Issue No. 241 | October 18, 2022

Strengthening American Capacity for Effective Engagement

俗语 from Xi Jinping


shì qiáng líng ruò

Meaning: bully; threaten

Original: 当前,世界之变、时代之变、历史之变正以前所未 有的方式展开。一方面,和平、发展、合作、共嬴的历 史潮流不可阻挡,人心所向、大势所趋决定了人类前途 终归光明。另一方面,恃强凌弱、巧取豪夺、零和博弈 等霸权霸道霸凌行径危害深重,和平赤字、发展赤字、 安全赤字、治理赤字加重,人类社会面临前所未有的挑 战。世界又一次站在历史的十字路口,何去何从取决于 各国人民的抉择。


Xi Jinping used this chengyu when he discussed the community of common destiny. He presented history as at a crossroads, between hegemonic bullying and peaceful, cooperative development.

Weekly Reading: Homegrown Chips

For the masochists (同志们辛苦了), here is the full Party Congress work report (via @NPC-Observer on twitter). As Xi said,  “撸起袖子加油干”。

But as a break from all that, we suggest turning all the way back to page 18 of the People's Daily, where you will find this article/puff piece from and about Kunlun Chip, the unit that used to be Baidu’s AI chip arm. This is a great article to get you up to speed on your chip and semiconductor-related vocab. It also serves to highlight how companies are responding to policy actions in the U.S. They certainly have their messaging down.

昆仑芯AI芯片 筑底算力经济“新基建”

Early Career

Job Opportunity

Program Assistant, International Peace & Security

The Carnegie Corporation is hiring a Program Assistant with China background to provide programmatic and administrative support to the International Peace and Security grantmaking team. The Program Assistant will report directly to the Program Director, International Peace and Security, and will assist other program staff in seeking, developing, recommending for funding and administering projects in the program area. This is a great early career opportunity which will put you in the center of lots of exciting developments in the China space.

Apply Now!

The Next Generation Journalism Program is Open for Applications

Are you a young writer trying to develop a career writing about China? The AMS Next-Generation Journalists Program is a unique opportunity to hone your writing craft and build a track record of publication while under the guidance of an expert in the field. We have four great mentorships available, so apply soon.

Next-Generation Journalists Program

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