Christ’s Resurrection & Our Education

Dear Lori,

In my previous newsletter, I wrote about discipline in education. Every church educates her congregation. It may not always occur in classrooms or schools, but every church passes skills and doctrine to the next generation in some form or another. At the center of education, wherever and however it may be found, the ultimate reason for this act of education will be simple survival. Thus, the purpose of the work of education in the context of the people of God is found in the central work of God in history.

Paul wrote to Corinthians, “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.” (1 Cor 15:14 - ESV). In this scripture, we found the resurrection of Christ from the dead gives us a reason, a purpose, a telos for the education of church workers. It is the purpose of the resurrection to create a new reality, a redeemed cosmos that is alive and in submission to the Lord Jesus Christ. In raising Jesus from the dead, God initiated the process in which the entire creation is being renewed and restored from its fallen, corrupted, and dead state to its eternal state of life, fullness, and love. God is making things as they were created to be.

When we teach church workers, were teaching and training them to live redeemed lives. Christian education is not just about giving knowledge, principles to love, to live a good life, but also, to make the Truth of resurrection of Christ to empower them to understand, to transform their lives.

So the Christian education is not to get church workers ready for the ministry, not to make them good workers/harvesters. It is not even for the purpose of “giving them a better position.” Not the point of Christian education is to make our students better than we are ourselves. Since the resurrection of Christ is the purpose of our education, the point is nothing short of the transformation of life. I am praying for the power of Jesus’ resurrection enable our teaching to change many lives for God’s Kingdom. 

Thank you for your prayers and support.

National Director/CCI Vietnam

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Seminars & a Graduation

The first marriage and family life for Hmong church workers and a graduation in northcentral Vietnam.

GFP Seminars in the northwest and central Vietnam

Testimony from a Seminar Instructor

Pastor S led a 1-day seminar on Love and Biblical Dating in the Hmong language. In attendance were 38 youths from three different churches and some couples who were planning to wed this year. Below is his testimony.

"I was a little nervous to lead this seminar because it’s my first time. I was trained in this seminar by CCI which helped me be more confident. Child marriage is a custom of our Hmong people. Recently, cohabitation and premarital sex has become popular in the church and has become a problem for families. Child marriage refers to any formal marriage or informal union between a child under the age of 18 for a female and 20 for a male and an adult or another child. It is also illegal in Vietnam. I praise the Lord after this seminar to witness young people commit their love affair to glorify God’s name and to live a pure life according to Psalm 119:9, ‘How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.’ Some young singles came to me saying that this course helped him/her to make wiser decisions in determining his/her present love due to his/her partner being a nominal Christian or non-Christian. And, three couples decided to postpone their wedding to next year to reach the ages of 18 and 20 as per our law requirement. I am glad to see the result of the training."

Pastor S

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Prayer Requests & Praises

1.    Praise God for the April 2-3 training Story of Hope, an evangelical tool for CCI’s teachers. Those who were trained in this class are certified teachers to train church workers.

2.    Pastor Y visited the CCI class in Phnom Penh and taught Book #4. He also visited Vietnamese churches in Cambodia on April 13-17.

3.    On April 22-27, 3 CCI Vietnam team members went to Pattaya, Thai Lan to join the training DCPI (Dynamic Church Planting International). Praise God for allowing us to gain a vision for church planting multiplication for Vietnam.

4.    Praying for the new CCI class that started on March 24, 2024 with 17 students.

5.    The very first graduation in northcentral Vietnam for 12 students is going to be the end of April.  

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