the reason we cannot bring them good things, but we bring them the best One. It is the Baby Jesus! Without Jesus there is no Christmas.

CCI’s staff and teachers always give an effort to bring good news to our neighbors. We provided gifts, gospel tracks, and rice to some who are in need. But we don’t want to be just nice people. We want to be Jesus’ people. The Christmas stories were told, and the gospel was preached to different ages and some accepted Christ as their Savior. Below are some photos from our teachers’ Christmas events.

Southeast Vietnam Coordinator's churches

Northwest Vietnam and southeast Vietnam

Thank you for your prayers and support.

National Director/CCI Vietnam

Click here to help support the National Director in Vietnam

Alumni meeting

On December 5, 2022, we arranged the very first meeting of CCI’s alumni in the southeast region of Vietnam. We were glad to welcome 15 alumni from different districts. It is good to encourage each other in ministry and listen to testimonies from our alumni. Below is a testimony from one of our graduates. 


"I am Pastor G, 73 years old. Before I joined the CCI class, I have never been trained by any Bible program. I graduated from the CCI class almost 1 year ago. I praise God by studying for this class, I know how to share the gospel, and preach God’s Word. Before I joined the class, I had difficulty preaching and sharing the gospel. My son-in-law, who is Kinh people (Vietnamese), accepted Christ and listened to my preaching weekly because he recognized that my knowledge was increasing. I started planting 2 new churches a couple months ago. These places are in the remote areas, there is no church around there. I ask you to pray for God’s provision for these 2 new young churches. I need 60 bibles and 60 chairs.”   

~ Pastor G


Help Support New Coordinators & Ministry Needs in Vietnam

Prayer Requests & Praises

1.    Pray fervently for the protection of the Lord for our North and South Hmong Coordinators. They are renting a house in northwestern Vietnam so that they can travel around the province and another provinces.

2.    Our South Coordinator is going to pastor a church in central Vietnam. His appointment service will be next February of 2023. It is the best way for him to serve with CCI under the church’s umbrella.

3.    A special class for Hmong and 2 other tribes in north Vietnam is going to start on February 14-23, 2023. Please pray for 12 pastors from different provinces to be trained 10 days by CCI.

4.    Praying for new classes for Hmong in the north to be started in 2023, especially a class for teachers in Ha Noi in February of 2023.

5.    May God provide financially for us to print books in Vietnamese and Hmong. It costs $1,700 every year.

6.    Pray for Pastor G who planted 2 new churches. He needs at least 60 chairs for his 2 new churches. It is about 120,000vnd/chair x 60 = 7,200,000vnd = $310. May God provide for him financially.

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