Dear Good Shepherd Parishioners,

Below is the inaugural edition of our Children's Ministry Newsletter. It is being sent to the entire parish for this edition only so you are aware of our plans for our children and families. If you wish to subscribe to future editions, please click HERE to email Mary Lou Crifasi. Send your name and preferred email address.


Mary Lou Crifasi

A monthly newsletter for families with children ages 0 - 12 years.

August 2024

Introducing Mary Lou Crifasi

I am delighted to be serving as the Interim Children's Ministry Coordinator. We have some exciting plans for the children and families of Good Shepherd in the year ahead. Communication is important so I have started this newsletter for families with infants, preschoolers, and elementary-age children. I will keep you well-informed about upcoming plans.

For almost 20 years I served Episcopal churches in the Diocese of Southern Virginia. As the Director of Christian Formation, I coordinated children's programs, youth ministry, and adult formation. Although I thought I had retired from this work, I am happy to officially step in through next June.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me in the church office. (561) 746-4674

Family Ministry Page

Blessing of the Backpacks - August 11

A new school year is almost here. On Sunday, August 11, all students, teachers, and school workers are invited to bring their backpacks, lunch boxes, book bags, or briefcases to the 10:00 service. During the service, they will come to the front of the church with their belongings for a Back to School blessing.

There will be Sunday School. Children will be brought into the church in time for the blessings. Parents should hold onto the backpacks.

Worship Bags

Did you ever notice that sometimes children get fidgety in church? Worship Bags provide children with quiet activities to do during the service. These bags contain Children's Weekly Worship Bulletins which reinforce the readings. There are color pencils, crayons, pipecleaners, books and other quiet activities that help children engage in church.

The bags are hanging on a rack by the Welcome Desk in the Narthex. The green bags are for preschool children. The blue bags are for elementary school children. Please return the bags at the end of the service so they can be used again.

Sunday School News

Sunday School meets throughout the summer in the Ryon Office Building. We are exploring water stories from the Bible. So many interesting stories involve water. In August we are having fun while we learn about Jesus. Here are the stories we will hear this month:

  • August 4 - The Woman at the Well
  • August 11 - Jesus Walks on Water
  • August 18 - Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet
  • August 25 - Breakfast on the Beach

Each week we begin our class with prayer. Then we hear our Bible story from the Spark Children's Bible. We talk about the story and how it applies to our lives. Then we respond to the story with a creative art activity. Please ask your children about their favorite part of Sunday School.

Register for Sunday School

Sunday School Teacher Training - August 28 at 6:30

Remember that Sunday School teacher who made a Bible story come alive or showed you how much God loves you? You can be that person for the youngest members of our church family. Having adults who can reinforce the message of God’s love and nurture relationships with the children is so important. We need volunteers who can teach Sunday School on a rotating basis. Classes meet Sunday mornings from 10:00 – 10:35 am for children age 3 through 5th grade.

In preparation for our Fall Kickoff Sunday on September 8, there will be a Sunday School teacher training on Wednesday, August 28, at 6:30 pm in the library. We will review classroom procedures, discuss scheduling, and review the new curriculum. This year we are using Feasting on the Word, a lectionary-based program that will explore the same readings heard in church. Anyone with an interest is invited to attend. To volunteer or to ask questions, contact Mary Lou Crifasi. 561-746-4674 

Family Ministry Foundations Team Update

The Family Ministry Foundations Team is a dynamic group of parishioners committed to discerning and addressing the needs of our children, youth and families. This team, composed of youth group members, parents, teachers, clergy, and seasoned lay leaders, brings a wealth of diverse gifts and experience. Over the next year, the Family Ministry Foundations Team will lay the groundwork for a robust and vibrant children’s and youth program by creating structures and selecting a curriculum format that best work for Good Shepherd.

Coming Events

September 8 - Fall Kickoff Sunday

The beginning of the new program year. Following the 10:00 service there will be a Kickoff Cookout and Potluck. Everyone is welcome but we need to know who is coming, so please register HERE.

October 6 - Young Families Lunch at the Rectory at 1:00

The first Sunday of the month (except for September), families with children preschool through 5th grade are invited to attend a lunch to get to know each other. In October, this group will meet at the rectory at 1:00. Father Groff and Tony Romano are having an open house for the entire parish that afternoon beginning at 2:00, but the Young Families Group will meet first. (Rectory address: 296 River Dr., Tequesta.)

October 27 - Pumpkin Carving and Prayer Service at 5:00 pm

Come and carve a jack-o-lantern and enjoy a prayer service in our outdoor chapel. 

Join us in gratitude for God's abundance in this life.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Matthew 6:21

Gifts and Pledge

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and School

The Rev. Dr. Sanford H. Groff, Jr., Rector

Mary Lou Crifasi, Interim Children's Minister
