Sustainable Change Begins with EDUCATION
Change Makers of Tomorrow

You are looking at Kenya's future leaders; its teachers and social workers; its inventors and problem solvers.

Caleb and Esther are among the 'lucky' thirteen of KSHP's 2018 scholarship recipients. Thanks to sponsors, their education in national schools paves the way for each one to build strong, purpose-filled lives that can reshape their rural communities.

Since 2006, KSHP sponsors have assisted over 200 young scholars to gain high school education. Over 90% earn tuition-free university and careers that are re-writing the future of Kendu Bay communities.

KSHP helps  high-achieving impoverished students get the education they need to become the change makers of tomorrow.

Join us to empower those who will lead the way.   

Kenya Self-Help Project| 802.863.5948 | K SHP @comcas |