Province sets targets that could significantly expand application of Housing Supply Act

In their most recent Service Plan, the Ministry of Housing has indicated that cumulative targets for “specified municipalities assigned housing targets” will increase to 68-80 municipalities by 2026/27. When the Housing Supply Act was originally enacted, the Province indicated that it would be applied to set housing targets in municipalities with the greatest need and highest projected growth. The increase of communities required to meet targets represents a significant expansion in the scope of the initiative.

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Tracking the impact of the new economy on local government finance

UBCM is working with the provincial government to monitor the impacts of BC’s evolving economy on local government finance. The initiative is part of the work being undertaken by the Local Government Finance Review Working Group, which has been tasked with studying the cost pressures and risks facing local governments. The Working Group has developed a set of key indicators that show how BC’s economic shift from a manufacturing to an online, service-based economy affects the property tax base and revenues and is sharing this information with local governments.

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Opportunities for input

Feedback requested on

Encampment Response Partner Resource Guide

The Ministry of Housing’s Engagement and Encampment Response Branch is seeking feedback on their Encampment Response Partner Resource Guide. Local governments and partners are invited to review the draft and share feedback with the Ministry by June 17, 2024. 

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ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund

The ChildCareBC New Spaces fund intake is now open until August 2, 2024. Policy changes for 2024 include two new grant streams. The major and minor capital project streams replace the previous New Spaces Fund primary stream and school-age care on school grounds stream. More information is on the provincial government website.

Resolutions submission deadline: June 15

The deadline to have resolutions submitted for the UBCM Convention is June 15, 2024. This is two weeks earlier than the previous June 30 deadline. An Extraordinary Resolution was passed at 2023 Convention to permanently move up the deadline by two weeks. The full resolutions process is outlined on our website.

Copyright, Union of British Columbia Municipalities 2024

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