Cherry Tree & Associates | Q1 2024

• Key Topics
• Macroeconomic Update
• Global Industrials M&A Market
• Notable Transactions
• Publicly-Traded Comparables
• Cherry Tree & Associates Overview
View the Q1 2024 Industrial Products & Services Report

For a confidential conversation about your company's strategic alternatives for exiting, merging, acquiring, obtaining financing, or how trends in the market affect your business, please contact Dave Latzke.

Dave Latzke, Managing Partner

Phone: 952.253.6032

Cherry Tree & Associates is a private investment banking firm headquartered in Minneapolis. Our firm specializes in serving middle market companies and their owners, whether private, public, or divisions of larger corporations.
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The information included in this publication has been obtained from public sources, and is not based upon private or confidential Cherry Tree information. Cherry Tree gathers its data from sources it considers reliable. However, it does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided within this publication. Any opinions presented reflect the current judgment of the authors and are subject to change. Cherry Tree makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy of this information or any opinions expressed by the authors. Officers, directors, partners of Cherry Tree and Cherry Tree proprietary investment funds may have positions in the securities of the companies discussed, and certain affiliates of Cherry Tree may recommend to specific clients the purchase and sale of securities discussed in the publication. This publication does not constitute a recommendation with respect to the securities of any company discussed herein, and it should not be construed as such. Cherry Tree or its affiliates may from time to time provide investment banking or related services to these companies. Like all Cherry Tree employees, the authors of this publication receive compensation that is affected by overall firm profitability. We undertake no obligation to update any information in this publication.