May Heatstroke Coalition Newsletter
This is a time of uncertainty, disruption, instability, and sacrifice. We are all traveling down a shaky, unmapped road as a community, state, country, and world. We recognize that so many people are going through a challenging time right now, but we also wanted to make sure we are communicating with you by sending out proactive messaging so our children remain safe.

The May newsletter from the Pediatric Vehicular Heatstroke Coalition focused this month on the  issue of children who gain access to hot cars (r ead the newsletter) Thank you to our partners the National Safety Council, Safe Kids and Jan Null for their contributions and dedication to preventing hot car tragedies. 
Safety Tips from :
  • Make sure children cannot sneak out of the house unnoticed:
  • Use childproofing door knob covers
  • Install extra locks at the top of exterior doors where children cannot reach them
  • Install baby gates or whatever means necessary to ensure that a child is unable to leave the home
  • Be especially cautious during busy times.
  • Know that many children have innocently gotten out of their home unnoticed after nap time so guard against that happening in your home.
  • Keep vehicles locked at all times. Ask neighbors and visitors to do the same.
  • Never leave car keys within reach of children. 
  • Teach children to honk the horn if they become stuck inside a car and to try to open all doors to get out.
  • If a child is missing, immediately check the inside of all vehicles in the area including floorboards and the car trunk. If a vehicle is locked, locate the owner so the inside of their car can be inspected.

More information on hot cars and children HERE .

Please feel free to reach out to us. We are still working 24/7 and thinking about you and your families. 

Please be sure to take care of yourselves. That’s the most important job right now. | Website