During the afternoon/evening of Thursday, February 23rd, we will be meeting up with chess students from Santa Fe for a meeting of Albuquerque and Santa Fe chess students.
We will be there by 5:30pm to play chess, teach chess casually, and play bughouse. At about 6:00pm, we will pair up the top players in attendance from Albuquerque and the top players in attendance from Santa Fe for a fun friendly exhibition.
Fun fact: Did you know there is a Learners Chess tee-shirt somewhere in the House of Eternal Return at Meow Wolf? See if you can find it next time you are there!
When: Thursday evening, February 23rd,
Where: Meow Wolf in Santa Fe
Who: All Chess Learners/ Players are Invited!
Cost: Free!
RSVP: Email learnerschess@gmail.com and let us know your child's name and if they'll want to play on the team representing their respective city. Let me know if you are interested in carpooling and able to drive or needing of a ride.