Chickens are Welcome

Greetings Ministry Partners,

Pastor Joel is a CCI graduate in South Cotabato. He is a church planter among the B’laan and T’boli tribes. During the fifth anniversary celebration of their church this year, the members expressed their thanksgiving by offering chickens, fruit, coconuts, and cash to the Lord. Others brought used clothes to be given to those who needed them. What a great way to show appreciation for the Lord’s provision and great love! May we all show our love for the Lord by giving generously to His ministry in the coming year!

Pastor Manny and Linda Gocon, Leo and Caleb Usi and Henry and Cora Ventura went to Baguio City for a team planning and retreat in December. We rejoiced at the accomplishments of CCIP this year and discussed our goals and plans for next year. Dick Persons helped us prepare the budget for 2023. Please pray for the Lord to provide the finances that we will need next year.

Pastor Val Abellanosa traveled twelve hours by bus to Surigao City in northeastern Mindanao to promote CCI. Please pray that this trip will result in a Teacher Training Workshop (TTW) and the start of classes in Surigao. Pastor Val also traveled seven hours by bus to M’lang, Cotabato to look at the possibility of starting a class there and also to attend the wedding of one of his CCI students.

Eleven students graduated in Davao City under Pastor Joel Martinez. This is the sixth batch of students at Harvest Life School of Ministry. They have another group that is currently being equipped by other CCI graduates.

Pastors Abellanosa and Dominto led a Teacher Training Workshop (TTW) in Impasug-ong, Bukidnon with four participants. They are planning to start classes in 2023.

We appreciate your prayers and support.

Henry Ventura
CCI Philippines National Director
Click here to help support Henry

Prayer Requests & Praises

     Please pray for wisdom to focus on the most important activities next year.

     Please pray that the Lord would provide the resources necessary for our operations in 2023.

     Please pray that the Lord will call more Coordinators who will help us expand the ministry in the Philippines.

    We praise God for the new class with seven students that was started in December in Jagna.

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