Autumn 2021 Issue
Personal Practice as Ongoing
Transformative Research
by Jill Robinson, ITP practitioner and ITPI team member
Integral Transformative Practice can be visualized as a four-legged stool, with each sturdy leg representing a core value of ITP: theory, practice, community and research. While there is an abundance of resources on the theory guiding ITP, the “research” component can sometimes be overlooked.
Recent Scientific Research within ITP and What Has Emerged
ITP President, Pam Kramer, joins in conversation with researchers Josh Brahinsky and Michael Lifshitz to talk about their recent research with ITP, interesting questions that have emerged and what comes next.
From a Pioneering Class Experiment to a Dedicated Path of Practice
ITP Mastery teacher Charlotte Hatch participated in the first experimental class in 1992. She shares what it was like to be a part of a pioneering program and how this experience has carried over into her current, daily practice after nearly three decades.
Extraordinary Capacities in the
ITP Community
ITP Kansas group leader Cherri Harper has consistently focused on preventing osteoporosis, but when tests showed a sudden loss in bone density, she created an affirmation, “I care for others AND I care for myself.” Cherri was determined to increase her bone density, despite her physical therapist telling her it wasn't possible. Since the first test 5 years ago, Cherri has increased her bone density, not only once but twice in recent years. Here is her story.