JULY 2018
Welcome to Our New Headquarters!
Note from the Director

What a difference a day makes. Well, let's be honest, days and days and days of planning and preparation, followed by one pivotal day - MOVE DAY - when everything starts afresh in a new space. For us, that day was July 16. 

From left: Jerod, Missy, Assyl (Chemistry Intern), Hailey (Archaeology Intern), Caitlin (Archaeology Intern), Brenda, Vicky, Charles, Amanda and Mario (our IT guru) standing in front of the moving van.

We buckled everything we own down tight...

And moved cross country ... 3 whole miles ... to the former Border Patrol trailer we've been fixing up right on Hwy 90. 

We are just west of the Comstock Post Office and just south of the J&P Bar and Grill. (Yes, we're all going to gain 10 lbs. because of the proximity of the best burgers in Texas.)

We're here! Come and see us!

This is a really big deal for us. We were bursting at the seams in our small "office" house on Sanderson Street. Here we have room to work and room to grow. What's more, our old office will now turn back into a guest house, which means more room for interns and visiting scholars!

More pictures of our new digs are below, but please come see for yourself! We would love to show you in person! 

I'd like to offer a very special thank you to all who donated toward the renovation of this space. You made this possible and we could not be more grateful.

All the very best,

High Praise from the Getty and its "Art on the Rocks" Colloquium of International  Rock Art Scholars

Shumla was honored to host the "Art on the Rocks" Colloquium organized by the Getty Conservation Institute at the end of last month. 

The event was covered by Karen Gleason of the Del Rio News Herald. The content in this article is excerpted from her fantastic coverage published on July 5, 2018. 

Rock art scholars and conservators from around the world visited major rock art sites in central Val Verde County Friday and Saturday, terming them "fantastic" and praising the ongoing work of the Shumla Archeological Research and Education Center.
"I didn't expect so many paintings, the quantity and the quality," said Pilar Fatás Monforte, who is director of the National Museum and Research Center of Altamira in Altamira, Spain, the site of some of Europe's oldest and best-known cave paintings.

The conference began at the Getty Institute on June 23 and included visits to several rock art sites in California. This was the third such conference organized by the Getty. The first conference was held in the Kakadu National Park in Australia in 2015, and the second was held in Namibia in 2017.
Thomas McClintock, of the Getty Conservation Institute, said the Getty has about 30 years of experience in promoting rock art preservation, noting the institute has published a paper titled, "Rock Art, A Cultural Treasure at Risk."
(Click here to open a PDF of this document)
"That was sort of the foundational document for what we are doing now. That document sets out four pillars for effective preservation, incorporating all of the values of rock art. What we're doing here is discussing among a group of experts how best to promote the values of rock art to the public," McClintock said in Del Rio Sunday.
He said he believed the power of the assembled group lay in its diversity and in the backgrounds and expertise of those attending.

Dr. Carolyn Boyd, who joined the scholars as a colloquium member in L.A. and then led the group in their tours of the Lower Pecos said she was happy to show off the White Shaman Panel and the other local rock art sites.
"I was really, really honored to have the opportunity to share with them, these incredible scholars from all over the world, the precious rock art that we have here," Boyd said. "It's been really spectacular to introduce them, because for most of them, it's their first time to see the rock art here."

McClintock said the work being done by Shumla exemplifies a range of best practices. 

"Everybody is just so impressed by their methods, their scope, their approach, their leadership, the enthusiasm, their educational element, their outreach and community involvement. There are just so many elements that are synthesized in Shumla," McClintock said.

You can imagine how proud and gratified we are by such an endorsement of our work by the highest authority in art and artifact conservation - The Getty! But we don't have time to get a big head, we've got work to do! 

Click here to check out the full article!
What you've been waiting for...

Archaeologists Work Room - Look at all the space!

Equipment Room - Look at all the space!

Dr. Karen Steelman's Office - sensing a trend...? Look at all that space!

Brenda Norman's Office

Our Cozy Kitchen

The Plasma Oxidation and Chemistry Laboratory

Super Computer Processing Work Room

We are so grateful to those who gave money to help us to prepare this space to be our comfortable, spacious and functional office space. We've created a plaque to hang in the building to honor you. 


Great Article in San Antonio's Rivard Report

Robert Rivard and his wife Monika Maekle visited Shumla and the Lower Pecos rock art with a group of folks from San Antonio invited by Shumla Board Member Kay Watt. He wrote this fantastic article for his locally famous Rivard Report about his experience and the work Shumla's doing. Check it out!

Thank you, Robert!

Sometimes it's hard to admit when you need help... 
But we do!
Will you support us?

Our greatest need is the money to fund our preservation and education programming and operations. Donate to Shumla here!

Make Shumla your benefiting charity on AmazonSmile  and  Shumla will receive .5% of your purchase amount at no extra cost to you! 

Visit Shumla's Amazon Wish List  to make our wishes come true. 

Thank you!

The land, the art, the team, the mission. 

Shumla in Action
Watch Shumla in action.

Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center 
P.O. Box 627, Comstock, TX 78837 USA
enews@shumla.org    432-292-4848     www.shumla.org 
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