5th Sunday of Lent (A) | Mar 29, 2020
Dear Students,

We are adjusting to a new reality in campus ministry as we learn ways to minister to students who are not present on campus and are unable to participate in parish liturgies. We are finding new and creative ways to utilize social technology to continue staying in touch, but we look forward to the day when we can physically gather again in Christian fellowship.

Our live streamed Holy Hour for the Solemnity of the Annunciation on March 25 was a virtual success! We had over 100 people participate in real time with us on our Facebook Page, including not only current students, but many parents and alumni. We received an email from one alumna shortly after our Holy Hour ended. She wrote, "T hank you for livestreaming Adoration tonight. It was so nice to sit in the Presence and sing evening prayer with other people, even if it was only virtually!" You can view the Holy Hour and read the text of my homily here .

We are delighted that we are able to reach such a broad audience in this time of social isolation and will be exploring different ways we can continue to do so. Below you will find information about what we are doing online and different ways you can stay involved in our ministry and enrich your faith.

Be assured of my continued prayers for you.

In Christ's Peace,
Deacon Matt
This Sunday
This Sunday's gospel tells of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, showing Christ's absolute power over death and foreshadowing his own resurrection. In this reflection, Deacon Matt talks about how we, as Christians, participate in the eternal divine life of Christ even here and now.
Celebrate Sunday from home using this Liturgy of the Word provided by the Magnificat .
This Week on YouTube
Deacon Matt's talking about...
Online Small Groups
Our student small group leaders are finding ways to continue their Bible studies and discussions online.

  • Zack and Antonia plan to continue their lectionary-based Bible study looking at the upcoming Sunday readings each week. Email Zack at zjgeiger1@catamount.wcu.edu for more information on that (days and time TBD).

  • Cathy and Jesse will be hosting an online discussion Wednesday nights from 8 to 9 pm on 1 and 2 Corinthians. Email Cathy at cadutour1@catamount.wcu.edu for information on how to participate.

The other small group leaders are looking at the possibility of meeting online, so stay tuned for more
Spring Retreat - It's Back!
We were sad to have to cancel our Spring Retreat which was to be April 3-5. The focus of the retreat was to be Holy Week with the Saints, and since many of us are facing the prospect of Holy Week without the usual liturgies, we have decided to "resurrect" our retreat as a Holy Week "Virtual Mission." You are invited to join us online for an hour on Palm Sunday (April 5 at 7 pm), Holy Thursday (April 9 at 10 am), Good Friday (April 10 at 10 am), Holy Saturday (April 11 at 10 am), and Easter Sunday (April 12 at 7 pm) for talks, prayer and discussion about the Holy Week liturgies. Registration is free - we just need your name and email address and we'll send you all the pertinent information you'll need to participate. If you have already registered previously for our retreat, you don't need to register again. Anyone else is welcome to sign up here .
View Live-streamed Masses from St. Mary's
Father Coleman is live-streaming Masses on St. Mary's Facebook Page on the following schedule:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 12:00 noon
  • Saturday at 9:00 am
  • Saturday Vigil (Spanish) at 7:00 pm
  • Sunday at 11:30 am

You can watch the Mass live in real time, or view the video any time after the Mass has ended. Many other parishes are similarly broadcasting Masses on Facebook, YouTube, and other social media outlets. Check with your local parish to see what they have available!
Catholic Campus Ministry at WCU
Deacon Matthew Newsome, MTh, campus minister