March 11, 2024

In This Communication:

Change Healthcare Attack Update

CMS Statement on Continued Action to Respond to Attack - Medicare Part B

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced on Saturday, March 9th that, in addition to considering applications for accelerated payments for Medicare Part A providers, they will also be considering applications for advance payments for Part B suppliers, offering emergency funding to physicians, physical therapists, and other professionals that provide outpatient health care.


As announced previously, CMS directed their Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) to expedite actions needed for providers and suppliers to change the clearinghouse they use and to accept paper claims if providers need to use that method. CMS will continue to respond to provider and supplier inquiries regarding MAC processes. 

CMS also recognizes that many Medicaid providers are deeply affected by the impact of the cyber-attack. They continue to work closely with States and are urging Medicaid managed care plans to make prospective payments to impacted providers, as well.

All MACs will provide public information on how to submit a request for a Medicare accelerated or advance payment on their websites as early as Saturday, March 9.  

All affected providers should reach out to health plans and other payers for assistance with the disruption. CMS has encouraged Medicare Advantage (MA) organizations to offer advance funding to providers affected by this cyber-attack. The rules governing CMS’s payments to MA organizations and Part D sponsors remain unchanged. Please note that nothing in this statement speaks to the arrangements between MA organizations or Part D sponsors and their contracted providers or facilities. 

For more information view the Fact Sheet:

The information contained herein is solely informational, planned in accordance for a diverse membership audience. This communication reflects news and announcements that have been made available to MSD and is not intended to exclude other pertinent material. The content published is proposed to represent facts of interest and provide awareness to the members. MSD reserves the right to determine what information is relevant to its membership.

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