June 12, 2024

Scan to read the Wave online.

A PDF version of the Wednesday Wave is available by clicking here.

Please print a copy for workers without email.

June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, an opportunity to learn about the unique cultures, traditions and experiences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

Each week throughout the month of June will feature a different theme. The theme for June 10 to 16 is Children and Youth.

The Seven Sacred Laws: Respect

In the Anishinaabe world, and others, the Seven Sacred Laws have acted as the foundation of a way of life and connection to the spirit and the land.

The Seven Sacred Laws are represented by seven animals that ensure a close relationship with nature. Each animal offers a special gift and understanding of how we as people should live our lives on Earth.

Robert Maytwayashing, regional Knowledge Keeper, shared some insights on the Seven Sacred Laws with a focus on Respect, represented by the Spirit of the Buffalo:

I have chosen to speak on the teaching of Respect as represented by the Spirit of the Buffalo.


Respect is something that one must have for themselves before they can express it outward.


To have respect is to understand that we are all unique with certain gifts, talents and abilities. Each and every one of us has something to contribute to the sacred hoop of life.


We need to create opportunities where we can share these gifts which each other, for the benefit of the whole. 


There are many different people with their own distinct cultures and life experiences that utilize our health-care system. We need to learn that although we have differences, we also have more commonalties as human beings.


We need to learn respect for the Earth the original mother to us all. All that we need to survive comes from her. If we disrespect her, she can lose her ability to sustain us. We need to understand that we are meant to live with the Earth and all her creatures in a respectful manner and not to abuse that responsibility. If we don’t follow the teaching of respect as it relates to each other, all our relations and the Earth, we are not respecting the future of those yet to come.


We may not fully understand where an individual is coming from, culturally, socially, etc. but we still need to respect that they deserve equal treatment when accessing the health-care system.


Respect is taking the time to learn from and about each other and to support one another whether it is in our work life or our personal life.


I share all of this with the upmost respect.



Prepare for Summer Solstice!

Topic: Preparation for Summer Solstice

When: Wednesday, June 19 from 12 – 1 p.m.

Where: Microsoft Teams Meeting

Speaker: Elder Mae Louise Campbell

Mark your calendar for Treaty Days!

Indigenous voices in health care

Shared Health has compiled stories of Indigenous leaders, health-care workers and community members to celebrate contributions toward improving equity, diversity and access across Manitoba’s health-care landscape. Interlake-Eastern RHA's regional director for Indigenous health Adam Sanderson was among those profiled. Read more.

We’re on our way to online occurrence reporting

The provincial roll-out of RL online occurrence reporting is underway in Interlake-Eastern RHA. Our adoption of RL will mark the conclusion of paper-based occurrence reporting in the region. New online reporting with RL will contribute to improved quality, safety and continuity of health care.


Our quality, risk and patient safety team has long-awaited the rollout of RL.


“With RL, we can access information in near real-time. That will improve the reliability of data so we’ll be able to run more informative reports that can better support decision making,” said Katherine Podaima, regional lead, quality, risk and patient safety.


“Thank you to all staff who have taken time to complete RL training and support your colleagues in our adoption of a new system. Please take advantage of the expertise in place with Shared Health’s RL support team that is helping us through this transition.”


Are you ready to use RL?

Sign on to the Learning Management System and watch the 30-minute training video called “Patient Safety Event Reporting in RL for Employees” that you can find if you type in “RL” in the search box. Please complete training by June 18.


Talk to your manager for more information about RL or visit StaffNet.

Public health team unites

Shannon Montgomery, director health services; public health and wellness facilitators Marilyn Sitar (Whitemouth), Caroline McIntosh (Lac du Bonnet) Michelle Berthelette (Pine Falls), Jan Keryluk (Gimli)

Lauren Sinclair-Marantz, manager health services public health central; Pam Nore, PHN/CD coordinator Selkirk; Michelle Kehler, PHN Oakbank

Ashley Bobier, PHN Ashern; Sarah Freeman, PHN Stonewall; and Marie Arnbjornsson, manager health services public health west

Guest speaker Dr. Claire Betker, scientific director, National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health

For the first time in several years, the public health team met in-person for a program meeting in Selkirk on June 3. 

