Chime Notes news & updates

September 2024 | Issue 117

Upcoming Events

Communion Sundays

September 1, 10 am

October 6, 10 am

Sunday Worship this month

September 1-8-15-22-29

Blessing of Backpacks ---->

Youth, Parents, Educators

Sunday, September 8

Homecoming Sunday

Start of the NEW church year

Sunday, September 15

Holiday Fair 101

9 am breakfast and info session

Sunday, September 29

In addition to our in person worship, we will continue to use ZOOM to broadcast the 10 AM Sunday Worship Service, which is also streamed to Facebook Live.

Coffee hour is after worship, in Clarke Hall, with fans moving the air.

Great thanks to our team of ushers and coffee hour hosts.

Coffee and Conversations is run by lay leaders, and is a time of discussion and reflection about the day's scripture. We meet at 9:10 on non-Communion Sundays, and finish by 9:55. We will begin on October 13th.

Each September, the church restarts our programming, with new events and activities, while resuming some of the old standbys. This year, our Homecoming RE-launch will take place on Sunday, September 15. We'll have Sunday worship at 10 as usual, with the choir returning to lead us in music.
Summer Sunday school will also return, with Siobhan and her crew, using the Godly Play curriculum.
The Holiday Fair in November (the 23rd) will also be back, and is already in the planning stages. Read more below about a special breakfast meeting on September 29, geared to those who want to know more about this activity that has been going on since the beginning of the church (175+ years ago)!
Other activities to look forward to this year include:
Missions outreach
Cherish the Earth programs
Bible studies
Book discussions
Social Justice work
Musical offerings
Coffee (or TEA) and <-----Conversations RETURNS on October 13th
Come to church early to explore the scripture reading, and how it may apply to our daily lives in 2024!


We interrupt your summer to announce that the annual church fair will be held on Saturday, November 23rd. A core group of leaders have already met to discuss, but we will need lots of new helpers. To that end we will host a Holiday Fair 101 breakfast before church at 9 am on

Sunday, September 29, in Clarke Hall

Following that meeting, the team will convene regularly in advance of the 11/23/24 Let it Snow (NO!!) Fair.

Karen and Di Pagnotti, Dave and Melissa Foye enjoy the August 18th concert by the Riverside Renaissance Swing Band. It was great to see so many friends and community members!

Sharon Thomas enjoys a spontaneous catch up with Marjorie Wormwood at Periwinkles! It was great to see Marjorie out and about with her daughter Dee!

Brittany Betts was one of the performers in the RRSB free concert on August 18th!


Clutter Crew celebrates Ellie at the Clubhouse at Kelley Greens in Nahant!

Ellie's new address:

1330 Chateau Point

Hoschton, Georgia 30548

Catching up with Ellie Casteel

who has relocated to Georgia!

August brought an exciting new chapter for Ellie Casteel, a 50+ year church member. Ellie has relocated to Hoschton, Georgia (40 miles north of Atlanta) to be closer to family, namely her son Clark, and daughter in law Maureen.

Ellie was born in Lynn, and joined the church with her late husband Jack around 1970. After her children were grown, she enjoyed a 20 year career at Salem Hospital. Through the years, Ellie and Jack were involved in many activities, including the choir, Sunday School, food bags for seniors, and the bake table. They are missed!

We are back doing the work of the church, from weekly worship to meetings to activities! Come join us!

Reopen 1
The First Church in Swampscott (MA) | [Website]
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