Your monthly update on resources and events to support the well-being of people in your congregation and community.
December 2019
New resources available
Danielle J. Buhuro, CPE Supervisor at Advocate Aurora South Suburban and Trinity hospitals, Chicago, wrote “Spiritual Care in an Age of #BlackLivesMatter: Examining the Spiritual and Prophetic Needs of African Americans in a Violent America.” Rochelle Johnson, Faith and Mental Health Program Specialist for Advocate Health Care, contributed to the book.

Intended for anyone in academia or the helping professions, this comprehensive work benefits those seeking to provide spiritual care to African American hospital patients, counseling clients, church congregants and parishioners, military veterans, or returning service members. 
Rev. Kirsten Peachey, Director of Faith and Health Partnerships for Advocate Aurora Health, and Co-Director for the Center for Faith and Community Health Transformation, recently co-authored "Generative Leadership: Releasing Life in a Turbulent World,"which is the fruit of 18 months of intensive, lively collaboration by 23 people from seven countries on five continents.
Wishing you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
Faith and Health Partnerships | AdvocateAuroraHealth

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