Weekly Encouragement...
The GROW virtual conference was designed to be a training “toolbox” to equip you in a way that fits a variety of schedules. The CDM Ministry Team worked to provide videos with a mix of ministry philosophy and practical advice. We have been encouraged by the feedback we have received. We welcome your insight on what was helpful, what was not as helpful, and what topics would help you in the future.

Lisa Updike at Covenant PC in Harrisonburg, VA, mentioned how a young man in their ministry has watched a number of the videos and sent a note giving thanks for the opportunity to serve in ministry to the next generation. What an awesome picture of Psalm 78:4-7: one generation telling the next generation of the glorious deeds of the Lord!

Last Thursday, BA Snider offered the first webinar on classroom management (the Zoom recording is now on the GROW virtual website). Her presentation of the “myths of classroom management” along with the emphasis on preparation and relationship was encouraging.

In this week’s webinar, Dr. John Kwasny helps you develop a congregational vision for child discipleship. Next week, Ashley Belknap considers ministry to those with unique developmental and educational needs. 

If you are in a building (or rebuilding) stage of your Children's Ministry, be sure to watch Sue Jake’s workshop on developing a team-based approach, which leads to creativity and longevity.

This week’s featured resources include a new curriculum by Heather Molendyk on Covenant Theology for young children (ages 4-8). You can watch Heather’s 2 minute video describing the curriculum and why she wrote it. This resource would be good for a mid-week, Sunday evening, or Children’s Church curriculum. 

Also, consider two helpful books on the practical implications of covenant theology. In Anyway and Always, Bryan and Kathy Chapell show how the love of a covenant God brings comfort to children who sometimes fail to obey. The other resource is for adults, and especially church leaders. In Heirs of the Covenant, Susan Hunt pictures the plan and blessing of multi-generational discipleship in the covenant community. 
Webinar Calendar
All webinars begin at 7:30 pm Eastern
  • Tuesday, August 31 - Developing a Congregational Vision for Discipling Children (John Kwasny)
  • Tuesday, September 7 - Unique Needs: How to Identify, Love, and Disciple Kids Impacted by Disability in Your Children's Ministry (Ashley Belknap)
  • Monday, September 13 - Beyond Sunday Morning
  • Thursday, September 16 - Transformational Summer Ministry (Jimmy Brock)
  • Wednesday, September 22 - Equipping Kids to Stand Firm in the Present Culture (Dana Russell)
  • Thursday, September 30 - Outreach: Relational Engagement with Our Community Kids (Joseph Parker)
  • Tuesday, October 5 - Teaching Children to Worship God in a Corporate Worship Setting (Becky Sinclair)

All links for the webinars will be listed once you log into the Grow website.