Things I noticed this week.

Hello families,

"Earth’s Crammed with Heaven

And every common bush afire with God;

But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,

The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries…"

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Spring has sprung! In my garden, forsythias, Carolina jasmine, and daffodils are bursting with yellow joy, hyacinths and bluebells are peeking round the corner, and Lenten Roses are keeping time with our lectionary! Weirdly, my camelias and Chrismas cactus are also bursting with flowers. Sometimes I think that the Great Gardener is trying so hard to get our attention that She overdoes it .... and I love it! Or maybe, She just can't help Herself, pouring out the love everywhere saying "I am here with you! Take off your shoes and come be with me"

“Instructions for living a life.

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it.”

Mary Oliver




Lent Resources

  1. The children and youth team purchased two amazing devotionals for the parish for Lent, one about Climate Change and one using Mary Oliver's poetry. Parishioners can choose which one they would like to use as individuals or families. A few printed versions will be available around the church, but we have a link to the digital versions available online at Meditations for Lent
  2. The Stations of the Cross are hung up in the church for you to walk through. The 14 stations tell the story of Jesus' walk towards Golgotha and his crucifixion and resurrection. We recently added 4 new pieces by artists around the city. Here is a guide to use as you walk through and look at the art.

This Sunday, March 10, 2024

Nursery : 8:30-12:30

1st floor Pritchett Center

Children's Church: 8:45 gathering; 9:00 service;

2nd floor Pritchett Center

Second Sunday - we will come over and stay up at the altar for the Eucharistic Prayer and communion and then come to you.

Children's Formation: 10:20-11:05

2nd floor Pritchett Center

Pajama Sunday

Turn your Clocks Forward!

This week we Spring Forward into Daylight savings time, so turn your clocks forward this Saturday night, and remember that you can just roll out of bed and come to church in your PJ's! Yes parents, your kids can come in their PJ's or housecoat and bring their lovey to Children's Church. This is always a favorite Sunday for them, but if someone doesn't want to wear PJ's, they can wear their sweats!

We will also be kicking off a month of collecting Spring pajamas for Threads. Next time you make a Target or Walmart run, grab a pair and bring them on Wednesday nights or Sunday mornings to the 2nd floor of Pritchett and drop them in our collection box.

Parish Engagement Gatherings

Parishioners are gathering in homes across town, sharing a simple supper and engaging in a brainstorming exercise with our consultant.  Please take a look at when you can come to one. The link to sign up for one is HERE

Join All Sorts, the All Saints LFBT+ and friends group for formation and fellowship for our launch lunch. Families are welcome. 12:30-2:00, Ellis Hall, this Sunday.

Children's Church

Helpers Needed

It's a new year and we need folks to sign up to help in Children's Church.

Please check your calendar and sign up Here

Register Now for Formation and Choir

Formation and Choir Registration 2023-2024

Coming Up - Save the Date

February Dates

CC=Children's Church

CF=Children's Formation

Feb. 24

Sandwich Build for Habitat Participants 10:00

Feb. 25 2nd Sunday of Lent

CC - we come to you at the Peace.

CF - class as usual

Mar 3

CC - we come to you at the Peace.

CF - class as usual

Mar 10

CC - Second Sunday we come after we take Communion

CF - class as usual

Mar 17

CC - we come to you at the Peace.

CF - class as usual

Mar 24 Palm Sunday donkey here at 8:15 for pictures

CC - no Children's Church as we will join worship in Ellis Hall w Children's Choirs singing and a reading of the passion by the Youth.

CF - class as usual

Mar 31 Easter

CC - no Children's Church as we will join worship in Chuch/Ellis Hall


VBS will be June 3-7

for all rising K-5th graders.

6th-12th graders can be Counselors

and receive community service hours.

K-3rd grades Club 45

1/7 David is Anointed

1/14 MLK activity

1/21. David & Goliath

1/28 King David and Solomon

2/4. Musical no class

2/11 The Lord is My Shepherd

2/18 Boy Jesus in the Temple

2/25 Jesus Calls His Disciples

3/3 The Beattitudes

3/10 Jesus Walks on Water

3/17 The Parable of the Vineyard

3/24 Jesus Water into Wine

3/31 Easter - no class

4/7 Mary and Martha

4/14 Jesus Raises Lazarus

4/21 The Lost Sheep and Coin

4/28 Jesus Heals Ten with Leprosy

5/5. The Parable of the Talents

5/12 End of Year Party in class

5/19 Sundae Sunday

1/7 Joseph Coat ofMany Colors

1/14 Moses/MLK

1/21Moses Exodus/Wilderness

1/28 Commandments

2/4. Musical - no class

2/11 Promised Land

2/18 Judges

2/25 David

3/3. Solomon's Temple

3/10 Kingdoms

3/17 Prophets

3/24 Rewind/FIA MAC

3/31 Easter - no class

4/7 Babylon

4/14 Diaspora

4/21 Return

4/28 Occupation

5/5. Caesar

5/12 Fun and Trivia

5/19 Sundae Sunday

*FIA = Faith In Action days of service

Kathy Roberts
Director of Children's Ministries
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For more information contact Kathy Roberts