Approximately 85% of the team was able to attend including Families First, Healthy Baby, Wellness, URIS and FASD teams, CD techs, public health nurses, administrative support and leadership from both the public health program. The event also included Interlake-Eastern senior leadership members Tanya Cheetham, regional lead acute care, public health and chief nursing officer, and Marion Ellis, chief executive officer. 

It was a wonderful opportunity to welcome new members of the public health team and network with co-workers not seen in person for some time.

The day was packed with wonderful presentations that had all the staff reflecting on their work in public health and the vision for the future. Presenters included Dr Claire Betker, scientific director, National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health; Jennifer Chiarotto, executive director, population and public health, public health division, Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care; and Dr. Brent Roussin, chief provincial public health officer.

In addition to the presentations, long-term service awards were presented to staff employed with IERHA achieving milestones for 10, 20 and 30 years.

Thank you to Wendy Fontaine, manager of health services, public health east, for this submission.

Living and working in IERHA and loving it

What activities do you enjoy in the region? Send us a photo and a few words about why you love where you live and work. Entries can be sent to

We’ll share your stories in the Wave and, with your permission, on our social media feeds to help prospective job seekers appreciate all that our region has to offer. All entries will be entered in a draw for an item of your choice from IERHA’s online store.

Susan Walker, ER registration and admitting clerk at Selkirk Regional Health Centre, shared why she loves living and working in the region, as well as photos of nature’s beauties:

I love where I live and work, mostly because of nature and all the animals we encounter. Whether it be the regular deer, foxes or rabbits, or even a beaver that strayed too far from the riverbank, they are all a welcome sight! Birds are of all varieties. 

Some special ones you don’t see everyday are blue jays, hummingbirds, eagles and woodpeckers. 

Of course, we have geese, robins, crows, but once I saw little ducklings crossing the loop at our ER entrance in the rain. Yes, I made sure to get them to safety.

Thank you, Susan, for your submission!

Youth trained as swim leaders in IERHA

Photo on the left: Lifeguard training with Lily Nilsson, Lily McDermid, Makenna Nilsson, Eva Buhay. Photo credit: Lynn Kolba, Instructor Trainer

Lifeguards play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of swimmers of all ages. Due to the pandemic, there has been a shortage of opportunities for lifeguards and swim instructors to maintain their certification and for new leaders to be trained. To address this need in the region, Interlake-Eastern RHA invested in a pilot program to train youth leaders. 

To address the financial barriers that may be experienced in accessing training, IERHA Healthy Together Now (HTN) funds were dedicated to the Swim Leader Training Bursary. This training program was also made possible with the partnership with the Selkirk Community Pool as the training site and with the leadership of the Lifesaving Society of Manitoba. Everyone that took part in the program completed their training in April.


The pilot program also included a return of service to community pool facilities and lakefronts offering learn to swim programs. 

“We’re excited about the connections and opportunities the new youth leaders now have in community to share their knowledge,” says Shannon Montgomery, director of health services; public health & wellness. “Empowering youth with lifeguard and swim instructor training is a valuable investment for safety and overall community well-being. Youth leaders can serve as potential role models, help educate their peers, and contribute to the overall safety of community water facilities.” 

Read more.

Spring is in full bloom!

Zack Liebzeit, Maryanne Shipley, Libby Crust and Kelley Liebzeit planted beautiful flowers.

Ruth Monych and Sherrill Thompson took a break with resident Jean Martel, a former member of the Agassiz Garden Club.

Members from the Agassiz Garden Club were very helpful and thoughtful planting flowers for the residents in the courtyard at Lac du Bonnet Personal Care Home.

Thank you to Debra Bilawka, recreation coordinator at Lac du Bonnet Personal Care Home, for this submission.

Flowers are in bloom at Selkirk Regional Health Centre.

Do you have plants growing in your garden that are also feeding your soul? Feel free to send us your photos to for possible publication in an upcoming edition of the Wave.

Safe Work Awards: Contest open to June 28

Each year, SAFE Work Manitoba recognizes Manitoba individuals, safety and health committees, and companies/organizations that demonstrate a strong commitment to the health and safety of their workers. ​

Submission criteria​:

Awards are given in three categories: SAFEty Culture Award, Worker SAFEty Award, and SAFEty and Health Committee Award. Applicants are required to complete an online nomination form that outlines how the nominee has fulfilled the requirements of the nomination category. 

