I had the honor of attending the AMTA National Board of Director's Meeting in Tampa, FL on June 11
th and came away from the meeting excited about the changes that are coming our way - restructuring the chapter board of directors, the HUB, and online chapter elections.
Restructuring the chapter board of directors
Currently our board consists of a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Secretary. To create consistency between chapters, beginning March first 2017, all chapter boards will consist of a President, a Secretary, a Financial Administrator, and two Board Members.
The HUB, your volunteer connection
The other exciting change National announced is that the new HUB is ready for use. The HUB has replaced the Intranet, our online volunteer connection. This is a volunteer resource to help volunteers excel at their jobs through videos, files, forums, and a whole lot more.
Online elections
Standing rules that have to do with election procedures must be approved by chapter members, not just the chapter board as with other standing rules. During the break between classes on Saturday at our September chapter meeting, we will ask you, the professional member, to vote to hold chapter elections on line beginning in February 2017, much like national holds its elections. By moving our election process online, we feel more members will be able to participate, giving more professional members the option to cast their vote, especially those who could not otherwise attend our annual meeting and vote in person. By moving to online voting we will hold the actual voting process several weeks before the annual meeting so the time spent on the membership meeting will be minimal and make for a much shorter day all the way around! But you must be present on September 10
th to vote on this matter and have your opinion count.