Your Weekly E-Newsletter Thursday, July 15, 2021

July 17 and 18, 2021
Check out these upcoming events ....
Outdoor Movie Night
Calvary's Backyard
THIS Friday, July 16, 7:15 p.m.
(If it rains, event will be cancelled)

We have a NEW 20 ft. BIG SCREEN for the outdoor movies. Bring a lawn chair or blanket, and snacks and join us for some time together enjoying a movie under the stars.

Jamie Foxx leads an all-star cast in this hilarious, heart-filled adventure. Pixar's SOUL (PG) introduces Joe, who lands the gig of his life at the best jazz club in town.

But one misstep lands Joe in a fantastical place: The Great Before. There, he teams up with "soul 22" (Tina Fey), and together they find the answers to some of life's biggest questions.

Enjoy an evening of music outdoors
Brookfield Civic Plaza Concert Series
Wednesday, July 28 at 6:30 p.m.
Performing: North Coast Orchestra
Bring your own chair, beverage and snacks. We will not have a special area set aside ... just look for a familiar face or two. No sign up is needed - you just need to show up.

Bring a friend or two - all are welcome to join us!

North Coast Orchestra plays a wide variety of styles and is sure to entertain a diverse range of audiences. Members of the group have performed and toured with such noted artists as The Temptations, Frank Sinatra Jr., Dennis DeYoung, Natalie Cole, Kenny Rogers and scores of others. They made their first appearance in 2012 at Summerfest and have been a #1 wedding band pick for years.
Calvary Group Trip to
Oberammergau & Austria
September 17-27, 2022
Worship Attendance - July 10 & 11, 2021
Our Church Family
Alexis Peters, 7/15
Austin Rooks, 7/18
Tom Springer, 7/18
Robert Zimmerman, 7/19
Jeanette Ketelsen, 7/20
Lindsey Peters, 7/21
Sandie Rupnick, 7/21
Bill Clayton, 7/22
Emily Berger, 7/23
Barb Snyder, 7/23
Scott Grossman, 7/25
Helga Miedtke, 7/25
Marty Altmin, 7/26
Joel Douglas, 7/28
Chuck Giuliani, 7/29
Melissa Griese, 7/29
Harriet Polzin, 7/30
Megan Schatz, 7/30

Wayne and Bonnie Johnson, 7/15 (32 years)
Tom and Pat Kurtz, 7/18 (57 years)
Scott and Peggy Langelin, 7/18 (40 years)
Jerry and Nancy Wittmus, 7/18 (34 years)
Cable and Sarah Gall, 7/29 (15 years)
Keith and Karen Pierce, 7/30 (33 years)
Darrel and Shirley Schwenn, 7/31 (67 years)
New prayer request: Caryl Braatz and Randy Wizner

Ongoing short-term prayer requests: Megan Schatz; Mary Smith; Ginny Cox; Miranda (granddaughter of Judy Debruine); Dennis (brother of Leah Morris); Pamela Scott (mother of Megan Sayas) ; Morgan (cousin of Alex Baumgarten); Delores Seel (mother of Keith Pierce); John Nielson (brother of Judy Kestly); Dave DeBruine (son of Judy DeBruine)

Serving in the Military: Dan Berger (serving in the U.S. Marines); Kevin Butler (son of Heidi Powers, serving in the U.S. Army); Ben DeYoung (son-in-law of George and Kay Sedivec, serving in the U.S. Air Force); Alex Olson (U.S. Air Force, grandchild of Ardath Olson); Kyle Pierce (son of Karen and Keith Pierce, serving in the U.S. Army); Karmen Thomas (friend of Tony and Krista Dentice serving in the U.S. Army); Nicole Wahlgren (serving in the U.S. Army National Guard); all military chaplains; and all veterans suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
For All Men and Women Serving: Police Officers, Firefighters, Health Care workers and First Responders.   

Serving in the mission field: Our NALC missionaries and missionaries everywhere bringing the gospel to the ends of the Earth.

Long-term prayer list: Calvary members Diane Foley; Don Heyen; Bill Jordan; Jeanette Ketelsen; Shirley Mahn; Nadine Schuelke; Marge Skarie; Lowell Sonderman; Donna Polizzi; and Janet Zastrow.

Non-membersNancy Myers (friend of Judy Sayas); Mark Sturms (cousin of Cindy Zilske); Paige Yeager (friend of Sallie Schulz's family); Shirl Gordon (friend of Cindy Rooks); Debbie and Jens Douglas (sister-in-law of Lynnae Douglas); Rose Luther (friend of Nicole Moritz); Judy Grospitz; Jan Janchan (friend of Jonni Roush); Monica Barchus (niece of Ernie Kretschmann); Michael Rossa (Lucy Dallman's son); Karen (friend of Lydia Trudell)

If you have any new prayer requests, please contact the church office at 262.786.4010 or via email to
Faith Formation
Volunteers are vital to providing a safe and fun environment for children and students at VBS. Without enough of them, VBS can't happen.

Please consider volunteering this year! Contact Kyle Jones if you need more information.
July 26-30, 2021
9:00 a.m. - Noon

Children and students three years old (and potty trained) to 5th grade are invited to join us for a fun-filled week of learning and discovering God's love for us in Jesus through Bible stories, music, games, crafts, and more! The cost is $20/child.

Space is limited so click the button above to sign up today!
Free Devotional Books
Are you looking for a little something to start your day? Or perhaps a little inspiration to read before you turn out the light at night?

The following free devotional booklets are available for you on the kiosks in the Narthex.

