May 2018

Chilled Beams:
A Proven Technology
Tom Barrow Company
Delivering HVAC Solutions
If you're not familiar with chilled beams, this Price Industries video Chilled Beams Come of Age is a helpful resource. Chilled beams have a number of benefits including energy savings potential. This video covers common design considerations as well as method of test and certification of chilled beams.

For information on chilled beams or other products for your upcoming projects, please contact Tom Barrow Co. at (800) 229-8226.
One alternative technology to an all-air system that is gaining traction is the active chilled beam. The active chilled beam incorporates the distribution of ventilation air and uses room air induced across a water coil to transfer sensible thermal energy for both heating and cooling to the occupied space.

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 Tech Tips: Price Industries

Test Standard, ASHRAE 200, and Certification Program, AHRI 1240, Released for Active Chilled Beams
Tom Barrow Company | 1(800) 229-8226 |