Volume 01|  January 31, 2017
Your monthly news & updates
Don't call me a trainer, I'm so much more'.....My workouts are better than yours!

Hello everyone. It's Ivette Brown. I started this newsletter as a platform to share resources of all things Health, Nutrition, Fitness, Dance,Exercise, Food, Inspiration, Beauty, Education, Fashion, Entertainment.
I hope you enjoy.

Upcoming Events
Upcoming classes for February 2017...

12 week classes

Chair Pilates
Zumba Sentao

Dance Programs

Health Programs
Cool Kids Cook
Brownie Wellness Walkers

Snapshop Videos
What's next...upcoming events
Different sections of topics including:

Muscle of the month:
Strengthening your core
Trending topics
Recipe of the month 
Monthly Workshops 

Check us out on social media:
Visit our blog for tips and tricks to staying healthy.


Ivette Brown | Bodies By Brownie Wellness  | 347-675-4200 | 862-444-0368 | ivette@browniewellness.com | www.browniewellness.com