Chime Notes news & updates

February/March 2024 | Issue 111

Upcoming Events

Sunday Worship

March 3-10-17-24-31

Next Communion Sunday

March 3, 10 am

Stephen Ministry/Care Team

Grief Gathering

Monday, March 11, 7 pm

Holy Week 2024

Palm Sunday

March 24, 2024

Maundy Thursday

March 28, 2024

Good Friday

March 29, 2024

Easter Sunday

March 31, 2024

More information will be provided on the services for each of these dates.

In person Worship - we are now MASK OPTIONAL!

In addition to our in person worship, we will continue to use ZOOM to broadcast the 10 AM Sunday Worship Service, which is also streamed to Facebook Live.

Coffee hour is back in Clarke Hall with fans moving the air,

with great thanks to our team of ushers and coffee hour hosts.


Winter Walk on

Sunday, February 11th

What a great day we had on Sunday for the Winter Walk 2024. From the ride in to the parking, to the speeches and video, to the sights and sounds of

Boston Common, this was a fantastic time to be together to support the cause of ending homelessness. The organizations that receive the funds were all there, and we even got to

see Rev. Jennifer McCracken of St. Pauls, and several of the MANNA Pilgrims who stayed in our church during the once annual pilgrimages.

See below for some of the images from the 2/11 event. Unfortunately, we do not have a close up of Amanda Grant-Rose, who was fantastic in her speaking role. However, below you will find a picture of her dad Ken, selling

Rough Sleepers, the phenomenal book by Tracy Kidder about Dr. Jim O’Connell’s street ministry to the homeless. Amanda has more copies if you would like one. 4000 people took the WINTER walk this year, so it was a slow, but very inspiring, WALK!

Thank you, FIRST CHURCH, for all the financial contributions. Including the contribution from Missions, we raised over $1200 toward The Rose Family team, and overall support.

First Church Swampscott WW TEAM 2024 (l-r)

Maureen Sullivan, Jim Kinchley, Linda Lengyel, Janet Fischer, Greg Kahler, Sharon Thomas, Sharon Scofield, Jim Scofield

Rev. Ken Grant a/k/a

Amanda's father

Seen at Symphony Hall -

Janet Fischer, in her new role as usher, seats Dale Orzalli and Betsy Pugh (as well as Clarke and Sarah Orzalli, not pictured) at the February 27th Celebrity Series concert by Audra McDonald.

The Swampscott Senior Center hosted an informative lunch program on the METCO program on Wednesday, February 28. Swampscott High students and METCO alums and supporters offered a panel discussion about the program that brings Boston students of color to suburban schools. METCO (click here to learn more) began in 1966.

This followed an excellent program on Tuesday 2/27, sponsored by SURE.


Swampscott SURE

Lent is HERE!

This 40 day period began on Ash Wednesday, February 14, and continues through Holy Week.

Artist in Residence Brittany Betts has created some reflective music for the journey, that the choir is sharing at Sunday worship.

The Coffee and Conversation group is reading the Lenten Devotional Re-Discover Jesus, An Invitation by Matthew Kelly this Lent.

^ February 2024 happenings ^

Sunday morning Coffee and Conversation

This group meets in the Library on non-Communion Sundays. Each week, a member of the group will lead a discussion of spiritual topics, and how the words and stories of the Bible can inform and influence modern day issues.

We begin at 9:10 am. During March, we will meet on March 10-17-24.


The Stephen Ministry of Christian Caregiving has been in place at First Church since the 1990's, with a number of trained Stephen Ministers (and leaders) who are available to pair with a congregation member who desires a sustained caregiving relationship.

In addition to our *7* active Stephen Ministers, we have a care team of *5* individuals that are available for rides, visits, and other help with this important work.

We meet monthly, and welcome new members and new ideas. Feel free to contact Sharon Thomas -------->

We also maintain a bookshelf of literature on the Christian life, covering topics such as love, grief, etc. As we move into the Spring season, we will be studying a book called The Gift of Empathy, helping others feel valued, cared for, and understood, by Joel P. Bretscher and Kenneth G. Haugk.

Sharon's EMAIL

We are back doing the work of the church, from weekly worship to meetings to activities! Come join us!

Reopen 1
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