Strengthening American Capacity for Effective Engagement

Issue No. #244 | February, 10 2023

俗语 from Xi Jinping

救死扶伤 jiùsǐfúshāng

Definition: to help the dying and heal the injured

Original: 习近平指出,中国人民热爱和平、珍视生命,援外医疗就是生动的体现。希望你们不忘初心、牢记使命,大力弘扬不畏艰苦、甘于奉献、救死扶伤、大爱无疆的中国医疗队精神,以仁心仁术造福当地人民,以实际行动讲好中国故事,为推动构建人类卫生健康共同体作出更大贡献。

Source: Xi Jinping wrote a letter on Feb 9 extolling Chinese medical workers in the Central African Republic for their work on overcoming difficulties, saving lives, and extending China's message of friendship to Africa.

Honorable mention chengyu: 仁心仁术 rénxīnrénshù

Definition: benevolent heart and skillful execution (idiom, from Mencius); charitable in thought and deed

Link: 习近平回信勉励援中非中国医疗队队员 以仁心仁术造福当地人民 以实际行动讲好中国故事


Weekly Reading: Peking University Professor Contemplates ChatGPT's Impact on the World

This week’s reading is a thought piece titled chatGPT是一种新型社会经济空间. It was written by Dou Erxiang, a professor in the school of Software and Microelectronics at Peking University.

We’re highlighting this article because we think it’s useful to keep in mind how recent tech developments might appear from a Chinese perspective. ChatGPT represents a considerable step forward for all AI, but American AI in particular. That is causing some anxiety for Chinese technologists and officials. Sentences like the following might demonstrate the gravity of this event as seen from their perspective. Dou writes that “ChatGPT will become the dominant global force determining socioeconomic trends.” (Original sentence: “ChatGPT将获得全球的社会经济主动权”)

Speaking of AI, here is a link to an audio version of this article created with the AI voice generator Listen2It.


不明白播客 Bù Míngbai Podcast

One of our AMS members, Meaghan, just recommended a great new politics podcast called the Bù Míngbai Podcast. It is really well done and covers many relevant topics.

Check out the most recent episode from Feb 4 with Victor Shih, where they discuss the potential impacts of regional debt on China's economy:

Victor Shih:地方债会拖垮中国经济吗?

Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts

Job Opportunities

Multiple China Job Openings at the Rhodium Group

The Rhodium Group has recently (in the last 24 hours) posted two openings:

  1. Data Manager - China Data Services
  2. Senior Research Analyst - China Data Services

This is a great company at which to use your China chops. Check out these and other openings on their career page!

Rhodium Careers Page
landing page of chineseforprofessionals website

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Course Website

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