"Portals of Prayer"
"Christ in Our Home"
"Connections - Connecting with God's Word"

Music Ministry
Thank you to our musicians this weekend:
Psallite Choir

REMINDER: The Psallite Choir will rehearse on Sunday mornings following the 9 a.m. service, resuming on July 18th, and continuing throughout the summer months.
"Camp Joyful Noise"
Summer Music Camp
Open to children ages 6-12
July 26-30
12:30 - 2:30 p.m. (After Vacation Bible School)

Children attending the music camp will need to pack a lunch since they will be staying at church during the lunch hour (following VBS).

Kids will learn basic concepts of music literacy, play games that reinforce these concepts, as well as learn and present a mini-musical, “The Story of Jonah” (or it might be the story of the prophetess “Joan” depending on who can carry the title role!) told with fun music, sound effects, and Dad jokes!

Please register before July 15 if you wish your child to attend - click the blue button above to sign up.
General Information
Thank you!

A special thank you to everyone who donated water for our hospitality tent at the City of Brookfield's Independence Day Parade.
Free Baldwin Piano

We have a 30-year old Baldwin upright piano available for anyone who would like it. It is on wheels so it can be easily moved (at your expense). It does need to be tuned.

If you're interested and have questions, please contact Nicole Moritz at
Free Miracle Ear hearing aids
The family of the late Ed Marshall has reached out to us to offer "nearly new" Miracle Ear hearing aids to anyone in the congregation who could use them. The Miracle Ear location in Brookfield (15060 W. Greenfield Ave., Suite 110) advised that the recipient can come to the store for a free hearing test and fitting. They have been cleaned and are ready to be used.

Please contact the church office at 262.786.4010 if you're interested.
Women's Ministry
Women of the NALC Retreat
September 24-26, 2021

Green Lake Conference Center
Green Lake, WI

You're invited to join Marcella Nelson and women from across the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) for a weekend retreat. The speaker will be Jenny Brockman from the NALC Missions office.

Sign up sheets and brochures are on the glass doors in the Narthex. Questions can be directed to Marcella Nelson at (701) 833-8157 or email at
Calvary members participated in the 2019 Women's Retreat.
Green Lake Conference Center provides a beautiful and relaxing location for the Retreat.
Men's Ministry
Weekly Men's Breakfast Wednesdays at 7 a.m.
Maxim's Restaurant
18025 W. Capitol Drive

The restaurant seating has been reconfigured in compliance with social distancing requirements.

All men are invited to attend!
Monthly Men's Gathering
Thursday, July 22, 6:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall

Come for fellowship, food and devotion time. Dinner will be provided. Invite a friend. Social distancing will be respected and practiced.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Ernie Kretschmann at
July Mission of the Month & Community Outreach
a Greenhouse for People on 26th and Capitol

Hope Street Ministry helps broken men, women and children cultivate hope and provides protection from the outside elements, and most importantly, supports growth together in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Hope Street Ministry is home to about 40 men, women and children whose lives have been profoundly affected by the toxic environment they grew up in, their own poor choices, or drug and alcohol abuse.

Empowered by the active Grace of Christ, the staff, volunteers, and members create a nurturing community for people to live, learn and develop new habits to flourish.

Their programs include:

  • Integrative Wellness: Improving diet, sleep, exercise and managing stress 
  • Addiction support with AODA counselors and group work
  • Forgiveness 
  • Education with GED assessment and tutoring
  • Family Dynamics - relational boundaries and parenting skills
  • Life Skills and Job Preparedness
  • Healing from Trauma-including sexual abuse

A representative from Hope Street Ministry will be with us during worship on July 10-11 to provide more information about this important local ministry.

To support this important Mission of the Month, you may include it in your weekly offering envelope or designate the donation as "Mission of the Month" in your online giving.
It's that time of year! Start watching for those school supplies as we get ready to stuff backpacks for NALC Disaster Relief. See the "Kit Packing List" for the needed supplies - extra printed copies are available in the Narthex. There is also a tub with empty backpacks that can be taken and filled with the supplies.

Health Care Kits are also being collected and those supplies are also listed.

Please return filled backpacks to the Narthex no later than September 1st.
NALC Disaster Response School Supply & Health Kit Collections
A few reminders ....
Sanctuary Flowers
We invite you to sign up for flowers to beautify our altar each weekend. The sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex.

Flowers are $35 and you may take them home following the 9:00 am worship on Sunday morning. If you'd prefer, you can leave the flowers at church to be enjoyed by the office staff.
Facing tough times? Need a Christian Friend?
Stephen Ministry is here to help. Free, just like God's love.
Stephen Ministers are congregation members trained by Stephen Leaders to offer high-quality, one-to-one Christian care to people going through tough times. A Stephen Minister usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour. 

If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this important ministry, please contact Scott or Peggy Langelin at 262.853.0018.

Can't make it to worship? We are live streaming the 9:00 a.m. service on Sunday mornings, and it's almost like you're with us in person.

You can access it at any time from the home page of our website (, or by using the link below. You'll also receive a link on Sunday mornings via email.
The right side of the Sanctuary (as you face the altar) is equipped with a hearing loop system which transmits an audio signal directly into a hearing aid via a magnetic field. This greatly reduces background noise, competing sounds, reverberation and other acoustic distortions that reduce clarity of sound.

Most hearing aids are equipped with a t-coil and connecting to this system is an easy switch on the hearing aid. If you need assistance during worship with this system, please reach out to an usher or any staff member.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until noon. The door that is closest to the office (NW corner) will be open during those hours.

Please check in with the office staff so we know you are in the building.

The office phone number is (262) 786-4010. Feel free to leave a message if you call after hours and we will contact you the next day.