In March 2019, CMLC President Daniel J. Mitterhoff prepared a successful grant application to the International Center for Not-For Profit Law for funding to design a course on Civil Society Organizations and Public Participation in Development. The grant proposal was prepared on behalf of the Faculty of Integrated Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University in Nongkhai, Thailand (“KKU-FISS”) and the Faculty of Law and Political Science, National University of Laos (NUOL-FLPS) which jointly applied for funding to create the course in English, Lao and Thai. Mr. Mitterhoff led the team that developed three separate syllabi with relevant course materials in each language. Final course designs with supporting materials were completed and submitted to the ICNL in December 2019.

The "Civil Society Organizations and Public Participation in Development" course will teach students the legal fundamentals for the establishment and operation of non-profit entities, all through a comparison of the regulatory regimes governing charity and public engagement in China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and the U.S. The three courses also emphasize the role played by CSO's in the policy development, public interest litigation, public service delivery, and community-developer negotiation processes.

Successful design of this innovative course moves CMLC closer to the establishment of our Mekong Region Legal Studies Program as a two-year LL.M. program focused on training lawyers to serve disadvantaged communities in mainland Southeast Asia. It also improves and diversifies the Lao and Thai language course offerings at KKU-FISS and FLSP-NUOL.

The International Center for Not-For-Profit Law works to improve the legal environment for civil society, philanthropy, and public participation around the world, envisioning a safe , legal environment in which all people are free to join together and improve their lives. Funding to create the Asia-based courses was supported through ICNL's Global Education Initiative, with financing from the Government of Sweden.

Donations to support curricula development, innovative international learning environments, and/or CMLC's other programs in developing Asia can be processed HERE . We value and appreciate your support and any assistance that you might provide 

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