Judges base their decision on the nomination form, as well as our compliance criteria. Please review the compliance criteria to make sure your nominee is eligible.   

The contest closing date is June 28​ at 4 p.m.​ Learn more.

What is Interlake Eastern Health Foundation?

The idea of a foundation for IERHA started around 2013 with the goal of creating a culture of philanthropy in the region. There was a need to capture centrally the donations that were being received, ensure donor stewardship and identify opportunities to raise additional funds to meet the needs of the communities that we serve.

The Interlake Eastern Health Foundation was formalized with Canada Revenue Agency in May 2015 and one month later held the inaugural board meeting to approve a board of directors, organizational bylaws and policies. 

In June 2018, the first ever endowment fund was signed and the foundation started to grow.

Today, the foundation is governed by a volunteer board of directors and the operations are led by the executive director.

The IEHF is dedicated to advancing the health and well-being of our community through collaboration with stakeholders to foster innovative solutions.

We do this by working in partnership with IERHA staff, community partners, donors and others to find solutions to meet the needs of our communities. 

Thank you to executive director Averill Stephenson for sharing this info.

In the news

Interlake Community Foundation presented a cheque to IERHA from the Stonewall & District Health Centre Foundation and Rosewood Fund at its recent AGM.

Read more in the Stonewall Teulon Tribune.

Submit a Chair's Award nomination

Do you know a staff member who deserves recognition for going above and beyond?


Nominations are now open for IERHA's Chair's Award for Excellence in Customer Service. The award aims to recognize Interlake-Eastern RHA staff members who repeatedly go above and beyond to reflect our vision, mission and values.


Nominees will be evaluated by a committee composed of representatives from Interlake-Eastern RHA’s board of directors and staff. Our board chair will present this award to a deserving staff member.


The nomination deadline is Friday, June 28.


Click here to see the award criteria and for a fillable nomination from.

ASIST: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training


June 13 and 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Selkirk Regional Health Centre.


Participants must attend the two full days to receive certificate of completion.

Learn more. 

TREKK Virtual Education Sessions


U of M and TREKK are providing free virtual outreach sessions for health professionals seeking education and tools for assessing and treating pediatric emergencies in the general ED.


June 19: Multisystem Trauma – led by Dr. Karen Gripp. Register here. For questions, contact


Click here to see a poster.

Staff Wellness and Health Booster Session

Live Session: Tuesday, June 18, 12 p.m.

The presentation will look at health and wellness resources available in the Mental Health & Addictions, Shared Health Library.

Learn more.

IERHA has partnered with Marks. Click here to learn more.

Writing without excluding:

Inclusivity in the French language

How can we adapt an inherently gendered language — French — so everyone can find their place in it? This is a crucial question when it comes to any bilingual, public-facing messaging. Read more.

For more info and tips on how to write more inclusively in both official languages, visit these sites from

  • Want to write more inclusively in English or French? Looking for inclusive writing principles and techniques to help you do just that? You can now access the Guidelines for Inclusive Writing on the Language Portal of Canada!


Translation services: When submitting translation requests, please let us know of any particular language needs or target audiences that the translator should consider. 

Some examples include, plain language; gender neutral; intended for the elderly, youth, newcomers, etc. The more context we can provide to our translation services, the better they will be able to produce a quality text that meets the needs of the intended audience. 

For more information on submitting translation requests, visit Lost in Translation FAQs or email Providing health information and other public facing documents in both official languages is one of the key components to providing the Active Offer

Indigenous musicians you need to hear

Looking for a playlist for National Indigenous History Month? CBC compiled a list of eight Indigenous artists you need to know in 2024 — including one from close to home. Whether you're a fan of breezy folk music, cathartic pop, electrifying hip-hop or soulful R&B, these emerging musicians should be on your radar. Read more.

We're looking for your

story ideas!

Send your submission of 250 words or less to by Friday and we'll work to get your story into the next issue.

We're taking a break from publishing editions in weeks following statutory holidays.

There will be no issue of the Wednesday Wave published on July 3.