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Dear CAP Family,
We are already 2 months into 2021 and God continues to show us His mercies and provision. Schools are back in session with "in person" attendance for the students in Kenya. The rainy season has arrived there also. We continue to give thanks to all of you for your support and prayers. God is using you to do good things. We are endeavoring to fulfill Proverbs 31:9b "Plead the cause of the poor and needy." Help us if you can!
❤️ -Dixie Koch & Trina Burns
Pastor John, Moi's Bridge & Children Are People School Update
Our CAP school ranked high in the district for their testing last fall and has developed a strong reputation. As a result, the school continues to grow with over 200 students. In person classes resumed in January and are going well.

One need that exists is the regular maintenance and emptying of the septic system. It's a commercial system built for the multiple bathrooms on site. The cost is $1000 and if you would like to help with this, please note it with your donation.
Medical Needs
One of our young Sudanese girls named Christmas had polio when she was very young and is not able to walk. She has been using a wheelchair from Mama Doris for those that remember her, but it is no longer able to be repaired and needs to be replaced. The cost for a new one is $200.

The rainy season has begun and with that cases of malaria in our group have also risen. When given the proper medication quickly, most cases of malaria can be treated effectively. We are thankful that we have been able to do that. If you would like to help with either a new wheelchair for the young girl, Christmas, or continuing medical costs, please note that on your donation.
New Addition
David Kamau and his wife welcomed a baby girl several weeks early recently. She is doing very well, praise God! David has been with John and Tabby for years and serves as our van driver for each of our teams when we go. She's so tiny, but perfect!!
News from Mt. Elgon
Pastor Davidson
The rains began this week and will continue through March. This is the time when Pastor Davidson works the ground and plants his crops. These crops feed not only his family, but many children and widows in the area. It costs $500 total to plant these crops, this includes all supplies needed and the cost of using the team of oxen. If you would like to help with this, please note that with your donation.
Pictured here is Sharon, recently widowed whom CAP supporters were able to provide with bedding.
Another medical need is a woman named Lillian. She has a deep wound of her foot that is infected and needs money for the doctor and treatment. If you would like to help Lillian out, please indicate so with your donation.
Pastor Titus
The school continues to grow and expand. Each day the students are also fed a meal (pictured). Because of the growth of the school the costs for feeding them have also increased. These children are quite poor and oftentimes have many holes in their clothing and may not even have school uniforms. The dresses that have been sent in the past and we will take on future trips are a blessing to these girls.

Pastor Titus also has a niece who is paralyzed and needs a new wheelchair. The cost of a new one is $200. If you would like to help with any of Pastor Titus's needs, please indicate so with your donation.
CAP Uganda
Pastor Zanaida continues to care for a few children in Uganda (pictured) and has planted and harvested greens, cassava and onions on her acre of land. Pictured on the right is a portion of her recent onion harvest. The greens provide good nutrition and are used to make a delicious dish, Sukuma Wiki, which is similar to collard greens. If you are interested in a recipe so that you can try it, you can click on this link, sukuma wiki. It also works well using kale instead of collard greens if you prefer.

Pastor Zanaida will continue to plant food on the acre of land she is able to rent thanks to CAP support to grow for their consumption as well as to sell to help support them.
Return to Africa
Many have asked when we plan to return to Africa. We originally hoped to send a team this summer, but with travel restrictions still in place, this fall seems more likely. We are anxious to go! (Covid-19 vaccines will begin in Kenya next month.)

Women who knew Betty Thomas of Dresses for Africa continue her legacy by sewind dresses and feminine hygiene packs for us to take on the next trip. Both are such a blessing to girls and women especially on Mt. Elgon.
Philippine Ministries
The feeding program Bretha runs for children in the Phillipines continues to grow and flourish. A typhoon recently hit and brought challenges. Bretha made adjustments in food distribution as necessary throughout this time of COVID, and now has been able to resume feeding of children on site.
The Magdaong family continues to serve youth and children in the Philippines. They are pictured above with children from Abba's Promise. The youth gatherings they host have been going well and they hope to soon add a children's gathering. Pictured below are some of the youth serving one of their own families. The father passed away leaving 3 teenage children and their mother.
There are many ways you can help...
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His Harvest!

Thank you everyone,
Dixie K

Mailing address: Children Are People
PO Box 5113, Quincy, IL 62305