Take the opportunity to come and refresh your spirit.

Welcome to our new e-newsletter! We hope you enjoy this design now friendly on all devices, making your virtual visit with us easy and relaxing.

Look around, see what's coming up. Let the photos recall your Maryholme memories or prompt you to book a visit soon.

Wishing you every blessing in 2018
from all of us at Loretto Maryholme.
Events for Winter 2018
February 6-9, 2018
3-Day Silent Retreats
February 6-8, March 6-8, April 10-12, May 8-10
Take time to receive the gifts of silence waiting for you. Accommodation, meals, and spiritual direction are offered as part of these days.
February 15, 2018
Men's Book Club is starting to discuss a new book on Thursday, Feb. 15th from 9am-noon. New members are welcome to join. Some copies of "Field of Compassion" are available for sale in the office. Meetings are generally each month. No charge; donation appreciated. 
February 21, 28, March 7, 14, 21, 2018
Lenten Breakfasts Wednesdays
Simple breakfast, a reflection, and a time of prayer and sharing. No registration needed. Donation to Food Pantry appreciated.
May 4 - May 6, 2018
Reconnecting with Earth and Self: A Writing and Ritual Retreat
Join us for a fun, creative, beautiful and deeply inspiring writing weekend.
Facilitator: Brenda Peddigrew rsm
Visit Our Sacred Space
Winter's breath descends on Cook's Bay
and the light of the setting sun
reminds us that this special season
is a gift in itself -
a time to settle in,
a time to remember what is important,
and a time to consider the possibilities of the days ahead...
Come for "me" time in this sacred space. Rest, reflect and re-focus in an atmosphere of beauty, peace and solitude.
Corporate, staff and organization groups are welcome for weekday retreats of envisioning, reflection & planning.
Winter Solstice 2017 - A beautiful night to remember: a glowing fireplace, profound contemplation, a walk in the woods by moonlight, a meaningful journey through the labyrinth, and hot cider & finger foods shared together.
During the month of January, we celebrate Mary Ward, founder of the Loretto Sisters (IBVM, CJ), as the bold and courageous history maker who lived more 'outside the walls' than within, encouraging women to authenticity, dignity, strength, virture, compassion and joy.
"The true children of this company
shall accustom themselves to act,
not out of fear but soley from love,
because they are called by God to a vocation of love."

Mary Ward
Find your centre at our Centre... Come and see...
"We exist solely for this -
to be the place God has chosen for God's presence in the world. If we recognize, humbly but truly, the real value of our own self, we would see this as the sign of God in our being, the signature of God upon our being."
Thomas Merton

"The inspiration you seek
is already within you.
Be silent and listen."

"The soul requires
inward restfulness
to attain its full height."
Mahatma Ghandi

Box 1131, 379A Bouchier Street
Roches Point, ON Canada L0E 1P0
Tel. 905-476-4013

© Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre 2018
Office Hours:
Weekdays 9am-noon
Afternoons by chance