Changes in the PRL: How To Report Electronically

What is the Pesticide Reporting Law (PRL)?

Environmental Conservation Law Article 33, Title 12 is also known as the Pesticide Reporting Law (PRL). The PRL was enacted in 1996 and requires Certified Commercial Pesticide Applicators, Certified Commercial Pesticide Technicians, Aquatic Anti-Fouling Paint Applicators, and Commercial Permittees (including Importers, Manufacturers, and Compounders) to submit annual reports detailing pesticide activities for the prior calendar year. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is responsible for implementing the data collection portion of this law.

Amendments to the PRL Now Require Electronic Reporting

A 2022 amendment to the law requires all PRL annual reports due February 1, 2024 and thereafter to be reported in an electronic format developed or accepted by the DEC.

How to Comply with the Changes in the PRL

To assist reporters who have never reported electronically before, DEC has developed a series of PRL videos that give step-by-step instructions on how to navigate the reporting website and how to download or install DEC’s free reporting options.

  • DEC is no longer able to accept PDFs, scans, images, and printed spreadsheets since these are not considered to be acceptable electronic formats.

Start watching the how-to videos!

  1. Who Must Report? And How to Report You Made No Applications or Sales.
  2. 2a. Which Forms Must Applicators Submit?
  3. 2b. Which Forms Must Commercial Permit Holders Submit?
  4. Which Reporting Option is Right for You?
  5. Option A User Guide
  6. Option D. Installation Package User Guide
  7. Option D and O. Spreadsheets User Guide

For additional information regarding the PRL, please contact the DEC’s Pesticide Reporting and Certification Section at 518-402-8748 or