This quarterly Chino Basin Program Bulletin is your source to learn more about an exciting partnership designed to increase local water supply reliability and regional resiliency.


The Chino Basin Program is shaping the future of water. CBP is a first-of-its-kind water program that moves beyond traditional water management practices to achieve new levels of water security, flexibility and affordability.

Learn more about the CBP by viewing our video >>>

Funding Update

The Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) was recently awarded $2.8 million from the USBR’s WaterSMART Water Recycling and Desalination Planning program. Additionally, IEUA was conditionally selected to receive over $46 million of funding from FEMA's Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program for the Inland Empire Recycled Water and Aquifer Storage Project. Both grants support activities related to the Chino Basin Program. This funding will assist in improving drought resiliency and supporting effective water management in the region.

To read more on this update, click here >>>>  

This funding is in addition to Water Storage Investment Program (WSIP) Early Funding from the California Water Commission totaling $10,763,270 which has been used for preliminary design, feasibility studies and environmental documents.  

Program Update


Before some of the major CBP projects get started, an important step in the process is the development of several technical documents which are necessary for environmental compliance and other regulatory and planning requirements.

Several of these documents have been completed including: 

  • Approach to develop baseline compliance scenarios 
  • Program Environmental Impact Report 
  • Rialto Recycled Water Interconnection Preliminary Design Report 
  • Aquifer Replenishment Wells Draft Preliminary Design Report and Facilities Siting Study 
  • Regional Water Recycling Plan No. 4 (RP-4) Advanced Water Purification Facility Design Report 

To view any of these documents, please visit:


IEUA recently executed Term Sheets with Cucamonga Valley Water District and the Fontana Water Company. These agreements will help push key project milestones forward and allow for greater collaboration between all CBP partners.

Click here for more information on the CBP's partners and supporters >>>> 

Components of the Chino Basin Program project are gearing up to break ground! The construction of boring and monitoring wells are critical to the overall planning and design of the Chino Basin Program. IEUA and our partners look forward to hosting a groundbreaking event on June 7th. Details for that event will be sent out soon.

Connect With Us

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