
January 31, 2022

Contact Us

School Hours:

Mon – Thurs: 8:30am – 3:00pm

Friday: 8:30am – 12:30pm

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There is only one Choice!

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Talk about a "work out"

Spruce class received a new desktop stationary bike for their classroom. This is a valuable piece of equipment as many of our students need weight and motion as a means of self regulation and focus.

There are two other such bikes in Choice School - one in Hemlock and one in the science lab.

Upcoming events

Feb 1, 2022

Chinese New Year

Feb 2, 2022

Presentation by Debbie Clelland on "parenting gifted children"

(see details below)

Feb 18, 2022

Professional Day


Feb 21,2022

Family Day


March 10, 2022

Report cards go home

March 11, 2022

Professional Day


March 14-March 25, 2022

Spring break


March 28, 2022

Classes Resume

COVID 19 Update

The past two years have been extremely challenging for all of us. While we have learnt to co-exist with the deadly virus, there is still an aspect of unpredictability tied to it, which almost always takes us by surprise. A new COVID variant emerges every now and then, making it difficult for scientists and experts to find an ultimate solution.

As of late, COVID's Omicron variant has breached the walls of several countries, confirming that it is highly contagious. However, the heavily mutated variant, is said to be milder and possibly different from the previous strains.

Both Omicron and Delta variants share some common symptoms like mild fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue and body pain. However, loss of sense of smell is a less common trait with the Omicron variant.

During the Delta wave, loss of smell was one of the tell-tale signs of COVID-19, which helped differentiate between the SARs-COV-2 virus and a mild flu or cold. Additionally, this symptom lingered on for months after recovery. Currently, the following symptoms may all indicate an omicron infection:

  • headaches,
  • a sore throat,
  • a runny nose,
  • feeling fatigued
  • frequent sneezing
  • body aches
  • night sweats
  • loss of apetite
  • vomiting

While it may feel like a usual cold or a flu, you are urged get yourself tested immediately.

Daily Health Check

American Mathematics Competition 8

Last week, six of Choice School's eager mathematicians from CMS competed in the American Mathematics Competition 8. This is a grade 8 contest written by mathematicians all over the world.

Rather than focus on curriculum, the contest focuses on critical thinking and problem solving. The students have been working on this for the past months as we revamp our math program.

More math contests are planned. The next one will be on April 6, 2022 and will involve other grades also.

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Chinese New Year in Music

January has been a great month for students in the music classes with Mr. McLaren.

All of the classes have been working on Chinese folk songs for Chinese New Year. Students have studied many of the traditional Chinese instruments such as the Pi pa, Di zi, Gu zheng, yang qin and the Er hu.

Students learned the story and symbolism behind each song and used that to guide their musical interpretation of the song, while using all of the class instruments and percussion. Parents will receive a recording of the songs next week. 

Chinese New Year Art

This week all of the classes started working on an art project for Chinese New Year, year of the tiger, by learning how to draw a tiger. Each class watched a different YouTube video and followed along step-by-step. They drew with pencils then outlined in sharpie.

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Big Buddies & Little Buddies

As part of the K1 writing program, students have begun experimenting with different forms of communication. 

They started by writing letters to their CMS 7 buddies. In response to Oak classes letters, CMS 7 replied with a postcard, and in return, Oak class is working on composing emails to reply to their buddies. This will continue while we are under COVID protocol in order to keep the communication going between the two classes. 

This program is very successful and builds positive connections between our youngest and oldest students. Cedar is also "buddying" with CMS 6 students and are exchanging letters.

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Navigating relationships: Within your family & with your gifted/multi-exceptional child’s school

We are privileged to host Debbie Clelland to present a talk on "parenting gifted children". This will be held via zoom on February 2, 2022.

Debbie Clelland, PhD, Registered Clinical Counsellor, has been working in the field of counselling since 1998, a professor in counsellor education since 2006, and is a local expert on giftedness. She has done several research studies within the field of giftedness and is an international speaker. She volunteered with the Gifted Children’s Association of BC for over twelve years, including several years as President. She is the mother of two gifted sons (now adults), and the owner of Debbie Clelland Coaching & Consulting.

The journey of supporting a gifted/multi-exceptional child’s needs takes a lot of navigation. There are mysteries to solve including how to provide for social-emotional and educational needs of each child currently. How do you help your child figure out persevering and having “grit”? How do you deal with moments when frustrations run high?  How do you deal with educational needs outside of school, and develop good relationships with educational professionals that can make a big difference to parents/guardians and children? This presentation is designed to support parents and guardians in their roles at home and school, and plot a course to navigate these sometimes-turbulent waters. 



Registration for "Parenting Gifted Children"

Donate a book

As we develop our Choice library, we are looking at ways to add reading material for our students.

We suggest that parents donate a book (or two) on the occasion of their child's birthday. This would be a perfect way to give back and add to the learning resources of the school.

And these books will be used for many years to come and read by many of our students. Please contact Mr. Bolina if you would like to donate books or any other resources.

What better way to celebrate your child's birthday, than to donate a book to the Choice School library!

Thank you to Niki and Andy!

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Letters for re-enrollment have now been sent out to all parents. As you know, February marks the start of our re-enrollment season. We offer priority re-enrollment for current Choice families. With many inquiries and confirmed experience days in the coming weeks, it is important that you confirm your re-enrollment for the 2022/23 school year.

Please also note that we are offering enrollment into grade 8 for our grade 7 students.

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Choice School

20451 Westminster Highway North

Richmond, BC,V6V 1B3

Tel: 604.273.2418

Fax: 604.273.2419
